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311 topics in this forum
Difficult Decision To Make - Advice Please
by easymark- 4 replies
I have a life-changing decision to make. I have a 4 cm cyst on my pancreas (found by mistake while in hospital for something else). My surgeon is recommending Whipple surgery to remove it as a precaution. I'm having an endoscopy in a couple of weeks but he still thinks I should have surgery even if the results are negative. This is because I have a younger brother with stage 4 pancreatic cancer. He is 44 and I'm 58. To further complicate the matter, I'm severely disabled with polio (I've spent a lot of time in an out of hospital) and I'm being monitored for prostate cancer due to a high (ish) PSA). If the results are positive for cancer then I will have no cho…
Genetic testing
by TannyD- 2 replies
Hello everyone. Next week I am having my first appointment with the Wessex Clinical Genetics team at Southampton. I lost my dad, my aunt, my grandmother and great uncle to this terrible disease all approximately aged 60. I am now 53, and to be honest, I wasn’t particularly worried about the appointment, but the closer it gets the more thought I am giving it. Has anyone had any experience of genetic testing? And if it’s found that I have a faulty gene what is the process after? Monitoring, prophylactic resection? Any advice would be very helpful. Many thanks Tanny
tell us your experiences of diagnsis of pancreatic cancer
by Support Team- 1 follower
- 17 replies
Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is difficult as symptoms may not occur until the tumour is quite large and the symptoms may be similar to many other benign digestive disorders. Not every patient gets the same symptoms as they depend on where in the pancreas the tumour first occurs or the type of tumour. Even when pancreatic cancer is suspected further tests may be required to ensure the symptoms aren't due to benign disorders such as panceatitis before decisions on appropriate treatment or surgery are made. We would like to hear your experiences of diagnosis (whether a diagnosis was made quickly or took a long time) as this will help us to raise awareness of the problem…
Advice please
by Jdfbell- 1 reply
Hi everyone, I'm undiagnosed, and terrified. I've been suffering fatigue and bowel changes for a year - all bloods normal. In August I developed a pain under my ribs on the left that radiates to the back. Extreme fatigue, nausea and weightloss. All bloods still fine. Some stools were yellowish grey occasionally at this time, sometimes in pieces. I cut out alcohol completely and reduced fat drastically. I convinced the doctor to refer me for a 3 area CT scan with contrast (I paid for it), it was clear. I also tried prebiotics and PPI medication. The pain is now constant. It is really wearing me down. I am extremely fatigued and can't work. Still blood work is f…
Pancreatic Cancer worry 1 2 3 4
by Cdcmoon- 80 replies
I am a 30 year old relatively fit and healthy male. I am worried sick I have pancreatic cancer I have had the following symptoms: Back in January this year I all of a sudden lost my appetite within 3 weeks I lost 5/6kg had pale stools which floated and had a general feeling of tiredness and being unwell. Back and forth from the doctors I have had numerous blood tests a couple of which were abnormal but repeated and informed are now normal (one LFT was high bilirubin and albumin). The doctors have informed me that I have only 2 abnormal results, albumin level of 58 and a calcium level of 2.67 which have been been repeated and I have had a letter saying "no s…
PC in a 24 year old?
by Nelsson- 1 reply
Hello everyone, i’m a 24 year old male who is having multiple stomach issues that is matching pretty well with PC. I know googling symptoms is never a good idea, but i’ve become kinda desperate since things haven’t got better. Issues started this summer but it’s first now im creating a post about it. I know i can’t get diagnosed here via the forum but it would be comforting to hear your points. I’m sorry if this is provoking/ seems selfish to anyone since i don’t have an actual diagnos of PC yet. Symptoms i have/had: Diarrhea, loose stools that usually floats. More gas and stomach is also doing more gurglling noises. started in august and still have it today. At…
EPI but no known cause
by Richietosh- 1 reply
Hello; Bit of a weird one. I was diagnosed with EPI last year. Pancreas wasn’t producing the enzymes although I was found to not be diabetic so it still half works. After a CT with contrast and an MRCP scan they found absolutely nothing. Pancreas is normal size and shape, no sign of scarring, No masses, no sign of duct obstruction or dilation, liver and gallbladder looked ok also. So I’m really confused, how can that be? Obvious I’m very relived that the 2 scans didn’t so anything sinister. Does it make me more likely to develop a cancer of the pancreas? Thank you
feeling desperate
by thomasdowd- 0 replies
Is there any on line I can talkto ,when Ieat I am on toilet for a number of hours. this is blocing any chemo and I am a prisoner im my house . there seems to be no solution and I really see m no light at end of tunnel
Beyond scared
by FeeD- 6 replies
Hi, I am at my wits end with worry- hardly able to function now. I am 49, Mum of 3 lovely teens and I have suffered from health anxiety in the past. I've been ok pretty much until recently (start September) when my stomach and abdominal issues came back again. Bloating, abdominal pain, back pain, burping non stop, no appetite, tired etc. So after a few weeks I called doc- I went for bloods- not sure what exactly he tested but 3 vials. He said that all came back normal apart from iron (which is always low for me). So he referred me for both an abdominal US and a pelvic US. I had both and the pelvic one showed a couple of fibroids but apparently not a worry. The doc…
by Sangavasre- 2 replies
Hello, I had Wipple surgery one year ago. Post surgery I have a many complications like leak in connection so I had gone through double surgery within a week. After that I had 3 times bleeding and one month high fever. But some how I have survived my surgeon said I am very lucky. Post surgery my biopsy report came It's T2N0Mx stage. My DR said it's in early stage no need of chemotherapy. Is it's good I don't need chemotherapy?? Please advice me
Advice from survivors?? I need to save my dad’s life 🙏
by hopeandprayers- 6 replies
Hi I’m looking for advice from survivors on what they did with their diet and anything they felt might have helped with their recovery. I’ve had advice from someone who recovered from stage 4 lung cancer who cut out all dairy, cut out red meat, reduced refined sugars, use boiled down oat milk for calories, drank eassiac tea and had mistletoe injections alternately in her chest and back. Does anyone here have experience with mistletoe injections? Because it’s a poison it’s supposed to cause an immune response to the area it’s injected? Also does anyone have any reviews about NHS vs private?? I’ve read one story about a lady who had been operated on privatel…
- 2 replies
Hello, I'm looking for any help and advice anyone can give me regarding Pancreatic Cancer, the Whipple Procedure and Chemotherapy. Last week, following a CT scan, my Dad was told he has something in his Pancreas. Whilst its not 100% confirmed, they are pretty sure its a tumour. He has a follow up scan tomorrow to confirm the situation for definite and establish the next steps. They did say they don't think it has spread outside of the Pancreas. I imagine its been there since atleast February, he went to the doctors at the time as he was losing a lot of weight, but everything was put on hold due to COVID. He's also recently been diagnosed with Diabetes which will …
Exercise suggestions wanted
by memorris50- 2 replies
I am currently receiving fortnightly cycles of FOLFIRINOX which leave me very fatigued. We are currently being advised by the government to do regular exercise on the 'use it or lose it' principle. I live in a second floor flat and am already struggling with the stairs, but I so don't want to get housebound. Walking in my local area is not always possible - the world and his wife are walking out there, so social distancing can be tricky . I was wondering what kinds of home-based exercise other people are finding useful in these corona virus blighted times?
Why are we waiting
by KarenR- 2 replies
Hi all This is my first post here. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer very quickly on 13 August after two visits to A&E and a couple of days in hospital. He has had several scans, camera down throat, ultrasound and a stent fitted in bile duct (this has made huge difference to the jaundice) Biopsies have been taken on gallbladder (there is a blockage) oesophagus and pancreas. We were expecting a call on Thursday to advise what operation/treatment he would have after the doctors meeting earlier that day. However the nurse rang to say his case has been sent to another hospital that specialises in cancer and that team are looking at his results tomorrow…
New to all of this
by Sammi12- 5 replies
Hello. What a wonderful group. I have read a lot of what people have written, which has filled me with all sorts of emotions, fear, hope, love. I was admitted to hospital after numerous trips to my GP and various blood tests with the usual signs of gallstones at 34 weeks pregnant on Christmas Eve. My Christmas and New Year was therefore spent in hospital. I thought next year will be the year - with my first baby and what a Christmas it will be!! They put in a stint which helped with the jaundice, increased my appetite somewhat and helped with some of the pains I was having in my stomach and back. But following a CT scan they identified a pancreatitis mass -…
Our wonderful nurses
by sandraW- 2 replies
A big congratulation to our wonderful nurses here on the Pancreatic Cancer UK site on their well deserved CNO award. You helped and supported me so much, and I know you have done the same for all the other posters on this site. I am so pleased your hard work has been recognised. love and best wishes sandrax
Paranoid newby
by DJTrev- 1 reply
Paranoid newby Postby DJTrev » Sat Dec 14, 2019 7:34 am Hello Let me begin by saying I am convinced that I have PC.My father died of it and I do believe it is hereditary. I am currently being treated for neuralgia of the chest as a possible result of a previous bout of shingles which affected the left side of my chest.I have to admit that the little shocks of pain do follow the path of the area of the shingles and the itching skin and tenderness along with a pain under my shoulder blade.These are all symptoms common with this kind of neuralgia (google is your friend) but there are other apparent symptoms that concern me.Slightly extended tummy,lower back pain,severe…
Scared and desperate
by curlysue- 24 replies
For 2 years I’ve been suffering from prolonged bouts of bloating, indigestion and constipation. Many visits to GP kept giving diagnosis of IBS. All the usual blood results were coming back normal, and the doctors seemed to think I was just being stubborn over the diagnosis, but it never felt right. Long story short, they’ve now run tumour marker tests and CA19-9 came back elevated. GP now saying it’s out of their hands as I’ve been referred to Hepatobiliary. I have a CT scan today but I’ve already convinced myself of the outcome. I don’t get to speak to anyone until the results of the scan are in. I know you shouldn’t Google, but with no professional to currently talk to,…
New to this
by pshirley6- 4 replies
My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer metastasised to liver on Jan 2 nd. Ca 19.9 came back negative. He had been admitted with blood clots which led them to find the cancer. Since then all they have done is arrange an mri for this week. Oncologist told us he has 4 mths with no treatment and 6-12 with.... Should they not be moving faster? No treatment and we are over 6 weeks in...
Never been more afraid in my life
by Richietosh- 4 replies
Hello. I am 30 years of age and relatively healthy A few months ago, a noticed oily stools. And eventually I got an appointment to see a gastroenterologist who did blood tests and stool tests. All my tests came back. My bloods are unremarkable, kidney and liver is ok, I’m not a diabetic. But my faecal elastase was incredibly low showing severe pancreatic insufficiency. The doctor told me not to worry as there are many causes for this and my low result was something he has seen in other people before. and arranged an urgent CT scan for me and put me on Creon which is kind of working. I’ve never been into hospital before 2 days ago when I had my first ever ct…
In my darkest time of my life
by Hope76- 2 replies
Hi all! I want to introduce myself and my case for the hope find some experienced tips and information. All started last december 2018 when my sweet beautyful wife 42 years old started to burp a lot ( more than 30 per day ). We waited to see if passed but in January 2019 went to doctor who make a blood test and H pylori test. H pilory became negative and the blood test was ok but a little bit of anemia. Passing the time the burps stoped a little bit ( now its about 10-15 ) but in March I saw his nails looked like Terry nails who is linked to diabetes, kidney and liver diseases. At that moment I thought was about anemia the reason but 2 months ago I started to learn about…
Pancreatic Cancer worry
by Mai1994- 3 replies
Hi all, Firstly, apologies if topics of this nature are not allowed, or if I am in the wrong forum. If so, please feel free to delete this topic. I’m 25, male, don’t drink or smoke, not overweight. Since March, after having a takeaway meal, I have been experiencing on and off IBS like issues. Initially felt nauseous and had a reduced appetite along with occasional loose-ish floating stools light brown in colour. No real pains, but do have gas now and then, especially if I have a spicy or very fatty meal. As I have a family member with coeliac disease, my GP recommended I had a blood test for it and a general full blood count. I should add that my previous FBC c…
- 5 replies
Hello everyone. My name is Sangam and I am 28 years old. Since March I have been having the following symptoms that I'm worried could be pancreatic cancer - * Nausea and headache and vomit like feeling. * Loss of appetite (I've been eating less and less) and food being stuck in my upper abdomen. * Burning sensation in my upper abdomen and tender to touch. * Constant heartburn and chest pain. * Shooting pain usually below left rib and back but sometimes on right side too. * Pale / yellow stool always. It used to float before but now I have been avoiding fatty and oily food. * Also random pain in different parts of my body for no known reason. I ha…
Should I visit the A&E?
by Sangam- 0 replies
I have lost all my appetite and feel nauseous all the time. I'm also having shortness of breath and ringing in my ear. I feel weak and I'm really scared. Should I visit the A&E?
- 2 replies
Until a month ago I had no inkling that there was anything seriously wrong with me. In fact I thought I might have IBS, as I was getting occasional bouts of the diarrhoea, and had a problem with hiccups if I ate something on an empty stomach; not the sort of thing you'd associate with PC. But when I suddenly developed pain on the left side of my abdomen which would not go away all week, I visited my GP. He thought I might have diverticulitis so prescribed an antibiotic, but as I was leaving the surgery he said, if the pain escalates over the weekend, go to A&E (it was the May bank holiday weekend). I'm pleased he said this, as I probably would not have gone, …