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A forum for any other issues around pancreatic cancer.
311 topics in this forum
Timeline for PC symptoms
by bluepeter- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I had a full men's wellness check last November in Thailand and discovered my CA 19-9 was 200+ On returning to the UK in February I told my doctor and was fast-tracked for a CT and MRI. A tumour was found but because of my age, I refused chemo and surgery I did however agree to a 5-day intensive course in radiotherapy which I am recovering from to be reviewed on 20th December. Providing the results are not devastating I plan to fly back to Thailand in early January. My question is how long have I got once the symptoms start before I would be unfit to fly back to the UK. At the moment I have no symptoms apart from tiredness from the radiother…
Emotional support
by France- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi I have been badgering my GP since January 2024 as I have had pain under my left ribs. I have lost 2 stone since then and become extremely exhausted falling asleep after meals. I am type 2 diabetic and have pain after I have eaten. I managed to get a 2nd opinion in September and they ran some bloods. They discovered I have high amylase levels and low trypsin levels. The low trypsin means I'm not digesting food which is causing the tiredness. I've just had an ultrasound which actually hurt my stomach. What should I expect now? Sorry this is long winded I just needed to get it all out I'm a 43 female no family history and on my own with 3 children so no one to talk to, oh…
Can't get away from the Concern.
by AcrossthePond- 2 followers
- 4 replies
Hello, I should start off by saying that I have not been diagnosed with PC, but I have been on the path of trying figure out what is wrong with me for quite awhile and keep seeing references to PC and that keeps me up at night. I have spent a good amount of time on the forums and have seen quite a few instances of others who have been in the same space and the advice given by others has been very helpful. I have hesitated to write this as I don't like to take valuable time from others, but my anxiety is overwhelming and this space has been one of the few I have found helpful. I am a 39 year old male who started having issues in December 2022. The f…
Did this happen to anyone please tell me
by hopethereisnothing- 2 replies
Hello everyone..I am new here and actually, like everyone, I don't wish to stay 😅I have not yet been diagnosed with anything but have symptoms and am currently having tests to rule out PC. I am a 39-year-old female, previously healthy but somewhat overweight, never smoked or drank alcohol. My question for everyone, patient or relative is: did anyone of you or your relatives have symptoms of PC for several months (like diarrhea, flatulence, burping and weight loss) then developed pain which became very severe and debilitating for the last few weeks, and is typical for PC ( upper abdominal pain refereed to the back, worse after eating...) ..despite all this,2 CT s…
Ascites drain
by Row- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi, my mum has stage 4 pancreatic cancer. She has developed ascites and had a drain put in today, but the abdominal swelling hasn’t gone down at all. Is this normal or do you see an instant effect once fluid has been drained. The Drs said the rest of the swelling is because of the cancer - but how is that making her tummy so large, she looks 9 months pregnant and is uncomfortable with awful diarrhoea. Last scan showed no cancer progression and not affecting the liver yet. That was about 3/4 weeks ago. Anyone had experience of swelling and it not going down with ascites draining? Thank you. Sending love to everyone going through this.
Travel Insurance Claim Advice
by Chris M- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I’m looking for some advice on how to settle a travel insurance claim with regards to my late Father. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic Cancer in May 2022 and was given a one year prognosis. The advice given by the doctors were clear, spend as much time with family and friends as you can. We then decided to book a trip to New York for October of that year. Initially we had struggled to find an insurer that would cover my father. We then stumbled across ‘All Clear’, an insurance which specialises in policies for those who are terminally ill. My father was relieved when we purchased the policy, costing …
Advice please
by murphy- 1 follower
- 8 replies
HI Sorry to bother anyone. I am waiting on a scan to determine if I have PC I have lost weight and had serious stomach issues for 3 weeks leaving me with no energy and struggling to move at some points. over the last few days my back pain has intensified and is constant. my side under the ribs appears swollen and very sore also radiating to the back making it so hard to sleep. I have lost half a stone in 3 weeks. As I say I am sorry to bother people but I was wondering if anyone experienced similar. cheers
In midst of tests
by Ellen9- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I'm anxiously in the middle of tests for pancreatic cancer after having lost over 10% of my body weight and having a new pre-diabetic blood result a few weeks ago. Had a CT scan and trans-nasal endoscopy last week - no results yet from the former but the latter only showed some stomach inflammation, no tumours or ulcers. But I have been called in for a liver MRI in a couple of days, with no explanation. I'm feeling frustrated by the lack of communication, and also frankly scared of why this additional test has been called for. I am immensely lucky to have a wonderfully supportive husband but haven't wanted to worry friends so just needed a place where I co…
Too young for all this
by hopethereisnothing- 1 reply
I started to feel pity for myself for being all the time on PC sites and forums, trying to find some answers and experiences while waiting for tests to rule out possible PC. Most posts and stories are about people in their 70's and 80's ,those in their 50's and 60's considered (too young). Some people refer to their spouses, to whom they have been married for more years than my ageðŸ˜. Being just 39, and instead of spending my time building my career or having fun with family or friends or preparing for marriage, I am putting my life on hold for more than 7 months, from test to test and from scan to scan with no answers.This makes me feel like I am in a nightmare …
So worried
by Strawberrylady- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I hope it’s ok to post here as I’ve not been diagnosed with PC at the moment, but I am out of my mind with worry. I’ve had worrying symptoms coming on gradually since the end of June. Most notably Nausea, lack of appetite, weight loss and indigestion symptoms (burping, some diarrhoea etc.). I recently had an abdominal CT scan which found some varicose veins around my stomach. The report said my other organs, including my pancreas and liver looked normal. Despite this I’ve done what I know you shouldn’t do and looked on Dr Google. It seems that pancreatic cancer can be a cause of these varicose veins due to putting pressure on the splenic vein or som…
- 2 replies
Hello everyone, Not really sure if this is the right room to be posting in but here goes... I'm a 45 year old male (type 2 diabetic). Currently a bit worried about having pancreatic cancer or some other pancreatic issue and currently being investigated. I had a recent elevated lipase reading (79 u/l - the lab upper reference level was 60) and have had quite a lot of possibly coincidental symptoms: - Fatigue on and off for the last year or so although much worse in the last month or so (I previously had burnout from work so I assumed the fatigue was that but then I finished the job that gave me the burnout, the fatigue didn't really improve m…
- 1 reply
Hello, I have yet to share my heart breaking personal story on here - I am sure you can imagine what it entails. However, I have come across a consultation from the government asking for responses and ideas when thinking about major conditions and illnesses causing bad health and early death in England. I have filled it in noting pancreatic cancer as a crucial focus for the strategy within cancer and how there needs to be more investment, funding, research, early detection etc. I wondered if anyone had 5 minutes to do the same to strengthen our voice for change? Here is the link to complete online: Easy Read - A new plan to deal with illnesses causing bad …
reliability of CT scans
by fifi- 15 replies
Hi everyone. I know I'm perhaps being paranoid but I am so worried that I have pancreatic cancer. Over the last 2 months I have had a significant loss of appetite, weight loss( about 5kg) some nausea and a strange burning discomfort in epigastric area. Bowels also have been really up the creek with multiple trips to the loo (brown but quite loose), and a constant feeling of needing to go almost. At first I suspected bowel cancer but the results from my colonoscopy were fine. So then I started fixating on pancreatic cancer as there is some cross-over in the symptoms. Eventually I ended up in A&E with pain and nausea ( was it all in my head?) and they kept me in overni…
Need help please!
by nyk73- 3 replies
I am 49 yrs ol male caucasian, around 2 weeks ago i developed upper abdominal dull pain afler eating , i stared to notice the urine is brown and smelly and stool looks pale, recently i started to have back pain in the middle and upper left side really annoying pain also i have nasal discharge green colur i dont have apetite , feel sick and lost 4kg in 6 days , GP sent me for blood test and he said everything is fine only the BILURIBIN is borderline high and is not convinced that this is serious and gave me Omeparzol for Gastritis,i know something is wrong here because i know myself i am usually very energetic and i always had apetite , it affects my job i cant even conce…
Really worried about symptoms
by Toria- 4 replies
Hello everyone, I'm new here! I've been having worrying symptoms for around 3 or 4 months now. Finally dug my head out the sand and phoned GP but cant get an appointment til 19th may. I feel now I've made 1st step I'm now on fast forward and contemplating a private CT scan. Can anyone share their personal experiences with initial symptoms please? Mine started with an uncomfortable feeling in me left side, like under bottom ribs. I only felt it when laying on left side. I first thought it was a lump in my mattress or my pyjamas has twisted up. Then realised after having a snooze on the sofa that it wasnt, it was something within my body. It feels like I'm laying on …
New to Creon
by Angieannie- 1 reply
Hi what do you guys do if you’re on Creon and feel constipated?
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Terry Hall front man of the brilliant 70-80s band the Specials who gave us some great songs such as Ghost town and many more passed away on the18 December 2022 from pancreatic cancer at age 63
- 0 replies
Hi, I’ve been having problems with bloating and recently floating + greasy stools. Consultant thought SIBO so we tried tetracycline which didn’t really help. So onto Elastase test which came back as severely low <50 no particular reason for this either. Consultant has put me on Creon and it has made a difference to almost all symptoms especially those mentioned earlier. So should I be chasing the consultant/gp re cause? Thanks for any responses/experiences.
Abdominal pain deep inside on the left side
by iceriverice- 2 replies
My partner has had persistent abdominal pain deep inside the abdomen for a long time now. It's on the left side. He does have GI issues but he has had many of these for years. He has noticed some bowel changes though. Wondering if the pain deep inside the abdomen on the left side could be pancreatic cancer?
by whykel- 24 replies
Hello I've been waiting over 3 weeks for mrcp results. I'm really struggling with not knowing. Is anyone waiting?
Can someone please help so worried x
by Sukisue- 2 replies
Hi my name is Susan and i am new to the forum and was wondering if anyone could help please. I have had my blood test results back they are testing me for possible problems with my pancreas as my diabetic levels have risen i am a type 2 and i have had to start insulin plus my metformin and everything else came back normal but the lipase test came back at 88 u/l and was flagged on the report should i be worried or is that normal. I had a CT scan last week with contrast but still waiting on the result. Im so worried as i have tried to look up the number but its all so confusing can someone help please x
Stomach tightness
by Slim Shadey- 13 replies
Hi Everyone Please forgive me if there any mistakes in this post this is my first time. I hope you are all well in these challenging times. My partner was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer in December 2019 after various tests and 4 weeks in hospital were the initial diagnosis was gallstones she was then transferred to a bigger hospital in the region and had a the WHIPPLE procedure and spent 9 hours in surgery. Thankfully she came through this traumatic procedure and after around 3 days in intensive care and 7 days on a normal ward she was discharged just before Christmas which was the best present I have ever and will ever have. She is currently going throug…
Side Branch IPMN
by easymark- 0 replies
After an incidental visit to the hospital last year I was diagnosed with a side-branch IPMN. Due to a history of PC in the family my surgeon wanted to operate as soon as possible. However, I opted for an endoscopy which showed it was benign and surveillance. My latest scan shows that the cyst has grown from 3mm to 4mm. I've had another endoscopy, the doctor said it looked fine but there may be node. Unfortunately, I will coming out of sedation when he mentioned this so my memory is a bit fuzzy. I am seeing my consultant for the results of the biopsy soon. I know he will push for surgery again but I'm wondering that my options are? - Sho…
- 6 replies
My wonderful dad was diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer in Feb 2018. After 5 weeks in hospital, he was discharged and advised that he could only be offered palliative care. He has since been having chemotherapy and responded so well that he is still with us after 4 years. Thank you God! However, at Christmas he was given a break from his chemo due to a bout of diverticulitis. He was looking forward to 8 weeks off from the chemo appointments and side effects, but unfortunately didn't feel well throughout. His GP sent him for an unrelated scan on his chest which showed he has some fluid on his lung. His stomach is also incredibly swollen (after first diag…
by whykel- 2 replies
How long do mrcp results take? I'm worried because it's been 7 days since I had the scan. I wonder if they would of been looked at yet because of the jubilee Bank Holiday days. Any help please