Family, friends and carers
A forum for family, friends and carers' of pancreatic cancer patients.
654 topics in this forum
Case Study
by LJ- 1 reply
Hello everyone. I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if anyone could help me out with 3 questions for my case study on Pacreatic Cancer. My Mother-In-law is diagnosed and receiving chemo as well as surgeries. I have been very supportive for my husband. The I need answered are as follows: 1) How has Pancreatic cancer affected other family members? 2)What coping strategies did the family use to decrease the stress and become adjusted to the illness? 3)In which ways did the family understand the seriousness of the illness?
by linda chesters- 2 replies
Hi My mum was diagnosed with PC in February 07 she has secondaries in her lungs. The Doctors explained that they could not cure her but chemo may help prolong her life. She started a six month course of chemo in March as was doing well, I was delighted in early September when we were told that scan results showed tumour in her pancreas had shrunk considerably and the ones in her lungs could not be detected by scan. Last week doctors tell me that her tumour markers have been rising for the past 2 weeks and they are arranging for another scan. I feel that we are taking one step forward and two backwards. Has anyone else had similar experience, or does anyone know w…
New member
by kim- 14 replies
Hi All, A quick review of where I am now. My Mum, 68, was diagnosed mid March 2007 with a 'blockage' in the bile duct, we later found out it was a 5cm by 7cm tumor in the head of the pancreas. Non operable, with chemo as an only otion to shrink the mass and maybe followed by radio treatment to keep it under control. She was suffering badly from the effects of jaundice. She had a stent put in and then followed 3 weeks of Gemcitabine, which worked wonders, she regained her appetite and was more like the old feisty self we knew her to be. Then the stent blocked and sepsis set in with an ambulance trip to A&E she was suffering with sepsis, hypertension and t…
by julesgreen- 12 replies
Hi Everyone I found out yesterday my dad who I havent seen for 5 years has pancreatic cancer. (We do speak sometimes on the phone) He is 60 and a diabetic but was also an alcoholic for many years. He has tests in 3 weeks to see how far advanced it is, he has been losing weight for over 2 years, does that mean he's had it for 2 years? Why does he have to wait for more tests, does that mean they arent too worried? My mum isnt very sympathetic as he made her life hell and she still has nightmares 35 years on. She says why should I bother as he's never bothered about me, but it feels like part of me is dying and he's still my dad. Sorry I am rambling but dont re…
Thanks for your kind words.
by peter d- 0 replies
Many thanks for everyone's kind words, now back to work & some sort of normality. Grandmother is coping pretty well at moment, suppose you don't get to 90 & be in full control of your faculties without being pretty tough. We are keeping close eye on her & Dad, he jokingly calls it suicide watch. I must say through all this we have all managed to laugh, Mum included. Whilst we wrote elegy for the funeral we were all in stitches recalling some of the families past escapades. We all must hang on to those good times & remember Mum for that & not the decline of the last few months. We are very lucky to have each other in close, strong & supportive fami…
Rosieh - Parents 1 2
by Guest Barb (Canada)- 38 replies
Hi Rosieh ...I hope you have a good weekend this week (assuming you are in Widnes), and that you are able to get him outside a bit. Weather was great here the last two days. This disease creates such a roller coaster ride for caregivers. Yesterday was another good day for my Mom. Her medication was doubled the day before which meant less dosages throughout the day (which I think helps the patient if only pyschologically), and less bouts of pain. She dressed up in her new outfit and we went out for three hours visiting her sisters. My sister and I even left her for 1 hour with her sister while we went out together for a bit. This was a great benefit to my sister a…
update on mum!
by claude- 1 reply
hi just thought i'd fill you all in on whats happening with mum.We had a busy week last week we had scan results on Thursday and they were ok could have been a lot worse.The cancer in her pancreas has not changed at all but ther are some nodules?in her stomach and on one lung very small about 6mm .To tell the trurh i don't know what the nodules are all about but i presume its the start of worse things to come.Mum was ok about it all and we tried to look on the positive side.We asked about further treatment as mum was concerned that they had given up on her as she last had chemo in November.The doctor said that our choices were limited but that they could offer her one mor…
Dad with Stage 4 Cancer-please help
by claydora- 3 replies
Hi everyone. My fantastic Dad who turned 60 just 3 weeks ago has just been diagnosed with 'Pancreatic' cancer, this has totally blown our world apart, as I am sure every one on this forum has experienced. He has had stomach pains on and off for a year but the Doctors have put this down to gastric problems time and time again , it has just been in the past 2 months that he has lost his appetite and lost 3 stone in weight , bless him. Two weeks ago he had a biopsy taken and a week later (last Wednesday) he had a CAT scan and then was delivered the awful news that he had Stage 4 cancer that had spread to nearly every organ in his body. My poor Mum who is just 58 had been …
advice on mum if possible
by clairef- 3 replies
Hi there, I was hoping for some advice about my mum. She has inoperable pc (diagonsed October last year), had metal stent put in March this year, had gemcitabine chemo december 06-May 07, tumour 'significantly reduced in scan results June 07. She has been getting sharp pain which is worse in morning or when she takes deep breath. Her stools have become lighter again and shes worrying about eating because it hurts. Local GP prescribed Co-codamol and ibuprofen but not really helping. She has scan booked for this Thursday. Could it be stent and if its permanent one can they unblock it? She had a plastic one before which blocked so I know they do but wasnt sure on meta…
Michelle's story
by mel- 2 replies
Hi i'm Melanie, im 21 and i am new to the site. I have joined on behalf of my sister Michelle, who sadly passed away 2 weeks ago (aged 24) after being diagnosed with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. I know she wanted to get her story on here so I am doing it for her. Michelle was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago after repeatidly going to her GP with integestion and digestive problems. Doctors did try and operate but decided they could not touch the tumor as would cause more harm then good. She had several courses of radio and chemo, and doctors were optomistic at first due to Michelle's young age. Sadly this had no affect and the cancer continued to spread. Mich…
Neuropathic pain post modified Whipples
by angelinamacc- 7 replies
Hi All My 78 year old mum had a modified Whipples 2years ago for a PC. Unusually the histology showed the cancer to be squamous cell. She has made a fantastic recovery and is not on insulin just enzymes. She has put all the lost weight back on. The only problem we now have is muscular / nerve pain at the site of the surgery which really gets her down. She cannot take non steroidals. Can anyone suggest any thing which may help? I realise, as does she, how lucky she has been thus far when I read every ones stories and how other people have suffered with this terrible disease. Thanks AM
Just found out
by tjcleaver- 13 replies
Hi,My name is Teresa. We found out yesterday morning that my mum-in-law has pancreas cancer. We have been told that she is to advanced to be helped any more as it has spread to her lungs. We either have 2 weeks or 2months max before she will be leaving us. The most anoying thing is for 8yrs we were told that she had 2nd stage diebitis we found out yesterday she may not have been diabetic at all. Mum is understandably talking as if she is going tomorrow and wants to jam as much in as possible in to a day we are trying to get her to devon for a couple of days next week so she can see her sister (her words to say goodbye) I have the added worry that we all live togethe…
The Story So Far
by peter d- 3 replies
Hello all this is all new to me I have never used a forum before, I guess someone out their is reading this & may be able to help, if not, well nothing ventured nothing gained. The story so far.. My mother in her early sixty's was diagnosed mid April following suspected gall stones, following a CT scan, having become jaundiced she was informed she had cancer of the Pancreas & a tumor measuring 2cm,the good news was it was found early & their was no sign it had spread, my mother was fit & active all indications were this was operable.She had a Stent fitted which has sorted the jaundice. She then waited six weeks to have an endoscope, this revealed the tum…
awful time
by claude- 5 replies
hi my name is claude and i've been meaning to post for some time now but wonder where to start. My mum is 67 and had a whipples operation 3 years ago and a course of chemo for cancer in her pancreas. Last may we were told that the cancer had returned at the site of the clips used in the operation and there was no cure this time. She was given 4-6 months to live and had a course of pallative chemo.WE had scan results 3 months ago and the cancer has so far not spread to any other area.We have a scan again today with results next Thursday.we set ut making some special memories but have had some close calls with infection and fluid in her lungs.The main problem now is that de…
Mom newly diagnosed and undergoing chemo
by janet794- 3 replies
My Mother, aged 74 was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer after finding a shadow on her chest x-ray for pneumonia in March, 2007. She has a CT scan, bone scan and biospsy to confirm. So far the metastasis is just to the liver. She is undergoing chemotherapy with Gemzar every 14 days. She has received Procrit and Luenasta for decreased RBC and WBC's. Her platelets have fluctuated but not low enough to prevent therapy. She has very few side effects from the chemo, just some cramping and mild nausea and vomiting just a couple times. She has stopped losing weight and eats regardless of her appetite. She is 5 foot 4 and weighs about 120 pounds. She is quite t…
- 0 replies
Hi everyone As some of you may know from previous posts my husband was diagnosed in April this year. Sadly his cancer is inoperable and has spread but he is having chemo to "improve his quality of life" I have had lots of support and gained so much information from this web site so thought it would be good to raise some much needed funds. We are in Northern Ireland (Co. Fermanagh) and are holding a coffee morning and Sponsored Toddle on August 7th at 10am. The toddle will be led by our wonderful grandson, Quin, aged 20 months. Anyone able to attend will be most welcome. If you are too far away but would still like to help you can donate on…
Petition for funding PC Research
by rosieh- 2 replies
Hope it's ok to post this here - I saw it on the Johns Hopkins discussion page. Worth signing and forwarding to a few friends!
- 2 replies
My dad has been recently diagnosed with pc, he is only 58. I am desperately trying to find something new to grab on to that may fight this disease, I have heard about a herb called Triphala, has anyone had any experience of this? x
Being Far Away
by Ailsa- 4 replies
I've been looking on this forum for a few days now. My dad died of PC just over a week ago and I wish I had seen this network before. My situation is that I live in London but they are all in Scotland. I talk to my mum every day and support her as much as I can. My sister and her family are there and they were the ones who did most of the caring. With a job and a toddler, I tried to get up as much as I could but generally felt pretty hopeless and helpless during dad's illness. I spoke to mum last night and she told me that along with my sister, they sorted out dad's clothes and other stuff. My sister cried when she found his jacket with dog biscuits in the pocket f…
My Mum
by emmao- 16 replies
Hello all, I'm new to all of this and only discovered this great website yesterday morning. My mum had felt a bit under the weather earlier this year, particularly with a loss of appetite, but just put it down to her 'flu jab. She started losing weight, but not at an alarming rate, and as I now know her doctor just put it down to anxiety. Mum saw her doctor around the time of her and Dad's 40th wedding anniversary in early March, as she noticed her eyes looked yellow. The doctor sent off a blood sample and jaundice was confirmed. Mum was then referred to her local hospital for an ultrasound scan which revealed what was thought to be a gallstone, measuring appr…
severe constipation - Help!!!!
by sandra- 2 replies
Hi My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 3 weeks ago. He is under the care of the palliative team, a nurse prescribed codranthramer on Thursday, he took 2 on Thursday night followed by 2 last night and 2 more this morning. He was in terrible pain last night and again this evening, also not able to eat. I have tried the "bomb" of juice and milk of magnesia suggested on this forum but nothing has worked so far. He had a glass of the "bomb" this morning and another this afternoon. I am scared to try anything else and he won't let me call the doctor. Can anyone advise? Many thanks Sandra
Update on Dad
by PB- 3 replies
Hi Guys Just with writitng with a further update on Dad's condition. He spent two weeks in hospital having treatment and a stent fitted. The Macmiilan nurse was called and she set up the morphine pump and he is aslo have two anti sickness drugs and a steroid to try and make him hungry and reduce the swelling around the tumor. He has started to eat a little and the jaundice seems to have cleared a bit, but he is very thin. Care has been arranged to help him get washed and dressed. He is getting around the house ok but the Morphine makes him confused and he is having bad dreams. Not sure there is much more they can do for him and how much longer he has or wh…
- 13 replies
Hi there!My father was told on march 7th 2007 that he had pancreatic cancer,a real shock to us all.He has been my mothers carer as she has cancer,and now he has been told that he has only a matter of weeks left himself. He had a stent put in and his colour has improved tremendously,but he has lost so much weight and is so tired all the time.The Dr told us that when the stent gets blocked, normaly they would go through the process again to unblock it,but he told us that my father will not make it that long so will not have the oppertunity to have it done again.Im very worried as i have no idea what to expect,ive noticed that when he burps that there is a really rotten so…
Told only Fri 20th April. My dad is only 67.
by Guest lillian1506- 3 replies
After all the months of pain and hospital stays and never ending blood samples me and my dad were given the real diagnosis on Friday 20th April. Due to his already ill health and severe diabetes the major operation is out of the question. I am so devastated but I know there is only one outcome for him but WHEN. My Dad has suffered with this since before December 06, The Doc did mention Chemo the other day but can someone please be honest with me that he should just forget the chemo and take each day as it comes now. has anyone had similar situation and lost the loved one, If so how long did they last, He is only 67, I am now thinking that he has already survived 4 months …
waiting for diagnosis
by sandra- 6 replies
Just found this web site and just need to get as much info as I can. My husband has been ill since last October after a "tummy bug", he has lost over 2stone and is so so tired, (washing a couple of dishes exhausts him). He is also in alot of pain day and night especially when lying down. He does not want to eat and when I insist he runs straight to the toilet. Anyway after many tests including cameras and scans he was told on 29/03/07 it may be cancer of the pancreas. So now we are waiting to be referred to Belfast for more tests. Just wondered if anyone can tell me what to expect when we get to Belfast. Sandra