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Pancreatic Cancer worry


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I am a 30 year old relatively fit and healthy male.

I am worried sick I have pancreatic cancer I have had the following symptoms:

Back in January this year I all of a sudden lost my appetite within 3 weeks I lost 5/6kg had pale stools which floated and had a general feeling of tiredness and being unwell.

Back and forth from the doctors I have had numerous blood tests a couple of which were abnormal but repeated and informed are now normal (one LFT was high bilirubin and albumin). The doctors have informed me that I have only 2 abnormal results, albumin level of 58 and a calcium level of 2.67 which have been been repeated and I have had a letter saying "no significant abnormalities'.

I have been tested for all sorts of allergies and infections but all come back negative. My stools been tested too.

My stools at the moment I can only describe as being between diarrhoea and solid (snake like smooth and soft but a brown colour) I go 2/3 sometimes 4 a day.

At present I have a constant feeling of feeling unwel my weight seems to have become stable (gained a couple of kgs) but I seem to have a pain which comes and goes behind my ribs sometimes I feel it in my back.

I have seen 3 doctors at my GP and they all say I am too young to have pancreatic cancer but I can't help think that I have this horrible disease.

I have recently seen GI doctor and he also doesn't seem to be concerned of PC because I don't have jaundice but everywhere I read it says this doesn't appear in all cases especially if not at the head of the pancreas.

I have recently had a colonoscopy which was clear but I have been told I need to wait 4 weeks for a follow up because samples were taken for IBS.

Should I push for a CT scan if I am worried about PC ? I really am worried about this disease and being told I am too young scares me more because it seems they won't even look down this route but surely if I have these pains and generally feel unwel there is something wrong? I've felt so ill for nearly 4 months now.

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  • Cdcmoon


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  • PCUK Nurse Jeni


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Have you had an ultrasound ? Much cheaper than a CT scan and an almost instant result.

May i also suggest that you read a thread called "25 year old male, diagnosis imminent" by Longseason in the patient experience forum.

Best wishes


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Justamo wrote:

> Have you had an ultrasound ? Much cheaper than a CT scan and an almost

> instant result.


> May i also suggest that you read a thread called "25 year old male,

> diagnosis imminent" by Longseason in the patient experience forum.


> Best wishes

> Mo

Thank you very much for pointing me to this post I can relate to this so much.

I have also been referred to help deal with my anxiety and depression.

Today I managed to get an appointment for this Thursday with the Gastroenterologist after telling the admin staff I feel horrible. Now I have to try and convince the Dr to have an ultrasound or scan. I am worried I'll get the too young and wait 3 more weeks for IBS biopsies.

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Hi Cdcmoon,

I am sorry you have symptoms which as yet are undiagnosed as causes huge anxiety. I am not sure why of all the things it could be, you are focussing on PC which is one of the most unlikely. My guess is that you have been consulting Dr Google. The problem with the internet is that it is not complete, anyone can put anything on it and you do not have you the detailed medical knowledge to make a clinical judgement with your history.

The way diagnosis pathways work when the cause is not obvious is that Drs start by eliminating the most serious things first, hence you have had blood tests, stool tests and a colonoscopy all of which are "normal". This is not to say that you are making it up but they are following normal protocols and the good news is that so far everything is pointing away from PC. My husbands PC was picked up clearly on his CT guided colonoscopy.

Putting weight on and your blood indicators having returning to normal levels would also point away from PC.

I know it is hard when you are anxious to accept waiting times and a diagnosis that is more obvious, like the IBS you mention, which in itself is a debilitating and difficult condition to cope with, but I think you would be less anxious if you stayed away from surfing the net trying to self diagnose. You need something to take your mind off it while you are waiting, perhaps you could focus attention on eating a healthy diet and taking exercise (to reduce stress) while the medics go through the possibilities.

Good luck to you, let us know how you get on


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Thanks I will once I know more. I just at the point now where I think there must be something serious for feeling so run down and "not right".

In Feb I had a good couple of weeks I felt like I was getting better but I've just been put on my arse again although I'm happy I'm not losing weight which is a good sign I guess.

There is a lot of gurgling and pressure just weird I am just not sure I'm getting exactly how I fee across to the docs. I try harder I guess.

I also question my stools... is this normal now? What was normal ? I can't remember... hopefully I'll be better soon.

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Please try not to worry. I think if you did have PC, after 4 months, you'd really know about it by now. I also think you would certainly not be putting weight on if it was PC that had caused you to lose weight in the first instance - you'd be losing more. My hubby was fading before my eyes, prior to diagnosis.

Hopefully your recent tests will provide more information, it could be a combination of IBS and anxiety for example but personally, I would say if you are really, really worried then yes, press for a CT scan to put your mind at rest. You might be surprised how well you start to feel with a negative diagnosis. The mind can be very powerful.

A couple of points I've picked up on though which makes me quite cross really is the ignorance of GPs. How are we ever going to get earlier diagnosis? CDCmoon is quite right in that you don't have to present with Jaundice. It can depend where the tumour is situated. My hubby's tumour was in the body of the pancreas and had no jaundice even on the day he died.

Age should not be considered a factor for PC either. It can affect young and old alike.

Best of luck, please keep us posted how you get on



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One doctor laughed and said "you don't want that"... really.

All the doctors have said that something would be abnormal in blood tests but I've read so many stories of all this being fine yet still having PC.

I will push tomorrow at my appointment for at least an ultrasound I have started to get yellow diahrhea again and constant bloating at the moment l. Hopefully this is something easy to fix.

I am literally eating anything and everything with no real appetite.

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It's nigh on impossible to have any decent appetite when you are worried sick about your health. You are absolutely right to push but please take some comfort in the fact that you are able to eat, albeit with no appetite. That to me would be a good sign as PC sufferers struggle to eat period.

take care x

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My husband had none of the textbook symptoms apart from pale stools...our GP immediately sent him for an ultrasound which showed something which was then followed up by a CT. He then became jaundiced within several weeks...his tumour was in the head of the pancreas. He felt really well and only started feeling poorly when the jaundice really set in.

I don't think that your age should put your GP off...I think the typical age of diagnosis being in the 70s is rubbish...there are far more younger people being diagnosed with this.

I hope you don't have pancreatic cancer, it's a shit disease, but I think you should push for an ultrasound at least, which hopefully will put your mind at rest in this regard. Obviously, you may need further tests to get to the bottom of what it actually is.

Good luck.


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I'm sorry I sound really selfish being on this forum I am sorry to everyone who has lost someone to PC or anyone with cancer.

My friend was 24 when he passed away from neuroendocrine cancer so when they say I'm too young It makes me sad.

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Hi Cdcmoon,

These are difficult times, and waiting for test results makes it more stressful. You need to change your diet and try thinking less about it, taking stress will not take you anywhere. Hope thing will workout better for you

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Gastroenterologist said today I would look more ill and would of lost a lot more weight since January if he was particularly worried about PC. He's booked me in for an ultrasound on Monday to "put my mind at ease" and said he couldn't book me for CT scan based on my symptoms at the moment so fingers crossed all is well on Monday. I am also having a gastroscopy so hopefully I'll get somewhere in next few weeks.

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That's good...an ultrasound should show if there's anything there.

When my husband had his surgery, the surgeon told us he'd probably had the tumour for about 2 years with no symptoms at all, no feeling unwell, no weight loss or anything. It was only when the tumour grew and blocked the bile duct that he had the pale stools rapidly followed by the diagnosis and jaundice. I think you are absolutely right to press for the tests, and I'm pretty astounded that some of the posts on here seem to belittle your concerns a bit as we all know that early diagnosis is the key to surviving this and none of us are medics...but you've also got to accept the outcome if the ultrasound shows that there's no tumour there.

Please don't feel selfish...we've all had our different experiences with this disease and I wish (and I bet everyone else wishes) we'd have noticed something sooner...my husband might still have been here if we had.

Good luck and fingers crossed.


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Hitting raw nerves is easy among a group with so many!

CDC has a set of symptoms which are worrying, no one is belittling her anxiety or telling her/him not to pursue tests, some are offering advice to reduce anxiety during the wait, provide a more positive focus and reassurance that his or her medical team is doing all the things that should be done. The opening post mentions that several GP's and a number of specialist have seen her/him and are continuing to conduct investigations. PC cannot be ruled out completely yet but there are many positive signs that indicate it is something else. Lets all hope and pray it is.

I wish you all a peaceful night

M xx

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I didnt mean to cause problems in this forum..

I am really worried about tomorrow, i have a clear anxiety issue which i hope will get cleared up when i see a Psychotherapist next week also. I hope they dont find anything tomorrow... latley i have been going to toilet for no 4/5 times daily and there is alot of it :(

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Please let me just put your mind at rest that you have not caused any problems on this forum whatsoever.

Good luck for tomorrow, please do keep us posted x

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Please be reassured you have not caused problems for anyone. This is your thread and you can say whatever you like. We all have our off days and we are all forgiven.

Anxiety is a terrible burden and can cause so many physical distressing symptoms so I do feel for you. It is really good that your medical team are looking at all possible causes. The brain is such a complex organ, we know so little about but it but it is amazingly powerful. My 10 year old nephew had one leg that visibly withered because his brain told him it was unbearably painful when in fact there was no injury or pain at all. He has now fully recovered but it has been a long journey.

I am sure that with the holistic approach the medics are taking and your positive attitude towards exploring help for your anxiety you will get to the bottom of this. Many things are pointing away from life limiting conditions so please try and hang on to those thoughts.

Let us know how you get on and good luck

Marmalade x

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Had the ultrasound got to wait till 11th of May for results. The Dr didn't really comment or say anything he seemed to of concentrated more on the right side and said he'll send report to my Gastroenterologist. Long wait now.

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Waiting is always so hard but nothing no amount of fretting will make it come quicker. I hope you are able to take some exercise which helps with mood and busy yourself to help the time pass.

Good luck

M x

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My report been written I phoned hospital they won't email them to me they will be emailed to my gp guess that's normal procedure. Hope it's not bad being so quick, I'll try and find out tomorrow :/

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Ultrasound was normal the Dr said that if I had PC they would of seen lymph nodes or other things on the ultrasound and my blood tests would be haywire (only abnormal blood results I have now is a slightly raised albumin of 52). I won't get a CT scan not yet anyways I have got to have Gastroscopy first which they are chasing up. I guess this is good news?

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Of course it's good news CDC, and I'm just sorry that the radiographer didn't tell you that while you were having the ultrasound.

So your scan is OK, your blood tests are OK and you don't have weight loss or jaundice. No doubt the gastroscopy will eliminate any further PC doubts.

I hope your mind is at ease now.

Best wishes


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PCUK Nurse Jeni

Hello there,

A gastroscopy will not be able to detect pancreatic cancer, no.

This looks inside the stomach - so it looks at the lining of the stomach, and the general structure, as well as the oesophagus and any sphincter muscles involved in these organs.

Kind regards,


Jeni Jones

Pancreatic Cancer Specialist Nurse

Support Team

Pancreatic Cancer UK

email: support@pancreaticcancer.org.uk

support line: 0808 801 0707

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