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join us in the 'Road of Hope'


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My name is Alexandrea and I lost my grandfather to pancreatic cancer in 2009. He lost his battled after 3 months of being diagnosed with it. It hit our family really hard but also brought us together. Pancreatic cancer is very deadly but not well known. Treatments are very limited and it’s hard to catch pancreatic cancer in its early stages due to its very vague symptoms.

My aunt doesn't let his memory die though; we do annual silent auctions to raise money to go to helping finding a cure. This year is our 3rd annual silent auction! Our ‘Road of Hope’ Silent Auction includes a beef and beer style menu, cash bar, a fabulous silent auction, DJ and dancing. Proceeds from the night will go to Pancreatic Cancer Research. The past two years our benefit proceeds have been donated to Thomas Jefferson Pancreatic Cancer Research Center in Philadelphia. Thomas Jefferson PCRC has made great strides to finding the cause and exams for early detection of this horrible disease and we are proud to support these efforts.

If you want to know more about my story or more facts on pancreatic cancer you can check out my youtube video on it

If you would like to know more about the silent auction or our Road of Hope foundation you can go to roadofhope.org or www.facebook.com/EdwardCarriganMemorial

Thank-you for listening =) I hope you can come or donate or anything.


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