Treatment, symptoms & side effects
A forum to focus on treatment related issues, symptoms and side effects from treatment.
223 topics in this forum
Whipple Procedure.................
by Gill44- 24 replies
Hi Folks, Help needed please.............. I am due into hospital within the next week for the Whipple Procedure I have suspected Tumor in the head of my Pancreas, although after Ultra sound, Ct, MRI and 2 x camera procedures nothing apparent is showing up!I see this as being very positive news . I have narrowing of the bile duct and had a stent fitted on 6th Jan 11 due to Jaundice. I am now starting to get anxious after reading what to expect after the operation. Anybody got anything positive to tell me? Best Regards Gill x
How much Creon?
by suef- 3 replies
Does anybody have advice on how many Creon to take? I had a Whipple in February 2010, in Belgium, and based on a faecal elastase test, was advised to take 15-20 Creon Forte (25,000 units) a day, before and during each of six small meals. Now, back in England, my new consultant has said I certainly do not need this amount of Creon and has told me to take 40,000 units three times a day. This was not on the basis of a faecal elastase test and he had not seen the results of the test done in Belgium. So I am confused and would welcome advice!
Pancreatic Cancer UK - Support Line
by Support Team- 8 replies
Pancreatic Cancer UK runs a Support Line for anyone affected by pancreatic cancer. Our Support and Information Team can provide specialist support and information on pancreatic cancer. You can contact the service by emailing The Support and Information section of our website also contains information about pancreatic cancer and some real life stories of people affected by pancreatic cancer - visit
My visit to Israel to ascertain research into PC
by Trevor F- 3 replies
I spent 2 days in Israel last week visiting three medical faculties to look at current research on pancreatic cancer, purely from an academic point of view. My first visit was to the Sourasky Medical Centre in Tel Aviv where I was given a presentation on macrophages and the growth of pancreatic cancer cells by infiltration into the nervous system. What triggers neural invasion is unknown and their research sets out to find the trigger. Pancreatic cancer invasion along nerves is regulated by a paracrine pathway that involves GDNF or glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor. This pathway may be a target for preventing nerve invasion in pancreatic cancer. Experiments with m…
Tumor Markers 1 2
by rachelqt- 27 replies
Hi Everyone Has anybody any information or views on Tumor Markers(CA19-9)? The reason im asking is because Dad has just finished his first cycle of chemo. He then returned for the first of his 2nd cycle on Thursday past. He went in for his usual meeting with his Oncologist. We then had a different oncologist that day as his usual one was off. The oncologist went over the usual things and was happy for dad to go for his chemo. The nurse who is always with us in these meetings followed us down to book dad in for the chemo (something she has never done before) and told us that dads markers were down after his first cycle from 6o.something to 50.something (forget what …
Cyberknife NHS and 'normal' radiotherapy
by scotab- 2 replies
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had any experience with Cyberknife on the NHS? My Mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in May 2011 and after chemo she was told that she was lucky enough to be able to have cyberknife treatment with the NHS. After many long journeys for scans etc etc she finally got her gold markers inserted. She was a week away from the actual event, (which by now was Jan 2012!!) her local oncologist was telling her that she might not have to visit her again and the people in the cyberknife hospital were telling her it was her only hope (she was very worried about it due to claustrophobia) and that she was really lucky. Enter the doctor in c…
Laproscopic Whipples
by Aquanan44- 7 replies
After reading the various experiences of conventional Whipples operations, I feel very privileged to have been offered a laproscopic operation. After a 10 hour operation, I was ready to go home on the 5th day - absolutely incredible. I was eating and mobile after the 3rd day. It's now 7 weeks later and I start chemotherapy tomorrow for 6 months. If anyone is offered this type of surgery, do please take it. It will make a tremendous difference to your recovery. I understand that there are only 3 surgeons in this country who perform this operation. Ann
First meeting with an Oncologist
by rachelqt- 20 replies
Hi Im looking for a bit of advise please. My Dad has his first appointment with an Oncologist this Thursday and for some reason im feeling very very nervous about it. I dont know what to expect or what these meetings entail. Im frightened that they will blurt out timescales! My dad was diganoised with inoperable PC (5wks ago) and the tumor is wrapped around the artery. I asked the consultant if the cancer had spread and he said no. We have no idea about stages or grades. Wonder if we will be told at this meeting? He had a long spell in hospital (4wks) treating his jaundice and then he had a night of vomiting blood, which we have no idea where it came from, o…
Diet Post Whipple
by lindy1lou- 3 replies
It's now nearly 6 weeks since my whipple procedure and I only weigh 7 stone (48 kilos). I'm on Creon but can anyone help with fattening foods and what to eat? I can't eat any kind of meat as it seems not to agree so I'm now keeping to a light diet mosty fish and eggs etc. Also I'm diabetic! - any help would be appreciated.........thank you Linda
Advice needed please!!
by Daddysgirl71- 2 replies
Hi everyone, I hope someone can help, I posted a few weeks ago about my dad. 10 weeks ago he had a whipples op and is now. Week 3 into a 18 session course of chemo. His problem is drastic weightloss, approx 5 stones since his surgery and still losing!! Surely there must be a point where his weight will stabilise?? Had any one else experienced this? He is eating, albeit small portions. Any shared experience , help and advice would be appreciated, I'd love to give him some positivity as at the moment he hates the way he looks and is getting depressed. Thanks again Suz xx
- 16 replies
Hi Please excuse me if this sounds a bit long winded but I don't know how to shorten this problem!! I am anxious to go back to work as soon as possible - I had my whipples procedure on June 16th 2011 and made a quick recovery. Unfortunately I developed an abcess on my liver so was kept in hospital and was given 3 lots of antibiotics through IV drip. I was discharged from hospital on 6th July still with the abcess and was given 3 lots of antibiotics to take for 4 weeks and returned to see the consultant last Thursday 4th August and also had an ultrasound. Fortunately the abcess had cleared and the consultant was really pleased with my progress. I myself think that…
Sports following Whipples
by Trevor F- 5 replies
Can anyone recommend any sports to play following a Whipples procedure ? I used to play golf a lot but I can't turn any more for a full swing and follow through.........if I do I may end up in the loo. I kept my Hickman line so if I go swimming I look like the bionic man but it may clear a few people out of the pool . Is walking OK ?
Whipple's one month on -- ANY advice would be a help
by cheshire_cat- 8 replies
Hi -- my mum, who's 65, had the Whipple's op a month ago. She was in hospital for 2 weeks and has now been at home for just over two weeks. She's doing well but the big problem is eating. She is eating, but feels very sick a lot of the time and has terrible wind. Sometimes she is sick, especially in the evenings. She lost a lot of weight before the operation and then inevitably lost more in hospital and was very slim to start with. She now weighs about 7 stone, which is 2 stone under her normal weight. I am absolutely terrified that they will refuse to give her chemo because she's so thin -- I know the chemo makes you lose yet more weight. I am doing EVERYTHING I …
Sickness all the time
by beckyhaynes- 1 reply
Hello eveyone this is my first post on here so if it sounds silly please bear with me, my uncle has within the last three weeks been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, this week he has his appointment with the cancer unit at the local hospital to dicuss treatment, what he wants to do and the chances of it working etc. but over the last week and half to two weeks he has been being sick alot, he cant keep nothing down and even at the thought of having to have a drink or something to eat it makes him eve. an emergancy doctor came out last week and gave him some anti sickness tablets, which did seem to work at first but now he seems as bad as he was before he took them. …
Diabetes post whipples
by The missus- 2 replies
Hi I an new to this site as my husband had a Whipples in February this year. He had very high blood sugars 2 weeks post op (4 days after his discharge). He had to go back to the surgical assessment unit as he had a wound infection, it was purely by chance that he produced a urine sample to be tested that they found the high blood sugar. Initially this was put down to the wound infection. He had to stay in for a few more days while the diabetes was stabilised. 3 weeks after all this, he remains on insulin but his blood sugars are not doing anything like they should do with the insulin being changed every so often by the specialist nurse ( who has no experience at al…
Mum's recovery
by Smithy- 1 reply
Hi My mum is doing great after her recent Whipple's op. The op was a success and all cancer was removed . Next step is chemo. Mum looks well and all wounds are healing nicely. She has lost alot of weight and just trying to encourage her with eating small and often, she will need her strength for the chemo. Mum tryed Creon and it did not suit her at all made her very ill, at the moment she is not taking any enzyme supplement. Mum has been out today for the first time since her op (28.02.11) says she was tired today but that understandable after all she has been through. Well done Mum you are doing great xxx love you lots xx Jacky
- 13 replies
Dear All, My husband had a Whipples procedure approx 4 weeks ago and is suffering with constipation. Our GP prescribed Movicol for this but just over 24 hours after he started to take it, he developed a rash on his legs and lower tummy area. Our GP doesn't think it's Moviol related and the district nurses are keeping an eye on it. It's not itchy or uncomfortable. Has anyone else had anything similar post Whipples or after taking Movicol ? If anybody has any experience/great ideas for natural ways of dealing with the constipation, I'd love to hear about them. He hates prunes ... Many thanks. Helen
My husband's recent Whipples op
by HMac- 15 replies
I am new to this site but have already read many of the postings and have been greatly encouraged by your support to one another. My husband had a Whipples procedure on 10th February 2011. He is now home but has about a 5 inch section of his operation scar open and covered by a stoma bag into which large amounts of lymphatic fluid drain each day. I found this quite frightening at first as it can be more than 2 lts/day but the surgeon does not appear concerned so long as my husband keeps drinking as much as possible - not easy following such major surgery. Has anyone else had experience of this following a Whipples ? Any advice at this stage would be comforting.
Enzyme replacement after Whipple's surgery
by liverbird- 1 reply
My husband underwent a Whipple's resection in June 2010, followed by six months chemotherapy, taking part in the ESPAC4 trial. His chemo finished at the end of January but throughout this period he has been unable to take any of the enzyme replacements (Creon, Pancrease or Pancrex). He is now over two stones underweight, suffers from almost constant lower bowel discomfort or if he takes a low dose Creon, severe ulcer-like stomach pains and is becoming quite frail. While concerned, our doctors can only suggest a period of trial and error with enzyme dosage and various painkillers. Has anyone else suffered these side affects and have any useful advice on how to improve th…
Whipples procedure
by Smithy- 3 replies
Hi this is my first post , My Mum is having Whipples op today we are just waiting for a call from the hospital. We have been very nervous waiting,but reading some of you posts has helped. I just hope she will be ok thanks Jacky
Papaya extract thwarts growth of pancreas cancer cells.
by PressWatch- 9 replies
Papaya extract thwarts the growth of Cancer Cells in lab tests. Science Daily: Scientists at the University of Florida have shown that Papaya extract has slowed the growth and believe that even cancer cells have been killed. The Cancer Cells include those from the Pancreas amongst others. A similar report was published in the Daily Telegraph. What seems important in this case is the potentially lower toxicity of the natural extract whereas other agents that also disrupt cancer cells are often more toxic. This finding may open the way for clinical trials in the future. I am adding Papaya to my fruity…
Whipples resection
by Lizbeth- 4 replies
Hiya, i was just wondering if anyone knows whether chemo always happens after a whipples Op? my mum was saying that she didn't need to have chemo (doc told her that friday)would that mean the tumour is at a very early stage or? Thankyou Lizbeth
Incision hernia
by smilodon- 2 replies
Hi Had a double bypass 9 months ago. Now have a hernia. HAS ANYONE ELSE HAD THIS ?
- 0 replies
Cancer Research UK (CRUK) is looking for patients to join a discussion day in Cardiff on 11th October. They say: “We are asking patients diagnosed with cancer in the last two years and/or their carers to come and share their experiences of diagnosis in order to establish what should change to improve cancer services in Wales. The event takes place 10am-4pm at City Hall, Cardiff. Travel expenses paid & lunch provided. More details: Anyone interested in attending (or wanting more info) please email CRUK directly at or call 0203 469 8360 …
Teenager with pancreatic cancer
by volmod- 0 replies
Dear All: we’ve been asked for support in the rare case of a teenager with pancreatic cancer. If you have direct current/recent experience of this as a teenage patient (or their carer) and feel you might be able to help, please contact me at and I will pass on your details in confidence to our support staff. Warm regards Vee (moderator at Pancreatic Cancer UK)