Advanced pancreatic cancer
A forum for advanced pancreatic cancer issues.
398 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
My mum recently died of pancreatic cancer which we believe was advanced. Mum had a blood tests at her doctors and had a raised marker and sugar in her blood which she had no treatment for, she later had blood tests and we were told there were no markers, is this possible? How long does it take for a tumour to grow mums was about 4cmx7cm.
Hi For those that haven't read any of my other posts, Jonathan, my lovely partner was diagnosed just before Christmas 2012 with advanced pancreatic cancer. This was a devastating blow and a dreadful shock as he was so fit and healthy otherwise with no other symptoms other than some fairly low level nagging pain. I thought he had IBS! Anyhow, he has been on Folfironox since the beginning of Febuary and has been doing fantastically well. His pain went almost immediately and his weight has increased and he is managing the side effects of the treatment really well. His recent CT scan didn't seem to show much change but his blood tumour markers had halved (I think)…
Heidelberg University Hospital 1 2 3 4
by Slewis7313- 87 replies
After very positive comments in other discussion areas regarding the pancreatic surgical work being done by Dr. Buchler in Germany, I thought I'd start a new thread specifically for this. There are a number of reports about Dr Buchler and his team having apparently successfully operated to remove PC tumours where the NHS were unable to. I have been in contact with Heidelberg who have requested copies of my latest CT scan. I now have these and will be forwarding them early next week. I don't know where this will go, but will attempt to document every step as a possible source of information for others. I do however know that the costs are very high and the NHS will not be…
Last day of the year !
by EmmaR- 9 replies
Well it's the last day of what as been for so many members a very unhappy one with so many of us losing wonderful husbands dad's mam's and siblings ,and so many still bravely battling this awful awful disease so let's Hope as it's the only thing we have that 2014 will bring us some good new's and even the smallest breakthrough in the fight against PC . Wishing you all a Happy and as healthy as possible New Year and let's raise a glass to absent friend's . EmmaR x
My husband massive pleural enfussion 1 2 3
by Birchen- 73 replies
We returned from a holiday to Spain and my husband went to see our GP as he had been having a pain in his left side. He was immediately sent for an x-ray on Friday at 6pm and on Monday at 6 the evening he had a chest drain inserted. On the Wednesday he was told whilst on his own that he had pancreatic cancer with multiple metastases in both lobes of the liver and a malignant pleural effusion. He was told he had this in an open ward with no privacy and went into total shock. He is a very fit 64 year old (only looks 54) and when we saw our oncologist he could not believe how well he looked but stressed that my husband was an extremely ill man. He was diagnosed in the m…
by jules 2015- 8 replies
All I have not posted much on here since my dad passed away last month but have been reading all the posts and just wanted to wish those that have lost loved ones and those that are battling this terrible disease a peaceful Christmas. Julie x
by Sueba- 4 replies
Hi I'm just trying to find some of you on Facebook! If you want to find me I'm under Susan [surname removed - moderator] and my profile picture is of me and mick,I'm in a stripes dress,Karen I've forgotten your surname and some of you others I've tried finding there's a few of the same name and daren't risk sending a request!!! Sue Xx
Recently diagnosed! 1 2
by Sueba- 33 replies
Hi My husband was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer under 2 weeks ago and I feel like our lives have been ripped apart!! He is a very fit 42 year old father of 3 and we have been together since we were 16 year old! The surgeon has said that the tumour which has been found on the top of his pancreas is inoperable due to it covering major veins and arteries,so he has just come home from hospital after having a stent fitted to relieve the jaundice.Tomorrow we are going to x (edited-moderator) to discuss chemotherapy. If anyone has any advice or methods on how to cope I would be really grateful!we are trying to stay positive and are clinging on to the hope that ch…
Swollen legs and abdomen advice
by McPam- 19 replies
Hi everybody I've lurked on the forum for a while but been too chicken to join in until now. My husband, Mike, has been diagosed with pancreatic cancer. The mass is in the body of the pancreas, it's advanced and inoperable. You all know how utterly devastated we're feeling right now. About four weeks ago Mike became jaundiced, went to hopsital to have a stent fitted, but was too agitated under sedation and they couldn't do the procedure. About ten days later they tried again under a general anaesthetic, but couldn't do the procedure because there was a 'kink' in the duct was too acute to work around without risk of puncture. Two days after that, they finally man…
Whipple operation halted
by hughstjust- 11 replies
My wife Joan has been ill since February when a scan revealed that she had a stone in her bile duct. She proceeded to have an ERCP in March; another in June - both failed due to her jaundice with stents placed in the bile duct. Finally, following a CT scan, on 29 June, a 'mass' was identified on her pancreas and we were told on 4 July that it was likely she had pancreatic cancer. At this point we switched to insurance and Joan had an EUS and biopsy at Maidstone where we were advised that she had an early, well defined operable tumour. We went privately to xx Hospital and on Sunday 11 August a 'Whipple' operation was attempted unsuccessfully as there was a 'spot' on her…
We don't beleeeeeeeeve it!
by Cathy- 10 replies
Well, the bugger has only gone and REDUCED! Pancreas remains the same but liver and abdomen have seen a reduction. How'd that happen?? After stubbornly staying the same throughout his treatment, we've had only 1 cycle of chemo since the last scan, and that wasn't even full FOLFIRONOX as the oxalyplatin was dropped and its blooming smaller!!! We are now on the champagne (true) and Jonathan has nipped out to ring his son while I type and tell you guys. No rhyme nor reason behind all of this.. His blood tumour markers which reduced by 90% after his last cycle are also roughly the same. So, we're amazed (Jonathan burst into tears) but.... Blimey... Pass that cha…
Information re; Heidelberg.
by kwaitang- 8 replies
Hello. I have today written to the Heidelberg University Hospital to reqyuest an appointment for my husband, Keith. They have told me to fill in a form from their international site. My problem is that I do not know a lot of the info, dates, terminology or treatment that Keith has had. Can anyone else that has filled in this form help. Do I have to get our hospital to fill it in? Heidelberg require copies of scans, xrays etc; Will our hospital give them to me? Goodness, there is an awful lot to fill in. Thank you. Arlene.
by Sueba- 17 replies
Hi I'm up early didn't sleep much last night.... I'm devastated to tell you all my best friend,rock and beautiful husband died yesterday morning,unexpectedly and very quickly. I want to tell you what happened. As you may know Mick was diagnosed over a year ago age 42 with advanced inoperable pancreatic cancer and given the awful prognosis of having months to live.myself and our 3 beautiful sons were devastated but knew he would fight to stay with us as long as he could.... He started on folfirinox last November having 6 full strength doses and was told his tumour was stable but still inoperable and always would be.At this point we decided to travel to Heidelberg for…
Horrendous night - biliary duct
by Thriae- 12 replies
Hi all I'm posting from mum and dad's house as dad was admitted to hospital last night via ambulance. I was due to post really positive news as dad had been having a very positive week of eating small amounts without being sick and was feeling all the better for it. So much so, in fact, that on Thursday, he actually had his first chemo. This was something we thought would never happen. However, his meds became a bit mixed up yesterday and he missed his anti emetic, followed by being violently sick. Following this dad became rapidly confused and ending up so delirious that the GP came out to him. At this point he was admitted to hospital as he scored zero on under…
How were you given news of terminal cancer.
by kwaitang- 9 replies
I wondered how other people were given the news of their terminal cancer. Towards the end of May, my husband was in hospital being treated for what he thought was jaundice. He had all sorts of tests, scans etc: He was in a public ward when the doctor came and told him that he had inoperable cancer. I do not know what was said as the first I knew about it was when my husband rang me. I asked if they could operate on, what I thought was just some sort of blockage, when he broke down and said he had been told there was nothing they could do for him. I had never heard my husband cry. He couldn't get any more words out. I remember shouting "I'm coming down, I'm c…
Blood clots !!
by EmmaR- 4 replies
Hello all , Had to call an ambulance out early hours on Sunday night Jon couldn't breath , well turns out he as blood clots on his lung he was getting more fatigued by the day well he is being kept in and given claxane injection,s and is on a drip I think it was June who mentioned her hubby had the same problem so if your are reading this June can you tell my how long before he started to feel better ? I am wondering is that the reason the onc thought he was not fit for chemo has he was very weak when we saw her had the clots started forming then am I clutching at straws the way I am thinking we are suppose to meet with the onc this Thursday but he maybe still in hospit…
Just a hello
by Thriae- 24 replies
Hello to my newly inherited forum family! My sister and I have been avid readers of the forum over the last few weeks. Our dad went into hospital at the start of October and is now home with the diagnosis of terminal pancreatic cancer. It's amazing how much I know about the disease in just 3 weeks - largely thanks to here along with fab information from Macmillan. I'm mostly posting to say hello as I expect to be a frequent poster in the weeks to come, but also to say thank you for your honest accounts of the reality of living with PC as a patient or family member. It is also largely sleeplessness that brings me here! Our dad is 68, lots of plans for his retireme…
Date to meet the Oncologist.
by EmmaR- 16 replies
Hello all, hope you are all ok silly question I know well hubby will see the Onc Friday the 25th with the hope of having some chemo at the moment he is still very tired and unable to do much started the Creon's so hope he will start to gain some of the weight he as lost 3 stone ! He is eating more but still small amounts ,he still feels his life is over but I keep telling him it's not it's a different kind of life ,and boy is it ! Bloody PC I think it's this forum keeps me sane reading all your stories people you meet when out shopping ( it has to be done ) haven't got a clue and I could gladly ignore them arrrrr rant over . Kind Regards Emma x
by EmmaR- 4 replies
Hello hubby just stared taking Creon 40000 and 25000 can he add them to a fortisip protein drink or dissolve them in a little water finding them hard to swallow I know he can add them to porridge and stewed apples but think he would prefer to swallow them with liquid . EmmaR
Help us please.
by EmmaR- 24 replies
My husband was diagnosed a week today cancer in the body and tail spots on liver and lung nodules some sort of fluid in stomach he is waiting for a ultra sound liver biopsy so they can see if he can have chemo but at the moment he is so weak and cannot eat much and everything thing is an effort shaving today I had to get a chair for him ,I don't think I asked his consultant enough questions but I think from what I have read it's at a late stage he keeps saying he won't make the chemo he was a fit 70 year old up to late June playing golf walking on weekends now we feel in a very dark place I think you all know what we are going through on this forum and that someone can…
End of Life care for my Father in Law
by My old FIL- 3 replies
I am writing this in the hope that you may be able to offer some advice regarding After care/Palliative care for my elderly Father-in-Law. My Father-in-Law, aged 88, has been quite ill for some time now, suffering from numerous upset Stomach aches and severe chest and Back pain. He has plaques on his lungs, caused by Asbestosis, and has an extremely bad memory, which has now been diagnosed as Alzheimer's decease. Despite this he has still gone out for short walks, has taken local bus trips into town, and has met with his friend for lunch on a Friday, although he has been slowing up more recently. About a month ago, my wife noticed that he looked quite frail and …
A bit silly... Q re constipation.
by Cathy- 0 replies
I've been a bit daft and updated my own thread with a query... Not the best place for it So at the risk of hogging the board index (sorry folk), here it is.. Cathy xx
Calendar for PCUK
by Sueba- 2 replies
Hi everyone We have had amazing support from all our friends and family since Micks diagnosis and treatment.In particular Micks football team who have raised almost £4000 doing a 9 pub 20 mile challenge! Now our friends at the gym we attend are helping us make a calendar to raise money for PCUK and promote awareness,it has a's naked!! We have made a Facebook page today which has already got over 400 likes! If you are on Facebook please like and share our page search for Crossit Clitheroe Uncovered And yes me and Mick(complete with operation scar) will be appearing in it!!should be fun too!! Thanks Sue Xx
my lovely dad 1 2 3 4
by petra- 75 replies
hello everyone, this is my first post but have been reading so many of your posts and cannot believe how many people are going the through the same awful thing it makes me feel a lot less alone! my dad was diagnosed in august with inoperable pc (liver spread) and the chemo took so long to get going then had many problems with liver function etc was so soul destroying to keep getting turned away from the chemo ward but fingers x things going a bit better now just hope and pray this chemo gives him a reasonable amount of time. i met up with him in august and i noticed immediately that he was jaundiced and as a nurse who used to specialise in hepato billary conditions i knew…
My dad
by Ezobor- 19 replies
I'm another newbie who 2 weeks ago found out the devastating news that my dad has pancreatic cancer with liver metastasis. It's been a total shock, he's only 48 years of age and we have no previous history of this cancer in the family. They first told him that it had passed onto the liver and that a biopsy would be taken to determine the type of cancer that he has, but when performing the biopsy. My dad was told it's too minute to take a sample off the liver,is this a good thing does this give us hope that it will shrink enough to have surgery at some point? Has anybody known anyone who has had the pancreas removed totally? If we went privatly or over to America do they t…