Advanced pancreatic cancer
A forum for advanced pancreatic cancer issues.
398 topics in this forum
my friend wendy
by laura- 23 replies
hi rachel, deb sue and everyone else that read my post about caring for a neighbour/friend and her husband, today i have been given devastating news that wendy has bone [mets probably from lung cancer nov 2009] in lower spine, its knocked me so much, she has no one other than a husband whose not brilliant himself, and their life together of 35 yrs ish has not been like most couples, and a blind sister in london area, again i find myself where i cant sort this out, i dont know how to stop her being frightened, you'd think i would know all this with brians situation, wouln't you, yet i feel like a beginner, sorry to have posted on the p.c site, just felt you would all kno…
Come on Eileen (My Mam) Died 11.08.12 1 2 3
by NICOLA- 70 replies
This is a lovely and very helpful site I stumbled across whilst trying to find more info on my mam's pc. I would just like to share our story with everyone. My mam was taken into hospital (on her birthday Feb 3rd, she is 68yrs young) with jaundice and abdo pain, after many tests, ultrasound blood tests and after nearly 2 wks a CT scan she was told on Feb 14th (happy valentines day) that she has pc. Devastated doesnt cover what we all felt we have cried rivers. Anyway the docs explained that a stent needed to be fitted to open up the blockage and get rid of the jaundice, after this my mam really seemed to quickly loose weight and was in more pain, the docs had a meetin…
Help - Husband just being diagnosed with advanced cancer! 1 2 3
by Jool2504- 52 replies
Afternoon, my name is Jools. My fiance Bill was diagnosed on 8th Aug 2012 as having PC which is advanced and now in his liver and abdomen. He had a liver biopsy on 14th Aug which confirmed it was PC. He had to wait until 10th Sept to see oncologist which said he can have chemo, his chemo has been changed from xx to xxwhich is much closer to us. His chemo now starts on 26th Sept. We got married on the 26th August by special license at his sons house, it was a beautiful day with our family and friends. He has not had such a good day since. Every stage since his diagnosis I have had to chase the hospital, contact the District Nurses as he was having terrible bowel prob…
My Mother
by ucyocho- 9 replies
Well my mother was diagnosed with advanced PC with liver mets on the 28th Aug (after 4 weeks of trying to get tests to see why she had lost so much weight so relatively quick I guess) and at that point the only real problems were weight loss and nausea. They then left it another week and a bit before seeing the oncologist who at that point said no chemo and was sent home to come back in two weeks. Again no to chemo as she wasn't by then fit enough. Well she wouldn't be would she as she had no meds and no help upto that point with the weight loss. Dr didn't think chemo would be effective and that to do it would need a biopsy which could make the cancer spread. 3 weeks late…
Update on my Dad 1 2 3
by rachelqt- 62 replies
Hi All, Just as my Dad seemed to be doing so well, things have now went downhill and were trying to get our heads around everything. 6 Weeks ago we got dads results which were positive as things looked stable although there was a spot on his liver, but they were not too concerned about it. We also reported about my dads diarrhea but they told us they did not think Creon should be used yet as it was not offensive enough and the stools were flushing ok. We were told to go and enjoy the summer until the next scan. So now in the last 6 weeks, dad has had one bad incident of diarrhea after a heavy meal out (steak). So we phoned the local doctor who gave us Micro Creo…
Mother in Law update 1 2
by charney- 31 replies
MIL is very down at the moment, constant nausea is making her very tearful, they have told her to double her anti sickness pills but this is not making any difference. when she gets up in the morning she feels ok but as soon as she eats the nausea kicks in. She is having to force herself to eat and does not enjoy food at all. We worry that she will stop it all together. She feels very uncomfortable in the top of her abdomen and her stomach does look a little swollen. She had a CT scan last week and goes on thursday for the results. She has her 76th Birthday this month and when asked what she would like she said Im probably only here for a few months so dont waste your m…
My Gorgeous Mom
by intelekt- 3 replies
Hello everyone, I've been reading a lot of threads on here about all of your different heartbreaking stories, my heart goes out to you all.. My story begins on the 17th September 2012, my mom had been having digestive troubles for around 3 weeks before this, and finally agreed to go to her GP on the 17th.. He sent her for tests in hospital, suspecting a bladder swelling! Anyway we were there all day before I finally had to leave her there at 10pm at night to be admitted for further tests. I was scared as the doctor said she could feel a "fullness" in her abdomen! She had her CT scan on Tuesday 18th sept, but doctors being slow didn't come around to see her, s…
To Laura
by Striving4dad- 1 reply
Hi Laura, I am new to this forum but have read it many times since my dad was diagnosed last year. You have been a rock to many members on the site whilst also caring for your husband Brian which shows what a very caring person you must be. I understand from your posts that your husband Brian had been receiving Gemcap for many months since 2010 - like my dad he has been receiving this as well. I wondered if you would mind me having your direct contact email address? I would like to contact you directly as I would be keen to find out (if you wouldn't mind) what other medicine Brian is taking to compare to my own father? Please don't post it on this site -but if…
My Dad's suffering.
by Ames83- 7 replies
Hi all, I have been using this fantastic website since my dad was diagnosed with PC only a week and a half ago. I have been following many threads with great sadness. I am very sorry to each and every one of you and your family members who are going through such traumatic times. My dad told me he had been diagnosed a week last friday. I was shocked as you can imagine but he had been unwell and in pain since Nov and no amount of doctors or blood tests picked anything up. He was sent for a biopsy last friday which I accompanied him to. (He lives alone and Im the only family that lives close by). It was here I learned from a junior doctor that actually the biopsy was to …
My Handsome Partner
by helenhewie- 4 replies
My Handsome partner Hewie died on the 16/09/12 from advanced pancreatic cancer. He was told nine months in july but had to go in to hospital for a blockage in his abdomin. The hospital half killed him, They said he wouldn't get his chemo unless he could get better. Because they said no chemo he gave up, he came home on the 10th and on the 16 i had to rush him back to the hospital where he died. There should be more research done for this cancer as it is a terrible thing to watch your loved one slowly die.
by lesleyc- 0 replies
Hi everyone, this is my first post to the forum although I have been a member for some time. My Dad was diagnosed with PC on 26 March 2012. He was scheduled to have the the Whipple but on the last test they decided it was too risky because it was too close to a major vein. He had a plastic stent inserted and had 3 rounds of chemo then they decided to change the plastic stent to a metal stent. 5 days after they inserted the metal stent he was rushed into hospital with high temperature and chemo suspended. They managed to get the temperature down with IV antiboitics and he was sent home. This has now occurred every three weeks and the doctors still cannot find th…
My Feisty Mum!!!
by Janp- 10 replies
Hi Everyone... I've spent days reading everyone's posts and messages. It has brought me quite a bit of comfort realising that there are others out there going through this too. My Mum was diagnosed in April with pc and although the consultant told her the operation would not be a success but that if she wanted it and was fit for it she could be operated on. My Mum is such a fighter she wanted it of course. My brother and I were anxious but obviously it was her decision. As the consultant predicted the tumour could not be removed as it was too close to the major artery. My Mum's first words when she came around in ICU were "Well, we live to fight another day!" She has…
brother dying so much unresolved in his life 1 2 3
by littlesister- 66 replies
My brother is such a good man but very, very complicated and he is dying. He was given 6 - 12 months to live when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer around 2 months ago.He has not yet seen an oncologist which I find strange. He was due to have a biopsy a few weeks ago and some mistake was made about why he was there and no biopsy was undertaken. Last week he went again and they couldn't do it because there were blood vessels all over the surface of the large tumour in/on his pancreas?? Nobody seems to know why they even wanted a biopsy because he is too frail for chemotherapy as confirmed by the medics. He eats very little and only when confronted and cajoled with food.…
My mum is having her first "good" day since being diagnosed with PC in late October 2011. She woke up this morning humming her favourite tune, walked around the house without keeling over and cooked us all lunch, steak and mash. (yumm) For the last seven weeks since that unforgettable day she has been soo sick to even finish one sentence. Some physical sickness but most emotional. Mum wont talk about anything. Her fear, her pain, her anger is just buried far away however it shadows her every minute of the day. I am soo sad my mum is sad for the time she will lose, I feel cheated. My mum is 56yrs old. She was always in perfect health, never suffered from any…
- 15 replies
My Amazing Gorgeous Mam passed in the early hours of Tuesday morning 10 July 2012, peaceful, no pain.. at our local hospice.. my dad was with her- where she was moved from the ward to the hospice on Thurs morning 5th- That was the best thing for her, had lovely views of the gardens,, also when nurses came around with the drinks trolly - 'happy hour' she called it (sip of baileys)((mam kept her humour and didnt want anyone sad, friends and family couldnt beleve her amazing spirit)) and the staff there were lovely. So we had loads of happy times !! and people must have thought we were mad, all laughing around her bed!! love her xx it also made her happy seeing us all p…
My lovely mum has gone :(((
by louiepc- 15 replies
My beautiful mum passed away at 2.15am this morning. I was called by Dad at 1.40am, I managed to get to the house by 2.05. As soon as I entered my Mum's room, both my brother and me noticed her breathing really change, a very long pause between each breaths. We called Dad in all of us sitting around her as she took her last breath. At 2.15am our beautiful mum was finally free from this horrendous disease. My Dad called my other brother and he made his way down from Cambridge. I didn't want to leave Mum, she looked so calm, not any pain etched on her face, very much "at peace". During the time waiting for my brother to arrive, the doctor and undertaker was c…
Dad Has a Rare Form of PC
by IarFachYrHaf- 6 replies
Hi all, First time poster here. Just wanted to share my story and hopefully get some kind of much needed feedback/support. My dad is 73, and a young 73 - fit, healthy and active, until recently, at least. Before Christmas he started to feel ill. He's never ill but my mum persuaded him to go to the GP, who told him it was just a virus and to rest up. Anyway, he didn't feel better, so back he went in January. Same answer from the GP. He returned to the GP complaining of weakness and pins & needles, and asked for blood tests. They came back inconclusive and the GP insisted this was a strange virus that was attacking his nervous system. A few years back my dad …
My dad diagnosed April 12...... SHOCK :(
by Helen wright- 8 replies
Hello, First time for me using this forum. So many very sad and touching stories i have read and feel so much for everyone, as you dont think about situations like this until your thrown in the deep end with this devastating news! My dad has been back and fourth to doc's for well over a year with all the symptoms, if only we had researched! In April he had to go to hospital with survive stomach pains, after several tests and scans we was told the horrible news. After experts in London viewed his case we was hopeful as the said this was operable! Thank god we thought…..more scans were done and confirmed the operation. So London we went for op. When they cut hi…
General Advice / Support
by Susie87- 7 replies
Dear all, My Mum was diagnosed with PC about 2 months back, and was given a 3-6 month timeframe. I'm finding it very difficult to find any information on what happens with PC as time goes on. Having already lost my father to bone cancel 4 years ago, I found a lot of information regarding loss of strength and eventually like to catch pneumonia or similar. I can't seem to find even a rough indication on how quickly things will change, what the symptoms will be etc? My Mum lives fairly locally (30 minute drive) but is fiercely independent and does not want to know what is wrong with her - for example, she is due to have operation tomorrow to remove gall stones and r…
- 5 replies
Hi, Pls can anyone help?.. my mam has been on steroids now for one week which, at last, has given her an appetite.. but since she finally feels like food she is having trouble swallowing (cant win).. She is only managing juices.. the dietician hasnt been much help.. got a prescription for a type of ensure drink you can freeze.. Think she needs more to build her up than that?? especially if asking for food??!! Heard about a feeding tube or what is this creon? no-one seems to be suggesting anything.. Please can anyone advise on this, things seem to be happening so fast.. Havnt been able to check any posts here this week, so busy with mam.. sending love to all.. Th…
- 4 replies
When I first posted on this site, we were ready and waiting on any treatment and my mam was doing amazing, I had read how fast this disease can take hold, but looking at my mam pottering about it was just so hard to imagine. In April, just 11 weeks ago, we took my mam out for lunch for her birthday, she had discomfort etc, but she ate well and was fine, going shopping and still doing the normal things (3 weeks before diagnosis) June now , and just last week, we walked arm in arm into the hospital to her first oncology meeting, slowly, fragile and a bit unsteady - but she walked.. and she was still pottering about later on at home. Today just 1 little week lat…
Stage 4 pc 3-6months to live 1 2
by mints- 28 replies
My husband (50) has just been given 3-6 months to live??? after reading this web site I can relate to many of the experiences on it. I feel angry that his G.P. did not pick up on it earlier, when 3-4 months prior to diagnosis,september 2010 he presented his doctor with..excessive weight loss,pain under his right rib,diarrhea and even yellowing in his eyes,the four basic symptoms. He had various other tests, colonoscopy, x rays, ultra sound for gall stones, but not a C.T. scan.When all tests came back negative,he was given a presciption of co-codalmol for the pain and told he had I.B.S. Grrrrr A&E diagnosed it, when he turned up with very dark urine. Ten days later…
mother in law
by charney- 18 replies
Hi I have been on this site for a few months now and have followed many of your stories often in tears. My mother in law was diagnosed in January this year with PC, it is inoperable due to attachment to vein. Her treatment is 7 weeks Gemcap 1 week off. Her first two treatments had horrendous side effects, not helped I think because of her not eating. She began to eat more and her next 3 treatments were very good and she was amazingly well (even helping to decorate her bedroom), however since then she has become very very tired, wobbly on her feet and very nauseous and hospital would not give her her last treatment due to her being so poorly. She was booked in for a blo…
- 13 replies
Im new on here, I thought Id tell our story about my wonderful mam, who is 62yrs young. It started in Nov 2011 where she noticed a dragging pain in her stomach. By Jan 2012 the pain worsened and was now in her back, she also noticed a 'butterfly' sensation in her stomach. She was back and fo to the doctors for the next three months with these symptoms..also telling them that shes not sleeping, losing weight and off her food. Didnt realise how much pain she must have been in, as she couldnt concentrate to read for mnths and never slept for long in bed.. Doctors couldnt find any problem, they put her on a waiting list for the magic eye- 6mnths waiting list??. The pain got s…
message for helen [ali]
by laura- 1 reply
hello helen,, was looking thru some old posts and see that its about a year since you came to the forum, and thought i would write to see how you are coping now, do hope you are feeling a little more settled? you probably saw my update on bri last week, all good, everything stable, so brilliant news for us [ sorry if anyone reading this, has just had their world turned upside down x] bri and i are , in a couple of weeks, off to canterbury for a week . sad that we have to leave our little fluffy dog "poppy", a bichon frise, behind with our daughter, we have had her a year next month, my birthday pressie, best thing we have bought in a long while she is such good loving …