Family, friends and carers
A forum for family, friends and carers' of pancreatic cancer patients.
654 topics in this forum
How are you Nicki, Ellie and LA 1 2
by millyjo- 42 replies
Hello, Keep checking to see how everyone is doing, but in particular Nicki, Ellie and Lesley Ann. Not wanting to sound uncaring in not enquiring about others, as I care deeply. But just wanted to enquire about those I have mentioned, and to let them know my thoughts are with them. Millyjo xx
Message for Ellie
by DRAD3- 1 reply
Hi Ellie Have been wondering how things are and thinking things must be very difficult for you at the moment as there has been little sign of you on the forum. Send my best wishes and love. Deb x
Swollen legs and hips - any advice?
by Charlotte- 1 reply
Hi all, My Mum's just started a two week break after her first round of GemCap treatment - she has an extra week off as my brother is getting married on 21st May, so we're hoping she'll feel well enough to be able to enjoy the day. The symptom that is bothering her the most at the moment is swelling/oedema - mostly in her legs and hips, but also her arms and abdomen. It's really getting her down, especially since the palliative care nurse from the hospice visited and told her that it was probably more a result of the cancer itself than the chemo. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to alleviate it? the district nurse had suggested a special kind of massage, …
More than just one victim
by Tony- 6 replies
Hi there, I thought I would give a little on my story as I felt the need to put pen to paper. I feel somewhat of a fraud as this isn't really my story - it is that of my partner. A few weeks ago her father was admitted to hospital at her insistance - she's a Paramedic and drove him herself! He was suffering uncontrollable pain and constipation. To cut a long story short, he was discharged after two days with constipation. She put up a real fight with the consultant who conceded a further night in and a CT the next day. Two days later - stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer, 2x3cm tumour, secondaries in the liver. She knew, as did her mum who was a nurse for many years, but to hear…
Itching, please help
by Elizabeth2- 4 replies
Hi all, I'm new to this forum. My Mum was diagnosed in January with stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer which has spread to the liver. She started Chemo last week. I wanted to get some advice about the severe itching she is experiencing. It is really affecting her quality of life and has been constant since diagnosis and not improved by the fitting (and re-fitting) of the stent/bile drainage. The doctors have said there is nothing that can be done about it but its so distressing for her, she's scratching all the time and making herself bleed, she struggles to sleep and she is massively frustrated. I feel useless as I can't do anything to help her and she keeps asking me what …
- 5 replies
Hi, mother in law had some blood tests a month or so back, that showed high liver counts, and was then given an ultrasound - not sure what this revealed (but they couldnt see gallbladder etc), so she was booked for a CT scan a week after, the following week she had to go for a pancreas biopsy, and the specialist said it could be cancer, or it could be a number of other things, the follow up appointment after the biopsy is booked for 4 weeks after the biopsy happened - to me, this hopefully means there was no sign of cancer in the biopsy? I would imagine as this form of cancer is aggressive, they would have acted on it ASAP - but just wanted some input on others experienc…
by DRAD3- 4 replies
Hi all I just wanted to pick up on Nicki's comment about how she struggles with guilt, trying to balance work and her role as carer as it did really resonate with me (so don't apologise Nicki!) I am currently signed off work because initially my husband was so ill with jaundice that I was unable to leave him for any length of time (I would need someone to come in and sit with him while I nipped to the shops). He is now, in comparison, fairly well. We were told his tumour is inoperable (due to blood vessel invasion) and the chemotherapy & radiotherapy planned is to keep this horrible disease at bay. He is at the end of cycle two of his chemotherapy treatment and c…
advice on stents
by babs- 3 replies
My name is Vicky and my grandpa was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a few weeks ago we were told that it hadn't spread and so he had a stent after 4days he died unexpectedly at home but I was wondering if anyone knew if the stent had anything to do with his death. My gran didn't want him to have a autopsy. He was 81 years old. I would be very grateful if anyone on here would know. Since the time my grandpa was diagnosed to his death was about 3 weeks. The first hospital he was in couldn't fit the stent so he was transfered to another hospital to have the procedure.the doctors there told us it hadnt spread and so he was released from hospital to go home …
Some Good News for once :)
by lts- 2 replies
Heya just thought I would let you know that my dad has finished his 6 months of chemo and his latest scan has shown that the tumour in his pancreas and liver has shrunk :) I thought I would share this wonderful news with everyone to hopefully show that there is hope and good results can occur with Gemzar. best wishes to you all thanks
Pancreatic Cancer UK - Support Line
by Support Team- 0 replies
Pancreatic Cancer UK runs a Support Line for anyone affected by pancreatic cancer. Our Support and Information Team can provide specialist support and information on pancreatic cancer. You can contact the service by emailing The Support and Information section of our website also contains information about pancreatic cancer and some real life stories of people affected by pancreatic cancer - visit
A wonderful woman my mother has died.
by millyjo- 19 replies
My dearest most beloved mother passed away on the 3rd July 2009, having been diagnosed with inoperable, metatastic PC on the 15th April 2009. The shock of being told the diagnosis, put mum into what I can only say was mental shock. From the moment of the diagnosis she stopped living. The 75 yr old who looked 55, was trendier than me, fun loving, active, physically fit , beautiful, intelligent women became someone I didn't know. My brothers and I gave up jobs, and our time to be with her during her darkest days. Despite knowing the prognosis, she insisted on having chemotherapy, which as her billirubin was high, her liver disfuntional was maddness really. But we suppo…
Time wasted
by mary- 6 replies
Hi everyone Its been a while since I posted but one of my children found this site and I was a bit concerned about them reading my posts, but needs must and I feel as though I need a good rant at the moment. As I explained in my earlier post my husband was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer with secondary in his liver on the 11th February, when we saw the specialist almost 2 weeks later we were told the prognosis was 3 months without treatment but 2 to 3 years with, he also said he could go on the Telvac trial but would need a PET scan and a biopsy and a visit to the oncologist before that was decided. Over a week later he went in to have these tests done and since then th…
When to tell children
by jadco- 2 replies
My mum has advaced pan C - liver and bowel and is due to start chemo this week - she lives very close by and my 4 children see her as their 'other' (aka more patient lol) mum. Children's ages are 17,15(with aspergers), 8 and 3 Thanks in advance
devastated and trying to hide it
by jadco- 2 replies
My lovely mum was diagnosed 'by accident' with pancreatic cancer 3 yrs ago - the surgeon operated and removed the tumor and her spleen. It had spread into 2 lymph nodes and she had chemo. 1st round was terrible - she went into toxic shock - then then reduced the strength by 25% and she tolerated the treatment for the next 5 mths. All was well for a year but then last spring her c19-9 reading began to rise (no idea of the actual numbers) despite numerous CT scans nothing could be seen - until this week. She has secondaries in her liver and bowel. Surgery is not being offered nor is radiotherapy. She has been offered chemo to ease pain and slow growth. I can't believ…
Hello all, I am Juliana's Dad
by Bob L- 4 replies
It saddens me to have to tell you all that our darling daughter, Juliana passed away peacefully and with her husband, Gareth, myself and her Mum, Anna at her bedside in xx, xx around midnight 4th March 2011. Alex has kindly given me permission to link my blog to your forum where, should you wish, you can read in greater detail how Juliana's cancer was discovered and what she did to extend the period of time she was given by her specialists. I know I have no need to tell you of her courage and determination to fight this terrible disease to the bitter end as she wrote 180 posts on your forum trying to bring comfort, knowledge and enlightenment to fellow sufferers and th…
After 2 years husband suddenly in denial
by Nardobd- 3 replies
Ted, my hubby was diagnosed with locally advanced (inoperable) pc two years ago last month. He was given chemotherapy as pallative care and his tumour shrank, tumour markers (CA19-9) decreased. Last year the tumour markers went back up and he was getting stomach pain so was given 2nd line chemo. This was cut short because it led to him getting a number of infections but whilst he was on it his CA19-9 reduced by 90% back to almost normal levels. Now the tumour markers are back with a vengence, having trebled in the last six weeks. He had been having stomach pain during the last few weeks but last weekend decided that he would try not taking Creon. The stomach pai…
My Dad has Pancreatic Cancer
by William42- 10 replies
First time poster so sorry if I do this incorrectly. Having read through a few posts on this forum my story is little different to any others but just thought I would share my own experience. My heart goes out to all those affected by this monstrous disease. Anyway a few months ago my father had a stroke and after immediate hospital treatment things where looking good as only his speech and reasoning parts of the brain where affected and we had high hopes he would regain most of his normal functionality. Unfortunately an MRI scan revealed there was a tumour on his pancreas and later tests revealed the cancer had spread to, Liver, Kidneys, Bones. As a good news/bad n…
Can anyone help me help my mum? ANY advice welcome
by cheshire_cat- 5 replies
Hi -- I'm looking after my mum who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last month. She was ill last summer but the hospital insisted it was food poisoning. She lost weight at the time and never really put it back on again. Then in January she became very jaundiced and was sent for a scan, which revealed pancreatic cancer. The tumour is big but we found out on Friday that it is operable. The surgeons are going to operate in two weeks time as mum is still jaundiced and it is too dangerous to operate until it has cleared more. She had a stent put in about three weeks ago. I have managed to get leave from my job to look after her. The biggest problem at the moment…
flaxseed oil and cottage cheese for cancer
by margb5343- 3 replies
I everyone. I know its to late to help my mum with the above but just wondered if any of you have given the above a try. I wished i had seen it earlier and could have possibly helped my mum as they reckon it can start to work in as little as 3 days. luv margaret xxxx
Pancreatic Cancer
by mary- 4 replies
I found this site last week when checking the net for information on pancreatic cancer and have only now plucked up the courage to write. My 64 year old husband who has always been very healthy and active, never smoked and doesn't really drink much, was admitted to hospital on 5th February with a suspected DVT. He was complaining of pain in his calf and ribs for about a week and we put it down to muscle strain. To cut a long story short when they performed a Doppler scan and found no clot they decided to do do a lung scan, not only did they find a clot in his lung but also saw some shadowing on his liver. On the 11th February they did a CT of his abdomen and pancreas and…
- 4 replies
Heya my dad is doing ok at the moment. The last chemo session he had knocked him for six but he is starting to feel better now. He only has 3 sessions left but he is looking forward to it finishing. He says he hates getting it now. He hates going up to the hospital, he hates getting needles now as sometimes they struggle to get the needle in and require numerous attempts which can be quite painful. As my dad only has 3 sessions left, can anyone tell me what happens next? Does it stop altogether or does he continue getting chemo but with bigger breaks in between? I am trying to be really positive and although I am glad the chemo is coming to an end, I am also extr…
Newly diagnosed Mum and very confused
by Kitten- 7 replies
Hello, I am new to the Board and wondered if anybody could give me some advice as we, as a family are very confused. My Mum had a CT scan 3 weeks ago and the results where sent to her GP. When my Mum went to the GP for the results she was told that she had a tumor on her Pancreas which had spread to her Liver. She was told that she would be contacted by the Hospital to talk about treatment plans etc. Since then, absolutely nothing has happened. We haven't heard from a Consultant. When she went back to the Dr to tell her, the Dr made a phone call to the Hospital and the next day a letter arrived saying that she needed further blood tests and a liver biopsy (which we w…
by margb5343- 1 reply
Hi everyone, Just to let you all know. It was mums funeral on Tuesday, the day was absolutely perfect. Weather was sunny, we had a scottish piper and just didnt expect so many people to attend. We had a lovely buffet afterwards and my brother did the most amazing speech in the church, it was just so fitting to my mum. She would of approved of it all. We also managed to raise £465 from donations for pancreatic cancer which we were thrilled with. On the down side, its still so difficult to comprehend she isnt here, cannot get used to the fact we are never going to see her again. We just all miss her so much and still feel cheated as she shouldnt have been taken from…
Please.. if you read this, reply.
by LittleMissOptimistic- 6 replies
Hi all, A year ago today my mother was coming out of Whipples surgery. It must have been the hardest day of my life. To date. Weeks and months of chemo followed.. which you probably all know how unpleasant they are. I wont go into detail. A month after her last Chemo (which lasted 6 months altogether) her tests came back clean. I was screaming for joy. It didnt last long though. A few weeks later she was back in hospital, for reasons they didnt discover until much later, when she had surgery unrelated to the previous. Unfortunatelly, a couple of weeks ago a new biopsy came and said she has cancer reocurrence. She has already started Chemo and is on an (additional to ma…
My Mums Journey
by sharon- 6 replies
Hello, my name is Sharon and I would like to tell you about my Mums short journey through Pancreatic Cancer. I have been reading through some of the other postings and can't believe just how simular the symptoms are on each person. Awareness for this terrible cancer certainly is needed. It all started at the begining of October 2010 with diarrhea and hiccups. The diarrhea was bad so I called the Doctor out. As there was nothing else to report at this time a common stomach bug was diagnosed. Diarrhea returned 2 weeks later with constipation inbetween. Doctor gave her a blood test and said she was type 2 diabetic. Mum cut out sugars, cakes etc but still had diarrhea …