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311 topics in this forum
Keeping the faith...just
by DRAD3- 3 replies
Hi all I had written to my MP to ask him to attend the APPG on pancreatic cancer on 19th November and received a one liner letter saying he would try to "pop along". Not satisfied with that, I popped along to his surgery on Saturday morning to ask him face-to-face. I could have cried with the disappointment at his total lack of interest! He did remember my letter but immediately said he could no longer go as the party leader had asked him to go to Rotherham to help in a local by-election. He did allow me to give him some information and to talk about some of the issues and how important raising awareness about PC was. I was dumbfounded when he said the problem lay …
contact a member
by dmc236- 2 replies
hi everyone,is there any way of direct messaging a member please? i am worried about someone on the forums as she hasnt posted for some time and just hopefull she remains in good health? thank you
My Mm Has PC in the head of the pancreas
by dorabcoelho- 2 replies
First of all I think if a person has diabetes and had any kind of cancer in the past she/he must be careful! My mum had breast cancer 11 years ago, her diabetes very difficult to control. It all started in July last 2007. She started losing weight, but because she had taken some kind of tea ( I don't know if I am allowed to say the name of the tea on this website) to help her to loose weight she didn't really think she was ill. At the same time mum used to complaint about gases. She went to many doctors but she was never disgnosed . Mum lost weiht very quickly and in March she started having dihorrea; again she was misdiagnosid. They said she had intestinal disease. …
new to this 1 2 3
by susikus- 73 replies
Hello, I have been reading all your posts on this forum and found them very interesting and amazingly helpful. Thank you. Here is our story: My husband was diagnosed with inoperable pc just over 2 weeks ago. He is 58, a strong, fit man who never takes a day off work. About the beginning of July he had noticed a change in bowel habit, thought he was a bit constipated, took some senna. He then wasn't constipated but had a bit of central abdo pain and wasn't right. So he took himself to the doctor (mainly because I said he should - that change in bowel habit for over three weeks is an important sign) where he was diagnosed with constipation and prescribed lactulose. He…
join us in the 'Road of Hope'
by alexandrea- 2 replies
My name is Alexandrea and I lost my grandfather to pancreatic cancer in 2009. He lost his battled after 3 months of being diagnosed with it. It hit our family really hard but also brought us together. Pancreatic cancer is very deadly but not well known. Treatments are very limited and it’s hard to catch pancreatic cancer in its early stages due to its very vague symptoms. My aunt doesn't let his memory die though; we do annual silent auctions to raise money to go to helping finding a cure. This year is our 3rd annual silent auction! Our ‘Road of Hope’ Silent Auction includes a beef and beer style menu, cash bar, a fabulous silent auction, DJ and dancing. Proceeds from…
join us in the 'Road of Hope'
by alexandrea- 0 replies
My name is Alexandrea and I lost my grandfather to pancreatic cancer in 2009. He lost his battled after 3 months of being diagnosed with it. It hit our family really hard but also brought us together. Pancreatic cancer is very deadly but not well known. Treatments are very limited and it’s hard to catch pancreatic cancer in its early stages due to its very vague symptoms. My aunt doesn't let his memory die though; we do annual silent auctions to raise money to go to helping finding a cure. This year is our 3rd annual silent auction! Our ‘Road of Hope’ Silent Auction includes a beef and beer style menu, cash bar, a fabulous silent auction, DJ and dancing. Proceeds from…
spyglass test
by dmc236- 19 replies
has anyone heard of or experienced this test as part of diagnostic tools please? thank you
The Simply Lovely Tea Party
by DRAD3- 2 replies
When my husband Gary died in April, I was humbled at the support and love I received from friends and family, work colleagues, as well as neighbours and even local shopkeepers who knew him. People were shocked and saddened to hear of his diagnosis, being just 45 at the time and at 6 foot 3, a big, strong man who looked so healthy. People just wanted to DO something to show how much they cared, to acknowledge that his courageous struggle had touched them. At his funeral, we raised over £1,000 which we donated to PCUK. In the weeks that followed, people still wanted to show their support and I forwarded money on to PCUK through Gary's website. A close fri…
What To Do Next
by David McColl- 8 replies
Hi There I would like to hear from anyone who can give me advice from personel experience in regards to my P/C. I was diagnosed over a week ago with inoperable P/C after a 3 week stint in the hospital. I was admitted for various diagnostic procedures due to an abdominal mass and jaundice,at first I thought it was Gallstones as I new I had them but was told it was an obstructive mass in the bile duct that had to be removed with a stent inserted to increase the diameter of the duct. When I was discharged I had to attend a follow up appointment with one of the consultants who explained that after the biopsy the mass was a tumour. I generally keep in good health although…
My sister's story - a book with proceeds to PCUK
by SisterKath- 0 replies
Lucy Reynolds received her life changing moment on 13th November 2005 when her partner of 15 years drove their car onto a level crossing. 'My Life Changing Moment' follows the emotions and practicalities that my sister Lucy faced when coming to terms with being widowed by suicide at the age of thirty seven. Sadly less than two years after the book was published Lucy was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and sadly died on 3 April 2012. Her family have decided to donate all proceeds from sales of her book to Pancreatic Cancer UK. Paperback - 112 pages. Book priced at £5 with P&P of £2 for the UK. For further information about Lucy and her book please go to ht…
Jamie at home party
by louiepc- 6 replies
Hi everyone, Last night I held a Jamie at Home at my local cafe. It was a fantastic night, a complete success. 25 people attend, and I charged an entrance fee of £2, which included entry into the raffle. I then sold lots more raffle tickets at £2 each. I started off the evening by giving a short speech of why I'm fundraising, but also trying to raise awareness of the disease, I don't like public speaking and was a bit nervous, but it was fine. The aim for the evening was to have a really fun time, we played some games, plenty of wine (always goes down well), and nice refreshments to buy. The Jamie host kindly donated 20% of her earnings. The Jamie produ…
Firefighting link to PC?
by sarah t- 3 replies
My father has recently been diagnosed with PC, he will be seeing a team next week to discuss prognosis and treatment. He has been a firefighter since the late 70s. One of his long time colleuges had mentioned to me that, in the past few years, 4 long-time firefighters, who were on the same shift for many years with my dad, have past from cancer. They were/are all in their late 50s and early 60's when they were diagnosed. We were wondering if there is some sort of link between the profession in general or even if they were all at one particular fire that triggered it. I am just curious if any forum members or their diagnosed loved ones had been firefighters.
by sarah t- 3 replies
Hi there. My 58 yo dad was diagnosed about a month ago. He had a stent put in about 10 days ago to relieve the jaundice, more specifically the itching, until he meets with a team to discuss treatment options next week. He still seems to be very yellow, and the itching is still getting the better of him. I can't seem to find much information as to when he should feel results from the stenting. Has anyone had a similar experience? Are we expecting results too soon?
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 2 replies
Hi all, I know this may seem like a trivial topic, especially for those of you who are facing treatment, diagnosis etc..., but isn't it just really nice to finally have some sunshine? Let's hope some of our loved ones will be able to enjoy it somewhat, sit in the garden, visit the seaside, etc...It just does one good to see such lovely weather and feel the warmth of the sun on your face, especially after so much rain!! Jeni.
coffee morning - final total
by louiepc- 2 replies
Hi, I held a coffee morning last week, it was an absolute success. I then sold the remainder cake at a toddler group on Friday, the kids sat in the front garden selling to passerbys, and I also sold in church on Sunday. We now have a grand total of £511.28. I cannot believe that people are so generous, I am so happy that I have managed to raise a fantastic amount of money for giving a morning of my time. My next event is on the horizon and I am currently sorting the details out, I will let you know how it goes in a few weeks time. Much love to everyone. Louie xx
fundraising ideas
by louiepc- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I am going on a bit of a fundraising drive at the moment. In less than 2 weeks I am doing a coffee morning in my home, I have the local coffee shop donating coffee cups and their expresso machine for the morning, lots of lovely friends who make cakes professionally are baking for me, and at the mo, I have approx 25 attending. I am really excited about this event. I am also doing a Jamie at home party (Jamie Oliver) with a difference. My friend who is a consultant for Jamie at home, has organised this to be in our local coffee shop, with raffle prizes, and the commission earned will be given to pcuk, she is trying to get JO involved too. Wow, I cann…
ESPAC4 Trial
by Desertmouse- 6 replies
I am seven weeks post Whipples and 48 hours post my first dose of Gemcitabine in the ESPAC4 trial. The Gemcitabine appeared to have no effect on me apart from soreness during the infusion and at the cannulation site. Can anyone further on in the trial tell me if adverse effects get more marked with subsequent doses or can I assume I am one of the lucky ones who will be little affected?
table top sale
by louiepc- 5 replies
Did a table top sale at our local church this morning, I had a donation pot for pc, and have donated half my takings to pc. I am giving pc £40 plus whatever was kindly donated in the jar. I will sell online all that wasn't sold, and will give half of what made to pc again. Louie x
purchasing medications
by dmc236- 1 reply
i have noticed a couple of posts i hope the moderaters will remove very quickly!!! purchasing non prescribed medications over the internet is dangerous because it isnt prescribed or regulated. many unreputable groups prosper in this way, by praying on fears and needs of the vulnerable, selling unlicenced products from abroad. usually no testing has been done and side affects can be very bad. the formulae used isnt licensed therefore you dont know what you are buying. many tv documantaries have shown that often counterfeit medications are made in unhygenic conditions and sold in this way. PLEASE TAKE CARE. thank you dmc 236
New Trial for Pancreatic Cancer
by rachelqt- 2 replies
This seems quite promising, thought I would post it for anybody that has not seen it yet! You will have to type in the address as I dont know how to copy the link to click on.... Rachel.
vitamin D defficiency
by dmc236- 2 replies
does anyone have any insight/experience or infomation around vitamin D defficiency and how it affects the condition or is affected by it ? I notived a post by anne showing research around vitamin A, and am aware that malabsorption can reduce all mineral and vitamins available for the body to use. regards dmc236
Re: New booklet for people newly diagnosed
by Guest wstxmike- 4 replies
Hello Anna, Had the EUR yesterday, and was given the news of "staged T3N1Mx" and I am waiting for the cytology results. I will fight as the rest of the forum has and continues too.Although the news was sobering I have been prepared for a few months. I read Traces' story and I feel that my situation is similar. The reason are my tumor is located at the head, around the venous portal. The Dr. told me the surjury option was not available at the time. However ,after reading Traces story I was given an uplift after seeing what is possible with chemo and radiation and the subsequent "whipple" proceedure. Thanks again for this forum. Also I wonder if I could begin a dial…
Solo Swimathon For Pancreatic Cancer UK
by Lauren2804- 4 replies
Hi my name is Lauren [name removed -moderator] and I am 18 years old. I have decided to try and raise as much money as possible to fight this terrible disease and I am trying to spread the word about what I am doing, I am going to swim 5km for Pancreatic Cancer UK in the summer of 2012 and I am currently trying to get my fundraising off the ground to try and get to some amazing numbers for this deserving charity. I have set up a Just Giving Page online to try and start an online following, if every person who reads this could be generous enough to donate even just £1 we could be well on the way do doing something really great. The address is…
Striding for Survival- Saturday 26th
by Margey- 3 replies
A big thankyou to Rachel and the team for organising Saturday's event. It was a lovely route to walk and we were soblessed by the weather. Hopefully lots of money will have been raised but above all it was so special being with a group of people who had all been touched by this awful disease. I felt privileged to talk to others about their situations and I take my hat off to those who were walking when their grief is still so raw. Having lost my mum to pancreatic cancer eleven years ago and being a five year survivor myself it has strangely been a lonely route at times even though I have always had the most fantastic support from family and friends. I have lurked on…
easy fundraising
by laura- 11 replies
I know its difficult for lots of people to do fundraising for a variety of reasons. Yesterday [sat] i set a table up outside "The RANGE" having approached the manager last monday and got her ok. i put up a table ouside, although i was offered space inside, covered it with a mauve cloth had some posters on top, two collection boxes in the middle i had a case with trolley coins [ coins needed at this store!] pens , pins and friendship bracelets, i was there at 10.45am packed up at 3.15 and had put in the boxes £178.00. lovely people talked to me about their experiences , not just about p.c but other prevelent cancers, i talked to them about our experiences, which h…