Advanced pancreatic cancer
A forum for advanced pancreatic cancer issues.
398 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
I’ve been reading posts here for nearly two years but I’m new to the discussion board. To cut a long story short, my husband was diagnosed in July/Aug 2009. He had a whipples in September of the same year, followed by 6 months of gemcitabine (belts & braces). Just when we thought we could get life back to 'normal' – he was offered chemoradiation. After much deliberation, we opted to have this treatment. Up until this point, my husband had coped extremely well, with the surgery and chemo, but this treatment knocked him sideways. Chemoradiation finished in September 2010. The reason for my post is that the cancer has come back. In July this year the latest scan …
My perfect mum
by Vanhalen- 6 replies
Dear everyone My precious mum had her wishes granted earlier today, at 2pm and found peace. She passed away after suffering for too long. She was and is the most perfect mother ever. She put up with so much and went through with everything that was asked of her. She was so strong, even though she would question this. Of course there's so much more. I must add that the hospice nurses and doctors were superb. They did everything they could to make mum comfortable. My thoughts are with everyone on this site going through the same problems. Love Rich
by gillh- 4 replies
A good friend of mine has recently been diagnosed with PC. They thought it would be operable but sadly it has spread to the liver so they were unable to operate. One option that she is considering is Folfirinox and she has asked me to find out whether anyone has any experience to share. I'm very grateful for any information, particularly regarding success (or otherwise) and side-effects. Many thanks, Gill
not sure if my mum's tumour has spread???
by louiepc- 0 replies
Hi, I'm in need of a bit of advice. My mum has stage 2 pc, in the head of the pancreas and wrapped around the vascular vein. She was rushed to hospital last Wed, and had to have an emergency stomach draining procedure. The results of which have come back as having a bacteria that is usually found in the bowel. We are fairly certain Mum's bowel has not perforated, I would assume that she would be in an extreme amount of pain, and extremely ill if this was the case. Anyway, her stomach has almost doubled in size since the draining last week - they took off 6 litres. They are going to do another draining, today or tomorrow. I am extremely worried that - ma…
message for Vicky1389 or help??
by lynbo- 5 replies
HI I am at the end of my tether, I contacted the WAY foundation, and although the lady seemed nice, I dont really want to deal with widows who have not had same experience as me, ie their loved one had pancreatic cancer?? So, then i rang PCUK, they emailed a lady's contact details who has been in same boat as me, I contacted, but no reply?? Going to doctors in the morning to ask for counselling. On zopiclone 7.5mg but still cannot sleep? I just need to talk/email someone who has been through what I have so I can get my head round it all, reading some posts, I find I am shouting and reasoning with the laptop, ah, so that happened to them too? and knowing certain thi…
- 3 replies
Hi All, Please forgive me for not replying to what have been some really heart-churning posts. I just couldn't put into words what I wanted to say at the time and to add that we have been going from hospital to hospital over recent weeks has only made it worse - thankfully my trusty iPhone means that I can keep updated whilst we're on the move. I was so sorry to hear about Vicky's husband and it brought back memories of my uncle who was diagnosed and passed away so quickly: he too was opened up and spent too long in pain and in hospital even though at the outset they said there was nothing that could be done. Initially we felt really angry that he hadn't been allowe…
Putting on Weight
by HelenF- 8 replies
I am new to this, so like many others please bear with me. My Dad (71) was diagnosed with PC with secondaries in his liver at the end of July. He is about to start Chemo next week. I wanted to know if anyone had any tips for putting on weight whilst not getting constipated, this seems to be our main issue at the moment. If we give him too much stodge he gets constipated and has to resort back to Movicol laxatives, but then we give him foods with fibre and he is going to the toilet too much. He doesnt like the Ensure drinks and have tried lots of flavours. We are using Complan in his milk and anything else we can get it in. The macmillam dietician came last week, s…
Swollen ankles
by CFF- 7 replies
Hi, My dad had the Whipples in December 2009 and unfortunately after chemo last year the cancer returned in April this year. There's now very tiny spots on his lungs, not his liver (last scan results June this year) and the oncologist said it's developing very slowly which is as good news as we could hope for really and no 'timescales' were given. I've just noticed today he has a very swollen ankle - very. He says he's not painful though he isn't great at being forthcoming with when he's in pain. Have just done some internet research (although I always advise against this for people, self diagnosis often causes panic!) and it suggests that it might be because o…
- 32 replies
My dad was taken to hospital on 1st February with severe jaundice and rapid weight loss, (wouldn't see a doctor until pushed then emergency admission). He has had all the tests, a stent fitted to get rid of the bile from the blocked bile duct which has been effective, Unfortunately been told he has a tumour 2cm big in the head of his pancreas.the doctor said today he didn't think worth operating on because of his age, (even though rest of health good) and situation which is the head of the pancreas, and painted a really doeful picture. Chemo might be an option to stop growth. Dad is in no pain and eating even though losing weight. I wonder if anyone can give advice from t…
Diarrhea and Problems Eating
by anita_m- 10 replies
Hi Everyone, hoping you can help! My mum has inoperable pancreatic cancer and has just completed her first cycle of GemCap. She has a bile duct stent and has had problems eating for the past couple of months. She's been taking creon to help her absorb fats. The past week she has had really bad diarrhea and its harder to get any food for her... She's taking Loperamide but it doesn't seem to be working yet. I don't know if its the fats in food or the chemo that are causing the problems but its really getting her down (on top of everything else). Does anyone have good suggestions on food ? Or anything else that might help soothe the situation? Any advice gratefull…
help...very scared!
by lmatrix73- 7 replies
Hi very worried. My husband had a whipples 3.5 yrs ago. He is only 44 now. We have been told from recent scan they are "as sure as they can be " that the cancer has returned. Next scan 3 months from now to confirm. We have 2 little ones and am very scared. Really need to speak to people who understand what's going on. Trying to believe there has been a mistake. We have been told he has a max of 2 years to live judging from nature of cancer, fact it has come back in same region (localised recurrence with several nodes surrounding mass?), will be inoperable as have already performed whipples. Could they be wrong? I need honesty from people who know...thanks
Not long left for my Wonderful Dad
by poochy76- 18 replies
Hello, Glad I have found this website, I've found so many of the comments very useful. My Dad was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer almost 2 weeks ago now and has gone from his normal self to a very frail, ill man in this very short space of time. We were told last week that the cancer had spread to his liver and then today that they will not be giving him chemo as he is too advanced. Obviously this is a lot to take in and deal with, especially when you know officially that there is no hope. He had a biopsy on his liver last week which we are still awaiting the results on, but the doctors seem sure already that it's bad news. We haven't been given any idea of how …
- 3 replies
Hi there. I wonder if anyone can help me. My father is currently undergoing chemo (GemCap) for pancreatic cancer. A few days after each treatment he spikes a temperature and feels very unwell indeed. At first the doctors assumed it was infection due to neutropenia but nothing was revealed in cultures. They gave antibiotics and after a few days was discharged from hospital. This keeps happening though, and it is getting worse. He gets awful rigors, high temperatures, feels like he has flu and generally feels v rough. He is currently in hospital and has been there for the last six days. The docs are throwing everything at him - blood transfusion, phosphates, magnesium, and …
Bad news....and more bad news
by Nardobd- 11 replies
I can't believe that the news Ted's cancer has spread isn't the worst news we've heard today! probably is, but it doesn't feel like that. Long-term forum readers will remember that Ted had trouble with his leg, due to a build-up of calcium in the artery. This has progressed and two weeks ago I really thought he had a DVT in his leg, which was swollen and painful overnight. Long story short, it wasn't a DVT but a scan shows he has two complete blockages of the artery which the radiologist said that could mean he could lose his foot if nothing was done in the long term. We'd heard nothing more until today when we went for the results of Ted's three-month sca…
by Daddysgirl71- 8 replies
I'm so glad I came across this forum as my subject heading says it all! 5 weeks ago my dad was a healthy, happy, fit just retired 65 year old. Over the weeks he was losing weight but put it down to being more active, then thought something wasn't quite right. Nearly 2 stones in 4 weeks without dieting is wrong so he went to his GP feeling otherwise ok. Well since then it's been a whirlwind, blood tests showed raised enzymes and then the jaundice came. An ultrasound last week showed a mass on his pancreas. This week he is off for a CT scan and a stent to ease the jaundice, with a biopsy being done at the same time. I am just stunned! How can he go from fit with no s…
My amazing mum -- any advice/help?
by cheshire_cat- 3 replies
My beautiful 65 year old mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January and had a Whipples operation in March. She has recovered really well from surgery and was due to start chemotherapy a couple of weeks ago. Devastatingly, however, her pre chemo scan (she was going into a trial) showed that she has small spots of cancer on her liver. They apparently must have been there at the time of the operation but were so microscopic they weren't spotted. It is the most awful shock -- even all the trial nurses are shocked. Mum has made such a good recovery from the operation, she looks really well and healthy, is eating totally normally, (as well as taking food supplemen…
- 2 replies
Hi there My father was diagnosed with PC about three months ago. Initially, the experts thought he had Adenocarcinoma of the lungs because a 'suspicious' mass on his pancreas was visible from a separate scan taken three years ago, and they said that if it had been cancer, he would have died a long time ago. His lungs are both full of nodules and this was the assumed primary until January this year, when he fell ill. Eventually, after a lot of tests (and hassle), the diagnosis emerged of primary in the pancreas and secondaries in the lung. Needless to say, he was just getting to grips with the idea of a terminal diagnosis of lung cancer - and now is really struggling with…
by beckyhaynes- 8 replies
Hello my name is Becky dont if i am posting this is the correct place but here goes. My name is Becky im 23 years old, and i have turned to these baords for help, support and advice as my uncle has within the last three weeks been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. the onli way that i can make u all aware is by going through the whole story and going through it from the start to the corrent day. about two months ago now my uncle was becoming poorly and in agony alot, and was sent by his gp for lost of tests etc and when looking it up on the internet we thought he was being treated for gald stones. we was so shocked and horrified to find out that he had cancer …
by Suead70- 8 replies
My dad is 81 and was diagnosed with cancer in Oct 2010. I wasn't with my dad when he was told as he didn't want me to be there, but dad has said that because of his age and health he wouldn't be able to have an operation to remove the cancer. In about August 2010 dad became jaundiced and tests showed he had pancreatic cancer. In Oct 2010 he had a stent put in to stop him from being jaundiced. Complications arose and we were told by the hospital that it was unlikely he would survive. However, dad being the fighter he is recovered and he came home before Christmas. However since then he has had diarrhea and for about 4 weeks was vomiting a treacle like fluid...but we though…
Please help my mum about time for chemo.
by Vanhalen- 4 replies
Dear all. Please can anyone help my mum with regard time waiting for chemo. I hope you can help. My mum was released from hospital on the 1st April, how ironic!!!! She was given a copy of the letter that would be sent to her GP, showing what she had been diagnosed with, PC, but he still hadn't received it, when she saw him on the 7th.! My mum took the letter and i saw him copy it.My mums been told that shed be informed, presumably by letter , when she was to start her chemo. There's been no letter and I'm just starting to wonder if there's a problem.? We're both wondering how long you might wait to start chemo.? Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
Message for Vicky 1 2
by Nardobd- 25 replies
Hi Vicky...just wondering how you got on with the Macmillan nurse today. Are things any clearer for you? Best wishes Nicki
Pancreatic Cancer UK - Support Line
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
Pancreatic Cancer UK runs a Support Line for anyone affected by pancreatic cancer. Our Support and Information Team can provide specialist support and information on pancreatic cancer. You can contact the service by emailing The Support and Information section of our website also contains information about pancreatic cancer and some real life stories of people affected by pancreatic cancer - visit
Message to Ellie
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 5 replies
" Thanks for the advice but, as it turned out, Brian's rib wasn't broken after all. Two doctors had said it was but an x-ray showed no damage. He has an infection on his lung, which he's had for a while, but that can't have caused such a sudden, severe pain which appeared to be a broken rib. Ironically, he later started getting severe pain in the other side of his chest, but both sides seem to have eased off lately. It's hard to know what is going on at the moment. What seems to be helping is some slow release ibruprofen which he takes at night. He always used to wake up in bad pain every morning, after lying on his back, but these new pills seem t…
General Updates
by Juliana- 21 replies
Thought I would start a new thread of general updates of all our situations. Basically things like - doing ok, no change or awaiting CT scan results or back on chemo......or blablabla discovered and not having the best of times. I'll start it with myself. Had a meeting with oncologist before Christmas, who basically advised the chemo treatment i'd been on seemed to have made matters worse, so for now I will be treatment free - and he scheduled an appt for end of Feb. I'm still coughing, but noticed a change, the phlegm has moved from both lungs upwards towards centre of chest - it rattles alot but atleast each time I cough I can dislodge something. That somet…
by Big D- 2 replies
Hello everyone My dad has just been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer. He is 71. It is in the middle section of the pancreas and the tumour had pressed down on his duodenum and caused a blockage. He started being sick on 19th Jan. A few doctor's appointments later he was admitted to hospital and had an operation on 2nd March. The surgeons cut his intestine and made a new opening in the stomach and attached the intenstine (below the blockage) to the new opening. They also found that the cancer had spread to the omentum He is currently on TPN but he is now trying to eat jelly, sloppy porridge, etc. However, despite having an endoscopy last week which discovered t…