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Having read some of the stories on this forum I know that I am one of the lucky 10% who are offered surgery. I had the whipple procedure six weeks ago and am now home recovering and awaiting chemo. However I have lost two stone in weight and was only just over 8 stone to start with. I am trying to put on weight but am plagued with diarrhoea once or twice a day. I am taking creons between 8 and 10 with each meal. Has anyone discovered the secret of stopping the diarrhoea. 

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I'm happy that you are one of the lucky ones who had the operation. My wife occasional has diarrhoea and takes some tablets prescribed by her consultant to stop it. If you haven't already spoken to your doctor, i would suggest you do so ASAP because if you lose too much weight it may affect if you have chemo. 

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I agree that you should talk to your doctor. After my Whipple surgery, I only took one creon 10 pill with my largest meal each day. Could it be that you are taking too much creon which is causing the diarrhea? 

Good luck with your continued recovery. 

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Good advice from @arty and @Sandyvon: we'd definitely encourage you to speak to your team about getting your diarrhoea under control. There are also some tips on our website about coping with diarrhoea. It's good to hear you're taking Creon - we have lots of information about pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy, including what to do if it doesn't seem to be helping your symptoms. 


You might be interested in our 'Ask a Dietitian' webinar next Wednesday 3rd November, too. You'll get the chance to ask two specialist dietitians any questions you might have about diet, nutrition and Creon. Find out more here: www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/support-for-you/webinars/03-november-2021


The specialist nurses on our free Support Line are also there for you. You can give them a call on 0808 801 0707, or get in touch by email.


Wishing you all the best with your Whipple recovery!

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