Advanced pancreatic cancer
A forum for advanced pancreatic cancer issues.
398 topics in this forum
Advanced pancreatic cancer - urgent advice please
by Louise123- 20 replies
My sister is 57 and had a CT scan done just after Christmas . It revealed a legion on a large area of her pancreas, her spleen and spots on her kidney. The medical staff say they are not referring to is as cancer officially as they have not received the results of her biopsy yet. Everyone knows its cancer as they said it can’t actually be anything else. Her first biopsy failed as they didn’t take a legion so she had another one last friday and we are awaiting the results. She is in hospital, very very weak, hallucinating and is confused. She wants to sleep all the time. Her weight has plummeted rapidly and she has no interest in anything and is not eating or drink hard…
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
We are sorry to have to pass on the very sad news that Juliana passed away on Friday night. Her father let us know, he was aware of Juliana’s great involvement in the forums and may post on here himself. We know that Juliana was very determined to fight pancreatic cancer for as long as she was able. She provided a great deal of comfort to others affected by pancreatic cancer who posted on these forums and we very much appreciated the time and effort she gave to supporting others. We are sure she will be greatly missed by the community. Her father also sent a link to his dedication to Juliana…
- 4 replies
Hi, I've been thinking about doing some voluntary work for charity for sometime now. My sister had shocking being diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer. This is devastating news - she means everything to me particularly as our parents passed away some years ago and being 14 yrs older than me, she has been like my mother and sister rolled into one. I don't have anyone else who I am that close to and can turn to..... I guess this has given me the push I needed and helped me to make my mind up that I would like to do something useful to help pancreatic cancer patients or contribute in what ever way I can. I would like to think that out of this awful event that s…
New to Board
by lts- 17 replies
I have been a lurker on this board since the beginning of September, when our world came crashing down when my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that had spread to his liver. Cancer is a scary word and you never think it would happen to your family. My Dad had been ill for a few weeks and was visiting his gp. He was losing weight, didnt have an appetite but when he did eat something he felt full very quickly. He was also experiencing some pain which he put down to a minor accident at work. He was initially diagnosed as having ulcers, then helicobacteria (sorry not sure if that correct spelling). He was then sent for a CT scan which confirmed it was pancreatic cance…
Christmas new year and birthday
by gemma- 4 replies
Well I got through Christmas smiling but crying inside new years eve was bed early, and then the 3rd Jan it would have been my solemates birthday. The anger is still fresh, that they did not find this terrible tumour. It is so hard to live without the fun man who served his country, and worked hard for his family to have a good life. Much more must be done to make people aware of Pancreatic cancer THE SILENT KILLER.
message for clair 2305
by lynbo- 9 replies
Hi Clair Just wondering if you are ok? I havent seen you on here for a while and was looking at old posts and thinking of you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gemma's Big Night Out! -
by deb68- 5 replies
Hi all I thought I would just let everyone know that I met with Helen Varley yesterday from PCUK and was delighted to present her with a cheque for £4,000 which we raised at Gemma's Big Night Out on December 29th! We had a fantastic event with over 200 people attending, it was incredibly hard work but I was totally overwhelmed by the generosity and support of everyone who came along, bought tickets, donated auction and raffle prizes and generally helped us raise not only this amount of money but also awareness and knowledge of pc. I hope to be able to submit some photos of the event and add them to the website in due course. The evening was a wonderful tribute to m…
Reply for Jeni and mount kilimanjaro
by lynbo- 1 reply
Hi Jeni Didnt want to reply on Debbie's thread about Gemma, so started new one. I am going to write to PALS as you said, and also to Andy's oncologist. I already have all his notes. The sister who come to the funeral only was in charge on the ward for 2 days that he was in, as in total Andy spent 3 days in when they first diagnosed him, and 2 days just before he passed when they were gping to do an ERCP? So not sure of her reasons as she was the one i contacted PALS about! Oh thanks for help and advice. A lady i have met, who has survived pancreatic cancer is climbing mount kilimanjaro in 5 weeks, she is doing it in memory of Andy, and im getting as many sponsors …
Gemma - 8th August 2010
by deb68- 14 replies
Just posting to let everyone know that my wonderful, brave remarkable daughter Gemma died yesterday afternoon aged 27 years old. Gemma had been ill with inoperable pc for some time and it was my privilege to care for her at home during her last few months. My wish for Gemmas legacy is that more funding is made available for early diagnosis and intervention of pc - I know without a shadow of a doubt that had her tumour been diagnosed earlier she may have been able to have some treatment and a longer survival period. The consultant who treated her informed me that in all his 30 year career, he only ever had one other patient under the age of 30 with pc. Lets hope a cu…
by lynbo- 6 replies
Hi Just to say, christmas isnt always full of cheer, for many of us its more sad than other days. Ive had many messages today from friends and family, but, to me today is no sadder than any other day. Just to say im thinking of you all, and saying a prayer xxxx
by Juliana- 15 replies
Hi everyone, Sorry I have been missing in action, especially over the awareness week. This is due to me being in Ty Olwen, its my local hospice. For months they had tried to get me in, but i refused....mostly out of fear! But know i am here, i have found it to be a positive place to be. The staff are fantastic, the place is much cleaner than normal ward and best of all they have a Happy Hour! Baileys, baileys, baileys! I needed something stronger Thurday, I had my latest results: Chemo hasn't worked My lung tumors have grown and changed shape My lung tissue is damaged, due to prolonged untreated infections I have an ascites in abdominal cavity My portal vein…
- 2 replies
Can anyone help? xx
Ted - an update
by Nardobd- 11 replies
Ted continues his chemo again tomorrow having had a couple of one week breaks recently due to a recurring chest infection. His CA19-9 is now down to 49 - hard to believe that it was 1200 just a few months ago! His side effects from chemo have been more severe during this second-line treatment but nowhere near as bad as some people suffer. He gets shortness of breath, ssevere fatigue, slight digestive problems and a rash/burning sensation in his hands/lower arms. He bears it with his usual grace and dignity. Waiting around in the hospital continues to be a bugbear - Ted's appointment to see the consultant was at 3:00 pm this afternoon and he was seen just before …
Message for Juliana
by Nardobd- 19 replies
Hi hon - I didn't want to hijack Clair's thread but was concerned to hear that you're not having a wonderful time right now. I know that you don't feel like posting a lot but just wanted to let you know I'm sending caring thoughts your way. If you do need to talk/vent we're all here rooting for you, so don't hesitate! Love Nicki xx
by clair2305- 10 replies
Dear All I am just writing this to let you know that Blue lost his battle with this horrible disease just after 3am on Friday morning. He had been in hospital for 10 days, had fluid drained from his right lung and had a procedure to stick the lung to the chet wall (so fluid would not build up again). We knew that he was getting worse and the doctors wanted to get him home. He came home on Wednesday and spent time with our parents and his son. It was very peaceful and he was not in any pain. He was also conscious up to a minute or so beforehand and we spoke. I am truly devestated, don't know what to do....have never arranged a funeral before and am trying …
denial becomes reality
by lahug- 5 replies
hi everyone, i have recently posted about the concern i have for my relative because she seemed in utter denial about her illness and it was worrying me. she called me last night fairly frantic, saying she now realises she is at stage 4 and what that means. she was sobbing, scared and distressed. we are very close and it was soul destroying. in a way i am glad that the realization came from within because i didnt want to destroy her hope and positive outlook.she sees the doctor on friday re starting chemo so we will take it from there. she is obsessed with the 5 spots on her liver and wondering what that means exactly, but i'm sure he will tell her on friday. thanks for…
What the <expletive deleted> is going on?!?!
by Nardobd- 9 replies
Ted has been back on chemo for about a month because his tumour markers were rocketting. He had been getting a little more pain and feeling generally less well too, although the CAT scan showed no real change. I asked for a PET scan but this was brushed aside, the consultant saying he would only do a PET scan if Ted was having radiotherapy (which he doesn't want to do). After a couple of weeks he started feeling less pain. He went to see his consultant on Monday only to find that the tumour markers had shot down by 700 in one month. Don't get me wrong - I'm grateful and glad, but there's something not right here. In my experience chemo doesn't have an effect …
Clair and Blue - new thread
by clair2305- 14 replies
Hi all well, we've had our week away in Southport and to say it was wet is an understatement. Not sure if any of you saw the news about the flooding in the North West. It started raining when we arrived on the Monday and didn't stop till the Wednesday (which was a lovely day). Just as well we had a caravan as otherwise it would have meant sitting around in a hotel room. It was that wet the brolly was useless except for keeping your head dry! Blue thought we'd end up being rescued from the caravan site by the fire brigade on the back of a digger Oh well, it was nice to get away and although it meant we couldn't do all the things we wanted to do in Liverpool we…
- 4 replies
Hi As you all know I lost my husband on Aug 23rd he was 39. I will not go into the whole story again, but on Monday 20th the GP practice are holding an enquiry where they look at his notes and review all the notes from his diagnosis and treatments. Has anyone been in this situation? My husband did go the GP 3 times and A&E 3 times, so I am hoping something is sone. xxx
advice please
by carol- 6 replies
My Mum was diagnosed with cancer in the pancrase in June 2010, yesterday we were told it is in her lung as well and she has had a head ct scan as she is complaining if a muzzy head. My mum is 85years old, she has diabetes and mild altzimers, because of her age and frailness we were told it would be very hard to treat her, and her quality of life would suffer.So she is having no treatment at all apart from pain-killers. I am just wondering if anyone else has been in this position, she has spoken to the Mac millon nurses and wants to stay at home to the end, my husband and I support her in this. She just seems to be getting so frail so fast, I am doing the best I can for h…
by lahug- 8 replies
i am unsure what to do for the best. my loved one has stage 4 pc with liver mets. she is being offered chemo and sees the oncologist next week to get things moving. she was unable to have the whipple due to the liver and also lymph node spread which left her and us devastated.i thought it was important for her to have acceptance about what is now ahead.although she has been on an emotional rollercoaster all week since the bypass surgery - instead of whipple - she seems to have gone back to a positive frame of mind and is talking about when she is "better" have any of you experienced this with your loved one, and should i just go along with her, or should she be made awar…
what do you do when someone online?
by lynbo- 4 replies
On here, when someone else is 'online' can you email them? talk to them? I am confused? xx
Japanese dendritic vaccine
by smilodon- 1 reply
Hi everyone I have been recommended, off the record, to go to Japan to have this new treatment. Has anyone else come across this. Thanks Martin
Teenager with pancreatic cancer
by volmod- 0 replies
Dear All: we’ve been asked for support in the rare case of a teenager with pancreatic cancer. If you have direct current/recent experience of this as a teenage patient (or their carer) and feel you might be able to help, please contact me at and I will pass on your details in confidence to our support staff. Warm regards Vee (moderator at Pancreatic Cancer UK)
Pancreatic cancer but no tumour in the pancreas
by northfield91- 13 replies
Hi I am new on this forum. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that had spread to his bowel and caused a blockage. This was in march this year. On his scan in february no tumour was seen in the pancreas but after his operation for his ruptured bowel they found pancreatic cancer cells in the post op history. His CN 19-9 count was very high in his blood samples. This all seems so strange to me. Has anyone else had a similar experience? He is now having chemo but they are calling it advanced pancreatic cancer and have given a prognosis of between 6-12 months although depending on how he responds to the chemo. I have heard though that some people with inoperable p…