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      A place to support each other after a loved one has died, whether they were a partner, friend or family member. Grief can affect people differently, so please be kind and respect others' views on how they choose to cope.

  • Recent Posts

    • Wormanci
      I noticed you mentioned considering different strategies to manage your weight. It's crucial to find what works best for you, and it's great you're exploring options.
    • Jj24
      Thanks Broju. It does help to express things on this forum. I have decided to crack on with  everything tomorrow 
    • broju
      Yes, just do that Jj24.  I found all the admin gave me a purpose.  The numb, empty feeling will fade and be replaced by pain in many forms. They say time is a great healer but I’m not sure such loss ever heals. It changes and maybe we learn to live with it but I’m not sure about that either.  Don’t worry at all that you appear not to be feeling grief just now. Take each day as it dawns.     .   .         
    • Jj24
      My husband's funeral was on Wednesday and it was a truly beautiful celebration of his life and the very special man he was, packed with the friends and family who loved him so much. I thought the funeral would mark a change somehow and unplug the grief in me but I am still feeling numb and empty. I dont know what to do with myself, I want to feel the pain of his loss and instead feel like I will just have to get on with sorting out the mundane admin of his death.  
    • Jj24
      Hi Jane, thanks for your lovely and encouraging words of comfort and yes i hope the funeral will be a celebration of his life too, he has so many friends who love him dearly too. I have barely left the house over the last 4 weeks and so I think part of the anxiety is facing so many people and hosting the wake. I cant believe he wont be by my side.
    • Janecav
      Thank youJi24  I'm sorry for your loss too.Yes it's surreal as to how quickly our lives are changed forever. My Husband's funeral was a real celebration of his life,my Son and I spoke about the happy funny memories we have of him and how much he was loved and there was sobs and laughter.We feel we made him proud that day. It's understandable to feel anxiety and dread but you will get through this funeral because the love you have for each other will hold you up & give you strength.
    • Jj24
      I am so very sorry for your loss and for the clearly traumatic nature of your husband's death that must have been devastating. For us the funeral is not till next week and I think I'm just holding it together until then. I can feel anxiety and dread growing. I have 2 children still at home and we have all agreed to have counselling in a couple of weeks via the local hospice. It sounds like you didn't get much support from a hospice but I know macmillan also offer counselling so it might be worth contacting them?  It just doesn't seem possible for life to have become this in a few short months. 
    • Janecav
      Where do I begin? I lost my Husband of 34 years just four weeks ago.He started with indigestion, weight loss then fast forward 75 days and he died at home from pancreatic cancer. We had no one to help us and he died a painful death,waiting for someone to come out to us for 2 hours. I too was surprised at how 'well' I was doing but the past two days I have been hit by grief & am lost. I have a 21 year old son at home and I  don't know how to help him through this or how to get through it either.We don't want to do anything and time has stood still but the days fly and then I think ,that's another day gone without him. Just so lost.
    • moonflight
      Hi everyone,    My Mum (75) ended up in hospital last week, and ended up with a diagnosis of PC (amongst a few other things).   I'm currently on maternity leave and live almost 4 hours away, so lots of time to think and get limited in what I can do. There's a few things that just don't add up and wondered if anyone could share their experiences?   Firstly, she said she's been told they've caught it very early and it will only need tablet chemo, not surgery. From what I've read so far, it sounds like surgery is the initial go-to if they catch it early, so saying they won't do surgery doesn't sound good. Does anyone known of someone just being given chemo for PC and it going into remission? - I should add here that she's not getting her official treatment plan until next week, so I have no idea who told her this, how accurate it is, or if this isn't something she misunderstood/putting on a brave face (she didn't even tell me she was in the ICU for 3 days prior, and wouldn't let my Dad tell me either).   Secondly, more of a 'what do you do?' really... Given I'm not close by, have a young family (toddler and newborn), and I'm an only child, I'm torn between how would be best to help. I desperately want to be there, but moving our family isn't very easy at the moment. Leaving my almost 80 year old Dad to look after her just feels wrong though. Any thoughts? I've been given the option to visit either on my own or with the kids for a few days soon, but not sure what to do in the longer term.    Thanks for reading   Edit:  To add a third question, as her daughter, am I at all able to speak to the medical staff for updates? Would end all this second guessing to hear everything straight from the hospital, but as she's not currently admitted to the hospital, I have no clue if they would speak to me?
    • Jj24
      Hi Tip Top,  I was so relieved to see your post, I could have written it word for word. And Rhi your image of waiting for a tsunami to hit is one that I have used as well. My husband, partner and best friend of 27 years died 3 weeks ago and yet i carry on walking around, making dinner, watching tv, joking with friends, but I want to feel the pain of his loss because without it there is nothing left. I feel like the pain would be an echo of the love we had but instead it is as if I have woken from a dream where none of it was real. I do cry when I talk to friends about him but like you feel I should be floored with grief. We still have another 2 weeks to wait for the funeral, which like everything else on this horrible journey has been a battle to arrange.  He was diagnosed in November last year when severe back pain turned out to be a tumour on the spine. I gave up my job to care for him as he was very immobile due to the back pain and he was so positive and determined throughout that I had no choice but to match his strength and positivity. Maybe that is what is happening we had to be so strong for so long for our loved ones that when they go it takes a while for that strength to crumble?  I hope you are doing 'OK' and sending strength to everyone out there coping with their loss in what ever way it hits.
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