News from Pancreatic Cancer UK
Read the latest updates from Pancreatic Cancer UK and how you can help us.
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- Living with Pancreatic Cancer - new online support sessions
- By Support Team,
71 topics in this forum
Help us get pancreatic cancer prioritised - email your MP today
by Support Team- 0 replies
Pancreatic cancer is the deadliest common cancer, but it's been neglected by successive government cancer plans. Now, the Health Secretary, Sajid Javid, has declared a 'War on Cancer', and he's writing a new 10-year cancer plan to back it up. If enough MPs tell the Health Secretary that pancreatic cancer should be a focus of the new cancer plan, the message will get through. Will you ask for your MP’s help to make pancreatic cancer a key part of the new plan? Click here to use our template and email your MP
Join a workshop to transform pancreatic cancer care
by Support Team- 0 replies
We’ve launched a major project to make sure everyone with pancreatic cancer has access to the best care wherever they live in the UK. We’d love to invite you to a workshop on 22nd or 23rd March to share your experiences of the biggest challenges you or your loved one have faced - and your ideas on what could be improved. Sign up for a workshop here:
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Learn more about getting involved with Pancreatic Cancer UK at our Volunteer Recruitment Fair on Wednesday 23rd February. We have a variety of exciting Local Volunteer and Event Volunteer opportunities. Come along to one of our virtual sessions to find out more, hear from volunteers how they enjoy their roles, and meet our Volunteering Team. It’s an informal and relaxed event, so please be reassured that it isn’t an interview but an opportunity for you to ask questions and find out how you can make a difference in your local area. We’ll be running three virtual sessions on 23rd February via Zoom at 10 – 11am, 2 – 3pm and 6 – 7pm – please pick the t…
‘Living Well to the End of Life: Palliative Care for Pancreatic Cancer’ webinar, 12/01/22
by PCUK Ellie- 1 reply
Pancreatic cancer can make planning for the future feel difficult. You may have heard of the term ‘palliative care’, but feel unsure about what this means. ‘Palliative care’ means providing specialist care to manage symptoms such as pain, as well as emotional and practical support. The aim is to help you live as well as possible for as long as possible. Some people find the thought of palliative care upsetting, but these services aren’t just for people at the end of their life. They are available at any point during treatment or care. At Pancreatic Cancer UK, we're grateful to be joined by two consultants in palliative medicine for a free evening w…
Chat to others at our new online Cuppa
by PCUK Ellie- 0 replies
Pancreatic Cancer UK runs a Family, Friends and Carers' Cuppa every month on Zoom. They're fantastic sessions - sometimes there's laughter, sometimes there are tears, but there's always a wealth of support and understanding. We want to provide the same kind of space for people who have a diagnosis themselves, so we're starting a separate Cuppa, and the first one is this Tuesday 23rd November at 11am. An hour and a half long, on Zoom Just for people with pancreatic cancer Led by trained volunteers who have had a diagnosis themselves You can join late, leave early, have your camera on or off, and share as much or as little as you'd like - this is a…
'Ask a Dietitian' webinar — Wednesday 3rd November, 6pm
by PCUK Ellie- 1 reply
It can be hard to manage the digestive problems caused by pancreatic cancer. A dietitian can help, but sadly we know not everybody with pancreatic cancer has access to one. That's why Pancreatic Cancer UK has teamed up with two specialist dietitians to run a free evening webinar on Wednesday 3rd November. Rachel Caddy and Lauren Roberts will be talking about the function of the pancreas and how this is impacted by cancer/treatment, and they'll be giving practical tips on topics including: managing pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT), such as Creon® recognising symptoms of malabsorption and malnutrition fortifying your food ta…
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The COVID Cancer Antibody Survey has been launched in England. It will look at antibody responses to the COVID-19 vaccines among cancer patients. The NHS is calling on cancer patients to sign up now. You can sign up at: What are antibodies? Your body makes antibodies when you get an infection. This is an antibody response. Antibodies help the body fight the infection. If you have COVID-19 antibodies in your blood, it’s likely you have had the virus before or have had the vaccine. It’s not known if having antibodies stops you getting the virus again. What does this survey aim to find out? Vaccination is an…
Free online support sessions coming up
by PCUK Ellie- 0 replies
Our specialist nurses are running free online support sessions over Zoom - find out more on our website. Dates for your diary: Thursday 16th September, 11am - 12.30pm – Coping with Symptoms Thursday 23rd September, 11am - 12.30pm – Managing Nutrition and Pancreatic Enzymes Tuesday 28th September, 11am - 12.30pm – Family, Friends and Carers' Cuppa Tuesday 5th October, 3pm - 4.30pm – Managing Chemotherapy
Two new opportunities to get involved and have your say
by Support Team- 1 reply
We have two new opportunities to get involved with our work and help us improve the experience of people with pancreatic cancer. 1️⃣ Help shape our services We want our support services to reach as many people as possible, so that nobody feels they're facing pancreatic cancer alone. The pandemic has seen an increase in the number of people getting support online, and as we look to the future we're thinking about the role online services might play in helping us make a bigger difference to more people. If you're based in the UK and can spare a few hours to talk to us about your experiences, we'd love to hear from you. …
Registering and posting
by Support Team- 1 reply
We're aware that some people have experienced problems with registering recently - this should be fixed now, but if you encounter any further issues please email us at We'd also like to take this opportunity to ask you for your input. The Forum attracts hundreds of visitors, but does experience quiet periods with few posts. We'd like to understand more about what might be stopping people posting, and what might encourage people to. This is your space - we want to make sure it's as welcoming and supportive as possible, and that you feel comfortable sharing here. Whether you're a registered member or a guest, if you'…
Living with Pancreatic Cancer webinar: Ask a Dietitian
by Support Team- 0 replies
If you'd like to learn more about diet, nutrition and PERT, join dietitian Rachel Caddy for a free evening webinar later this month. Rachel works at the Liverpool University NHS Foundation Trust, providing specialist dietetic support to people with pancreatic cancer to help improve their quality of life. She is passionate about educating people on the parts pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy and nutrition play in living well with pancreatic cancer. The webinar will take place on Tuesday 29th June from 6 to 7.30pm, and there will be a Q&A session so you can ask any questions you might have. Register now:…
Welcome back
by Support Team- 0 replies
Welcome back to the Forum! Thank you all for your patience while we made the move. If you’re a registered user you’ll need to reset your password and choose a stronger one the first time you log back in. Please click ‘Forgot your password?’ in the Sign In panel in the top right. We hope this new Forum will be more user-friendly, and make it easier for you to find content that’s relevant to you. If you have any feedback, questions or suggestions we’d love to hear them – you can email us at, or feel free to comment below. Best wishes, Support Team
Important announcement – please read
by Support Team- 1 reply
We’re making some changes to our Discussion Forum, and this means there will be an offline period in two weeks’ time. The Forum will go offline at midday on Tuesday 27th April, and will return looking a little different on the morning of Thursday 29th April. If you are a registered user, you should have received an email about this today. You can find out more here: What do I need to do? We will be improving the security of the Forum by making sure all registered members have strong enough passwords. This means you will need to reset your password the f…
Did your loved one struggle to get dietary support?
by Support Team- 0 replies
All too often we read on our forum about patients who have struggled with the symptoms of problems with digestion due to their pancreatic cancer, such as weight loss or diarrhoea, but didn’t get the help they needed to manage these symptoms straight away – or at all. Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy (PERT – or you may know it as Creon) can help manage these symptoms, but we know that sadly not everyone is given access to it. At Pancreatic Cancer UK we are particularly looking to speak to family members of pancreatic cancer patients whose cancer was inoperable, yet despite struggling with these symptoms, didn’t get all of the support they needed. E.g. perhaps yo…
Online surgery support session
by Support Team- 0 replies
If you're in the UK and undergoing surgery, recovering from it, or supporting someone who is, you may benefit from our free online support session tomorrow. The session is run by Di, one of our specialist nurses, and you'll be able to ask any questions you might have. You'll also be able to hear from Margaret, one of our Side by Side volunteers, about her experience of pancreatic surgery. When? 11am on Thursday 8th April Where? Zoom Find out more and book:
Online support sessions
by Support Team- 0 replies
If you're based in the UK and looking for support for yourself or a loved one with pancreatic cancer, join us for online support sessions on: - Managing Nutrition and Pancreatic Enzymes - Undergoing Surgery and Recovery - Managing Chemotherapy We're also running a Family, Friends and Carers' Cuppa, as well as sessions for people who have been recently diagnosed. Our online support sessions are hosted by one of our specialist nurses on Zoom, and are small and informal. They're a chance to meet other people living with pancreatic cancer, share your experiences, ask questions and get support. For more information, to …
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We're really keen to hear from people with pancreatic cancer, and their loved ones, about their experiences over the course of the pandemic. If you're based in the UK we'd be grateful if you would take a few minutes to fill out this survey: By sharing your experiences, you'll be helping us to understand the impact of coronavirus on our community, learn more about its effect on treatment and care, and alert health bodies to the issues people are facing. If you have any questions or worries about coronavirus and how this may affect you and your treatment, we're here for you. You can speak to our specialist nurses on our free Supp…
Festive Season Support line hours
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
Over the coming Festive period the support line opening hours are as follows: Monday 21st and Tuesday 22nd December: 9am - 4pm. Wednesday 23rd December: 10am - 2pm. Thursday 24th December: 10am - 1pm. the support line will be closed on the Public Holidays (Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day) and weekends. Tuesday 29th December - Thursday 31st December: 10am - 2pm. Week beginning 4th January 2021: Normal hours 0900 - 4pm. Please do not hesitate to be in touch with us during this period as you may need. If calling the support phone line (0808 801 0707) you are welcome to leave a voice message that we will return as soon as possible on th…
Scotland Living With Pancreatic cancer support session Tuesday 1st December ion.
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
Join our specialist nurses and other people living with pancreatic cancer at one of our support sessions for people living in Scotland. This session is on Tuesday 1st December 11-12.30am This is an informal session and you will have the opportunity to share your own experiences, ask questions and meet others in a similar position. This session will be online using Zoom. If you haven’t used Zoom before we can send you a simple guide when you book your session. You can register for this session via the link below: or …
Living with Pancreatic Cancer online sessions
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
We are currently running on line support sessions for those people with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. These are run via Zoom sessions enabling you to join from the comfort of your own home. Upcoming sessions include the following: Wednesday 11th November 11-12.30 - Managing chemotherapy with Jeni & Tracey. Tuesday 17th November 11-12.30 - Support if you are Newly Diagnosed with Rachel & Nicci Thursday 19th November 11-12.30 - Undergoing Surgery or recovery with Lisa and Di Tuesday 24th November 2-3pm - Carer's cuppa with Nicci & Tracey Thursday 26th November 11-12.30 - Managing Nutrition with Jeni & Lynne We will also be running …
Pancreatic enzyme replacement survey
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
People with pancreatic cancer can experience a lot of problems when it comes to digesting food. Weight loss, diarrhoea and other digestion issues can all have a huge impact on daily life. But too few people get the support they need with these symptoms. We want to change this. If you currently have pancreatic cancer, have been affected by pancreatic cancer in the past, or have cared for someone with the disease, you can help us by taking our survey. The link to the survey is: The survey asks about symptoms caused by nutritional and digestive issues, and w…
Online Support Sessions During Coronavirus
by Support Team- 0 replies
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a big impact on everyone’s lives, and if you have pancreatic cancer we know that it has been a very difficult and challenging time. For that reason, we are running a series of free Living with Pancreatic Cancer online support sessions, to help you deal with issues you might currently be facing. The sessions will be relaxed and informal with a small group of people, and each session will last for an hour and a half. These support sessions will be run on Zoom during July and August and will be hosted by our pancreatic cancer specialist nurses and you will be able to speak to them and ask them any questions you have about dealing with pancrea…
Discussion Forum updates on Thursday 11/6/2020
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
There will be some maintenance on the Discussion forum with a down time from 10.00am on Thursday 11/6/20 for approximately 2 hours. If posting around this time there will be an online message to highlight when the Forum is unavailable and again when the Forum is available for use. Should you have any queries or concerns at the time, please do not hesitate to contact the Specialist nurses via email on: and we will attempt to rectify your problem. Dianne Pancreatic Cancer Specialist Nurse Pancreatic Cancer UK
Sign up for regular updates about Coronavirus
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
If you are struggling to keep up with all the coronavirus information that’s out there and what it means for you, sign up to regular email updates from our specialist nurses, Lynne and Emma. This information can be sent directly to you by email, around once a week. You just have to sign up to receive them. Please find the link below. Whether it’s how coronavirus might affect your treatment, practical tips on coping with isolation, or digestible explanations of the NHS updates that might affect you, we’ll take the stress out of hunting for trusted information. You can also visit our coronavirus information section at any time.…
Treatment and Care during Coronavirus
by PCUK Nurse Dianne- 0 replies
We know this is a worrying time for people with pancreatic cancer, and we’re here to support you. The NHS is working hard to keep to plans for essential treatment and care for people with cancer patients, but we know the Coronavirus outbreak may have an impact on these plans. During this time we won’t stop speaking up for people with pancreatic cancer. To help us to do this, we’d like to hear from you. If your pancreatic cancer treatment or care is being affected, or if you are concerned that it might be, we’d be grateful if you could let us know through this short survey. Your feedback will help us to understand and monitor the experiences of our community, and …