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82 year old dad newly diagnosed with pancreatic cancer


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Hi Carmel

I am pleased they can operate on your dad, I hope things go really well, I await your next post!

Much love


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Hi Lynnn

The first day after dad's op he was fine (friday). Saturday they had to increase the oxygen, (think I heard a doctor talking to students saying he his lung had collapsed). Today they have reduced the oxygen and sent him to a surgical ward so he is now out of intensive care. If he continues to make a small recovery I will be happy as I was convinced that it was curtains for him as soon as he was on the operating table. My brother in law saw him this morning and said he was ok apart from confusion and rambling- probably the painkillers sending him loopy for a while. We are visiting him tomorrow so we will see how he goes on. I was reading my previous blogs back from when all this started in February and I can't believe how things have turned out. If he continues to make good progress who knows the op may give him the 5 years he was promised. The very important hospital in Newcastle seems to be very good unlike the previous one where he was admitted. So I am keeping my fingers crossed tightly for him. I am sure you must just live up the road from me Lynn. Hope you are ok. Thanks for following my story.

Carmel x

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Hi Carmel

Nice to hear from you, I'm Hopi g yr dad does progress and continue fighting, ask Jeni the moderator if we can swap emails, as we could meet up for coffee if you like ?

Take care xxx

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PCUK Nurse Jeni

Hi Carmel,

If you would like to swap emails just email us at discussionboard@pancreaticcancer.org.uk and I can arrange this.

Best wishes,

Anna (Moderator - working with Jeni)

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Hi Carmel

Just a quickie to say that I hope your Dad continues to recover and goes from strength to strength.

Nicki x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Whipples op successful!!!!

Dad to be discharged from hospital on 4th August his 83rd birthday. He will be moving into sheltered accommodation, has a lovely flat in a nice complex, and once the wound totally heals up, I think he might be like his old self. I am shocked at how far he has come, I really did not think he would make it through the Whipples op at his age. I am pleased to say we were all wrong. Good old dad stuck to his guns, said he was having the op, "kill or cure". What a brave man. He deserves to live the five years he was promised. Doubt he will go for chemo, he has this year to catch up on.

Thank you to everyone who supported me through some really difficult periods, as without this Forum, I would have been lost. It has provided me with an invaluable source of information, and the confidence to tackle the doctors and consultants, as the hospital waiting games etc are a total nightmare.

Anyone out there going through an awful time, and I know there will be many. My message is do not give up. Do as much research as you can on the condition, and don't be afraid to ask the questions you feel are necessary. If anyone out there wants my e-mail address ask the moderator and I will be happy to help.

Carmel xxx

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