Advanced pancreatic cancer
A forum for advanced pancreatic cancer issues.
398 topics in this forum
confused about medication
by francis- 4 replies
Please help me understand the medication my mother is on. She's on MST and Metroclomide (spelling?) and Lomaprazole (spelling) She is constantly being sick (even after a week in hospital on syringe driver. She now takes them orally.) and went to out of ours GP yesterday who said it looked like she had a water infection as her urine was very dark and she was a bit sensitive over her bladder with some discomfort while going. When he tested it he said there was blood in it along with a couple of other things that I don't recall and put her on anti biotics. I have just looked MST and it say's that not to use this medication if you have liver disease, well she has liver me…
enlarged lymph nodes
by goodsyard- 3 replies
Hi, I'm wondering if anyone has come across the combination of issues that my son in law has. We all know the outlook is bleak, but any support is gratefully welcomed. Rik is 32, with a one year old daughter and was a real gym bunny. He was diagnosed, slowly and late, last autumn, and began chemo in December. The cancer is inoperable. It has spread to the lymph nodes including thoracic and his neck. In fact they first thought it was lymphoma until a scan showed the pancreas was involved. He's had chemo every 2 or 3 weeks. I don't know what as I don't get all the details. He's not jaundiced or diabetic. I wonder if the lymph nodes are likely to keep on growing, as they…
End stage and Ascites 1 2
by rosie050_0- 28 replies
I am new to this forum and have been reading through some of the posts, that have touched me deeply. I would like to share my story..... My husband was diagnosed with PC in July 2010 at the age of 33. I personally have not come across anyone yet who has had this cancer so young? He had the whipple procedure in August 2010, followed by 6 months chemotherapy. He was diagnosed in July of this year with mets to the abdominal cavity wall, lymph nodes and bowel and given a couple of months to live. He is still with us, doing what he does best and fighting this awful cancer. He is currently undergoing Folfirinox chemotherapy and has already had 8 courses. The cance…
Gary 3.5.65 - 19.4.2012
by DRAD3- 10 replies
My wonderful and brave husband, Gary, passed away at 10.30pm on Thursday, 19th April 2012. He was in no pain and sleeping peacefully in his own bed at home with myself and my daughter - what he had wished. Deb
Ted 29.8.46 - 9.4.12
by Nardobd- 21 replies
My beloved Ted passed away at approximately 6:50 this morning. I was with him, albeit asleep. His passing was very peaceful and his suffering is now over. Nicki xx
by DRAD3- 11 replies
I haven't written on the forum for a while but have followed everyone when I have had the chance and have always felt a strong sense of belonging to this amazingly loving community of friends. Some may remember me from my posts this time last year and it has been a long and difficult 12 months of my husband, Gary's, fight against this terrible disease. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy, hospital visits, hospital stays - it takes over your life, doesn't it? We have been strong as a family, I never realised how strong we could be. Gary has been an inspiration to me, never complaining, getting on with his daily battles, keeping the scary stuff to himself so that he didn't fr…
a familiar story
by sadsloth- 6 replies
Hello, I am new to this forum, but have read many of your stories with great sadness. My Mum has recently been diagnosed with advanced pc, that has spread to her liver and lung. This was picked up after she was admitted to A&E with DVT. Since then she seems to have deteriorated so quickly it's scary, and she is now a mere shadow of herself. Everything seems to have happened both so quickly, and so slowly – it will be almost 2 months from the tumours being discovered to her starting chemo. She says that she isn't really in pain, but is uncomfortable everywhere. I feel that she is trying to protect us by not really letting on how bad she is feeling. She is definit…
by Bec76- 22 replies
My husband who is 38 has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January this year. It all started back in November when he was diagnosed by GP with gastentoritis, given ompeprazole but it didn't clear up. He then went back to his GP and they tested him for H Pylori which was positive so was given triple therapy (2 antibiotics and ompeprazole) he was told this would wipe him out, leaving him drained of energy and with no appetite, which it did. During this time he was having stomach pains, aches and feeling nauseous which lead to weight loss. My husband was still feeling the pains which started becoming excruciating down his right hand side, back and ribs so we went …
my mum
by mandylou- 8 replies
hello I am new to this forum and if anyone can give me some advice i would be so grateful. It is so difficult to know where to start as things seem to change so quickly. My mum was diagnosed with PC in may 2011 we were advised that surgery not an option due to the location of the tumour. Mum had a stent fitted which after a few weeks cured the problem of jaundice. We were told at the time that mum would not see christmas so my mum decided not to opt for chemo and would enjoy the time she had left. She did so well for the first 3 months and just took paracetamol to manage the pain and discomfort. She then started to detriorate losing an awful amount of weight and she suffe…
Ted - an update
by Nardobd- 15 replies
Laura kindly asked how we got on this week, but unfortunately the news wasn't that good. Ted has ascites - around 7 litres of fluid in his abdomen. He goes into hospital on Wednesday for drainage. Then about 10 days after that he will be starting 3rd line chemo (ie his 3rd lot of sessions). The consultant isn't convinced that the chemo is going to work this time, but we will live in hope. Ted, as always is in denial - he looks like he is 8 months pregnant but told the consultant he didn't think he had a swollen stomach. Still it helps him cope, so I'm not complaining. My gut feeling is that this is the beginning of the end. We will just have to wait and…
by Sam77- 11 replies
Hello I'm new to forums and not even sure I have done it right. Just would really like to talk to people in the same boat or understand what it is that I am going through. I am 34 years old and was diagnosed on september 27 th 2011, with pancreatic cancer, which had spred to my liver. As it had spread so much they could not operate and went straight on to chemotherapy for 3 months. I was very lucky and didn't have too many side affects from the chemo. I got more side affects from the steroids, weight gain, swelling, moon face that type of thing. I had a break over Xmas and got my CT results in the new year. The original lesions on my liver had remained the same but…
chemo failed - whats next
by Drew- 6 replies
Hi all, Do any of you know what is offered after gemceptibine and capceptibine have failed to work. Heathers tumors have grown after 6 months of chemo, 3 months of both the above chemo. We have an appointment with the oncologist on Monday next week and I'm looking for questions to ask him regarding what is next if anything. Heather is not ready to give up just yet. Thanks Drew x
My husband has just been diagnosed... 1 2
by NiaD- 25 replies
My husband was very recently diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, which has spread to his liver. He is quite jaundiced and we have been told that he cannot have chemotherapy because of this and because his liver is 3/4 tumour. From the time he was diagnosed two weeks ago to now, he has put on around a stone in weight (due to the ascites in his abdomen and feet) and is extremely tired. He has lost weight in his cheeks and neck and is very tired. We are still trying to get his medication right (was on Oxycodone 20mg mornings and 40mg evenings with Oxynorm 5mg for breakthrough pain). He is also on Omeprazole (antacid), Paracetamol for fever, Laxido for constipation and Questran…
still upsetting
by lovelyjoyce- 3 replies
my mum was ill for a few weeks going to [Name removed -moderator] medical centre every 2 weeks. them telling her that she had a water infection, or giving her anti sickness tablets, not once did the send her to the hospital for scans and tests. I was in Portugal in October when I got a text from mums friend asking me what ward my mum was in (this was the first thing I new that mum was in hospital, that day I phoned my brother who said that they think she had a gall stone as she was very yellow. I flew home the next day and went straight to see her. she was indeed very yellow. and was getting scans. on October 21st we all got called into a room and was told she had pancrea…
Steve Didn't Make Christmas
by Hopefulwife- 15 replies
Hello all, I just wanted to let you know that Steve passed away just before 11 pm on Friday 23rd December. Last weekend they told us that his care would be purely palliative as there was nothing more that cold be done. The embolisation to stop his bleed may or may not have worked but it wasn't in Steve's interests to poke and prod him any further. They withdrew the naso gastric tube and his catheter and waited for nature to take its course. He received two further blood transfusions over the weekend to top him up. Then on Monday he was transferred from the xx to our local hospice - xx. Over the week he just slept more and more and ate less and less and found it incr…
update on mum 1 2 3
by louiepc- 50 replies
Hi everyone I know I have not been on here a lot recently, been a bit of a pants time truth be told. Mum was in hospital again last week - unfortunately her permanent drain that she had fitted got blocked, so they have now taken it out, and we are back to square one, with having to take her to the hospital as and when she needs to be drained - which is fine whilst she can get to hospital, as they have already told me, once she is unable to get to hospital, she will not be drained anymore. Great, nice prospect to look forward to! The hospital cocked up big time too - it was yet another different hosp. For some reason they hadn't transferred over her drug charts.…
by margb5343- 8 replies
I am so sorry to hear your very sad news about Juliana passing away to this very cruel disease. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time for you all. Love Margaret xxxx
Good wishes to all
by lynbo- 5 replies
To everyone on here We are all joined on this forum as we have something in common, its our exclusive club, one that, we wouldn't wish to be in, but, we help each other in anyway possible. That's what gets us through. Christmas isn't always a happy time, so, I'd like to say to all those who are spending it without a loved one, much love, and to those battling on, keep strong, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. Lynne Xxxxxxx
Another 'Mum' falls victim
by Mistipop- 9 replies
My mum was diagnosed early October 2011 and it has been a hell of a rollercoaster ride since then, going from being inoperable to a possibility they could operate before eventually deciding it's definitely inoperable. It has taken 8 weeks to confirm this and in that time she seems to have gone downhill very quickly experiencing all the symptoms i read other's loved ones going through, jaundice, sickness, loss of appetite, weightloss etc. On top of all this She has asthma and has just been discharged from hospital after suffering a bad chest infection. While she was in there the consultant told us she is too ill for chemotherapy. So what now? I'm scared of asking questi…
Steve is Nearing the End of his Fight
by Hopefulwife- 8 replies
Hi all, I haven't posted for a while because, as some of you know, events take over, and you just don't get the time to sit and "dump". Steve was in hospital a couple of weeks ago with the neutropenic sepsis, which he got over, then we had another appointment with the consultant scheduled for Monday 5th to re-assess his ability to cope with another round of Folfifinox. which they agreed would start Tuesday but at a reduced dose. They took a blood test just to check he was Ok. We turned up on Tuesdy morning and the blood results weren't done correctly so we had to wait for more to be done. By the time they checked there wasn't enough time during the day to fit in the w…
So we went to see Ted's consultant today....
by Nardobd- 5 replies
The news isn't good. His tumour markers are higher than they have ever been. Ted's been having some problems eating: intermittent pain, nausea, gagging on food, bloating etc. The consultant thinks this may be due to the progression of his cancer, even though none of the symptoms are consistent. The next step is a CT scan "ASAP" but the consultant is so convinced, he's already making chemo appointments for after the scan - a new regime to Ted, FULFOX6. That means two days of chemo every two weeks and then 11/12 days off. I can't help thinking this is the beginning of the end... Nicki
Help please re mums treatment
by Vanhalen- 21 replies
Hello, I hope someone can help with regard to my mum. I posted earlier re the time scale of having chemo after being diagnosed. Thank you again for your help. Mum was discharged from hospital on 1st April. She had her first treatment on 12 May. I don't know whether that's correct? My mum had her second course of gemcitabine today. She's not having the capecitabine yet. She's been given metoclopramide for anti sickness. She's feeling very ill. But, not being sick, just, in her own words, feeling so really awful and wants to feel at least normal. I don't know if there's anything more I can do to help, make her feel more comfortable. She was discharged on 1st Apri…
Steve's Cancer has Spread to his Liver
by Hopefulwife- 20 replies
Hi everyone, I took Laura's words to heart about enjoying the good days when they happen. We thought that Steve was doing well on the SCALOP trial - with the chemo, the steroids for appetite, the Domperidone for sickness, the Creon with food, and the Fentalyl patches for pain, he finished his second cycle of Gem/Cap. His week off was when we had the fabulous weather so went to the seaside and stayed at a friend's house in Swanage overnight. We sat on the beach and took photos of ourselves in the sunshine, and even managed a meal out together. On the Friday it was our Macmillan Cancer Coffee morning, and Steve was guest of honour and whilst he was shattered afterwards, …
Can anyone help ?
by baddayatblackrock- 12 replies
Hello, I hope someone can give me a bit of advice as I feel so lost and helpless and a bit guilty that I didn't do enough for my Dad. My Dad went to his GP in April this year and they gave him co-codimal for his stomach pains, they got so bad that he actually drove himself to the A&E at the end of April where they kept him in for a check up. He was in hospital for a week but they could't do a scan due to the back log from the Bank holiday? They discharged him and a few weeks later he was sent for a Endoscopy, this showed a tumour but came back as non cancerous. After another month passed we got a letter to attend the [Name removed -moderator]cancer clinic, I was conc…
by Vanhalen- 1 reply
Thank you everyone for all your kind words, it means a lot. My thoughts are with all of you fighting this horrible disease. It really is so cruel. I apologise for forgetting to mention the one person who's been a vital help throughout the last 7 months, Jeni Jones. With her help, Id written to mums GP, asking for certain medications, enzymes, steroids, help, advice, etc, to make mum feel more comfortable in her last days. My mum would ask, have you had a "letter" from Jeni? Jeni was the first to tell me about Creon, 2 months after mum had been discharged from hospital. She suffered needlessly before having the Creon. Also Jeni told me about steroids. These we…