News archive
100 topics in this forum
Living with Pancreatic Cancer - new online support sessions
by Support Team- 0 replies
We know how important it is to be able to meet others, ask questions, and get support. This is why we launched our online 'Living with Pancreatic Cancer' sessions last year, after the pandemic left us unable to run our in-person support days. We're pleased to say that we're continuing these this year, and have three more sessions lined up for January: Thursday 21st January, 11am - 'Support if you are newly diagnosed' with specialist nurse Tracey Tuesday 26th January, 2pm - specialist nurse Nicci will be running our Carer's Cuppa to support people who have a loved one with pancreatic cancer Thursday 28th January, 11am - specialist nurse Lynne will be d…
An update on our achievements during our awareness month
by Support Team- 0 replies
Here at the Pancreatic Cancer UK offices, we have been rounding up the stats and looking at all the achievements of this year’s PCAM – our Pancreatic Cancer awareness month which took place in November. Throughout PCAM, we are very pleased to say that 126 buildings nationwide lit up purple, including Edinburgh Castle, Belfast Castle and the Blackpool tower. We sent out 176 PCAM awareness packs to those holding awareness raising events and 201 people registered to hold Host for Hope events, including celebrities such as Ainsley Harriot and Tim Lovejoy and these raised over £12,000. On top of this, 20 people did the Trek for Hope along the Great Wall of China, which raised …
Help us develop new information about pancreatic cancer
by Support Team- 1 follower
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We are continuing to develop our information for people affected by pancreatic cancer, and we want your help to make sure what we produce is what people want and need. We are planning to produce some new information about the following issues: • Some information for people who are reaching the end of their life. We know people need a lot of support at this time, and our nurses on our Support Line get a lot of calls about what will happen and how to get support. • Information about pain. People with pancreatic cancer might get pain for different reasons, and our nurses often get calls about how to manage pain. • Information about fatigue. Pancreatic cancer and some o…
Over £1 million invested in research into treatments
by Support Team- 0 replies
Pancreatic Cancer UK announced at the beginning of pancreatic awareness month that we will fund over £1 million of ground breaking research into treatments for the disease, which could mean a longer life for thousands of people. We hope to be able to transform the prognosis of pancreatic cancer through our largest research investment to date, which will see teams of researchers working on 13 different projects with the aim of generating new and improved treatments for a cancer which currently has very few treatment options. The research will look into an exciting new treatment which destroys pancreatic cancer cells using a flu virus, and new ways to stop the spread and…
Being treated with Abraxane or know someone who is?
by Support Team- 0 replies
Are you a UK-based patient currently being treated with Abraxane for advanced pancreatic cancer, or are you about to start the treatment? Or perhaps your loved one or family member is being treated with Abraxane at the moment? Either way, if you would potentially be happy to speak to a journalist about your experiences of Abraxane, our media team at the charity would love to hear from you. To have an initial chat with our Media Manager Emma Fielder, and find out more about potentially doing interviews, please get in touch with Emma at or call 020 3780 7762. If you have any concerns or questions about Abraxane, please do contact our…
Letters from America
by J_T- 1 reply
May be of interest?
My Lovely Daughter makes the Press
by cestrian- 12 replies
Hi All Very proud of my darling daughter's resilience and her initiative in getting into our local paper … She is a huge help to me and a constant source of support, though it is often mutual. Love and Peace Mike
- 18 replies
- 28.9k views One of those cases where a bit of controversy raises the profile and makes for a successful message. Interesting that the comments are very much in favour as opposed to the tone of the article and cited twitter users.
Neuroendocrine Tumour Trial Results
by InfoForMum- 1 reply
Unprecedented Responses Seen in Neuroendocrine Tumors Nick Mulcahy | January 15, 2014 | Abstract: SAN FRANCISCO— Nine years after conceiving of a novel treatment regimen for neuroendocrine tumors in his laboratory at Columbia University in New York City, Robert Fine, MD, finally got a moment in the limelight with his brainchild. At a press conference held in advance of the 2014 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium (GICS), Dr. Fine reported that the chemotherapy combination of capecitabine plus temozolomide either stalled disease progression or shrank tumors in 97% of patients whose disease had worsened after standard high-d…
Abraxane - a step nearer
by Slewis7313- 5 replies
We were following in the footsteps of the USA on this and now the EU by the look of things. We will get there, but wouldn't it be great if we were setting the pace! Steve X
Coronation Street Storyline over Christmas
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 1 reply
Dear Forum Users, While we appreciate the profile given to pancreatic cancer within the Coronation Street storyline, we are also very aware of the impact the storyline can have on those with the disease and their friends and families. The storyline with Hayley will develop over the Christmas holiday period and you may want to be cautious about watching the programme. You can read more details in the Radio Times (spoiler ) If you do watch the programme and anything in the storyline causes you concern please remember that you can cont…
Clexane - possible alternative?
by Slewis7313- 19 replies
When being discharged from Heidelberg recently, I was quized as to why I am still on Clexane 8 months after my Pulmonary Embolism. I explained it was recommened by my Oncologist, which still seemed not to make sense as they never go beyond 6 months. The Doctor then asked if I was aware of a drug in tablet form called Xarelto which Heidelberg have been using for 6 months with the intention that it may replace Clexane for home use. They are very excited about the results with the tablet acting very much like Clexane, but without any of the side effects which come with Warfirin (no monitoring / blood tests required). So I looked on NICE cinically expecting to find it was not…
Interested in a West Midlands Support Group?
by Support Team- 3 replies
Hi, If anyone in the West Midlands area would be interested in a pancreatic cancer mutual support group/get together please contact Debbie Wells, Involvement Co-ordinator, at One of our very active supporters who lives in the area has offered to organise this and Debbie will be able to pass on any interested contacts to her. Best wishes Anna Support Team
Nanoknife...yes or decide
by LindaH- 7 replies
I recently wrote to Jeremy Hunt MP with regard to why Nanoknife was available on the NHS for some 'types' of cancers with the exception of Pancreatic....I felt I was being discriminated against for having the 'wrong' cancer. I received a reply from his office this morning. Is Nanoknife safe....the decision is yours.... I will post the link the MPs office gave me. Linda
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- 14.8k views UK lagging
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Hi all, I don't know how interested people are in this, but as I plan to become more fully involved in raising awareness and funding in time I have found listening to these really very interesting. These are audios from the APPG - if you follow this link you'll see there are several uploaded. K x
How cancer spreads (Sunday Telegraph)
by LindaH- 2 replies
Scientists believe they may have discovered a key to developing drugs which could help stop the spread of cancer. By David Millward 6:00PM BST 16 Jun 2013 Experiments carried out by a team at University College London has uncovered clues in what causes the disease to migrate from one part of the body to another. In many cases death is not caused by the primary tumour, but the secondary growth. The key follows experiments carried out by a team at University College London using frog and zebrafish embryos. Scientists identified a mechanism which called ‘chase and run’ which showed how diseased and healthy cells follow each other around the body. “Nobody knew …
Abstracts from ASCO 2013
by KATB- 20 replies
- 33.1k views Here are all the abstracts presented at ASCO 2013 for PC. I don't know how interested people are in these or whether they make sense to everyone but I'll be reading them so I thought why not post them here. ASCO is the American Society for Clinical Oncology - it's the main meeting of the year for oncology and it's generally where most oncologists from around the world get their most up to date information. Kate x
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My MP, Tim Farron, wrote to the DoH on my behalf regarding funding of pancreatic cancer research. I have just received a reply from him enclosing this letter. Are they actually saying the scientific quality of the proposals from PC Research have been rubbish for the last 40 years? Should research funding be based on competition or need?! Pft!
- 3 replies
- 14.5k views This is very interesting and encouraging K x
by MSH- 1 reply
No I hadn't heard of it either, but apparently it's a biomarker for pancreatic cancer. This is a lovely story about a 15 year old schoolboy Jack Andraka, being inspired to develop a test for the early stages of pancreatic cancer following the death of an uncle from the disease. He then wrote to 200 professors, of which 199 rejected or ignored him. However, Professor Anirban Maitra saw his potential and encouraged further work leading to Jack winning the Grand Jury prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair last year.
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An article on this caught my eye in the Economist. It sounds some way down the road but it does seem promising. "The reason pancreatic cancer is so deadly is that it metastasises quickly. This spreading of secondary tumours around the body damages other organs and has proved impossible to stop. But a group of researchers led by Claudia Gravekamp of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in New York, have an intriguing idea for changing that. As they describe in a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, they plan to do it by infecting people with radioactive bacteria." Nontoxic radioactive Listeriaat is a highly effective therapy against metas…
Surgery In Germany
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
Hi everyone, I just wanted to post something in response to Linda's post about concerns her consultant had about surgery in Germany: "One thing the consultant was a little concerned about, was when I started talking about this operation in Germany. He said he's heard so much about it of late and it's giving people false hope. He said for every operation which the German's say are successful, at least two are not successful and the cancer comes back. He was so annoyed at the way this has been portrayed has some miracle operation.... I don't know about that, all I know is that it wouldn't help me." The operation which is being referred to here is the Whipple's op…
- 5 replies
Someone sent me an article regarding Hydrogen Peroxide calling it "The Cure". It's claimed that ..... Quote from the web page The brighter red the color of your blood, the more oxygen it carries. The darker its color, the less oxygen it carries. Arterial blood is generally a brighter red because it has recently passed through the lungs. Venous blood is generally a darker red because it has passed through the capillaries where the oxygen is transferred from the blood to the tissues. "All normal cells have an absolute requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen - a rule without exception." - Dr. Otto Warburg, q…
Drug Shows Promising Results in Pancreatic Cancer!
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
Hi, At the recent ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology) conference, announcements were made about the drug ABRAXANE (Nab-Paclitaxel) and its use in metastatic pancreatic cancer. Results of clinical trials showed some promising benefit from the drug, when combined with gemcitabine. You can read more about this here: We look forward to hearing more about this, and in particular, its licencing for use in the UK. Support Team.