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If awards were given out here...


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...I would nominate 4 brave, kind and wise ladies who are travelling different but immensely difficult paths with courage, dignity and honesty, and along the way inspiring and assisting their forum family tremendously.

They are Marmalade, PW, Dandygal and Ruthus.

Ladies - you are amazing! Wishing you strength and love as you continue your journeys.

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That is so very nice of you to say, W&M! Very deeply touched by your new thread.

However, your name very much needs to be added to that list for the support your give others.

My nominations for awards as a recipient of support, would be in addition to your list, Linda, Shelda, Sandra, Annette, Jayne, Catherine, Paige, Didge and Leila who are all amazing.

My hubby would always turn something negative into something positive and for me, that's the friendships I've developed on here which of course would not have happened if I'd not needed to google pancreatic cancer in the first instance. xxx

Edited by Proud Wife
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Oh my goodness, I am humbled by your words W&M!

I think my nomination would go to whoever thought up this forum and to the many, many courageous people in whose footsteps I walk. They give me strength and inspiration. xx

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PCUK Nurse Jeni


That is so truly touching, and a testimony to the spirit of the forum.

What a lovely thing to say to the other ladies!

You are all true stars! And lovely to see the respect and care between you all.


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Thank you W&M

That's lovely. I have found the people on this site so supportive and helpful. I don't know what I would have done without you all. It's such a shocking and devastating illness I would have been so alone without the kind words and somewhere to reach out to. I don't read many of the threads and as I've explained before this is because it can upset me so I avoid looking. It doesn't mean I'm not thinking of anyone who is dealing with the illness whether you are patient or carer, my heart go's out to you all.

I'm just about to update my thread and then I plan to write my story to put on the website.

Ruth x

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Bless you and thanks W&M, that is very sweet. We are all just doing what anyone would do with their loved ones but we are the ones forced into that corner at this time. Looking at all those stories that have gone before us and all the fights and all the losses I think anyone dealing with this dreadful illness deserves an award. x

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Hi Leila

You have read it wrong my love. Wife & Mum is simply talking about the here and now. Please don't be offended or let this be the reason why you are leaving the forum. I think I made sure that everyone's name was mentioned who is currently here on a regular basis supporting others, whether caring for their loved ones or on the other side of the divide. If I have missed any single regular off, then please tell me and I will quickly add because we are talking about the present. That doesn't mean anyone has been forgotten or is more or less important than anyone else. At the end of the day, we are of course all equal.

Much love

PW xx

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Dear Leila

I'm very sorry if my post upset you, it was written after a week or so of very moving posts by the members that I mentioned and I was simply acknowledging my feelings towards them at this time.


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Dear Leila,

I was very sorry to read that this thread upset you. It's awful how things can hit a nerve without warning and raise such deep feeling. I don't think anyone on this forum undervalues those who have gone before or who are still caring and coping, I honestly don't and I am sure the OP and all those who came after are devastated that it could have been taken as a slight. Please re-read the posts and I think you will agree.

You were one of the first people to comment on my original posts and I can't tell you how much it meant to me that you did so. I wish I could find words to make you feel the appreciation that I and other have for your continued support and I hope that you will always feel you can say whatever you like on here. M xx

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Hey Leila... don't worry about a thing. I didn't read your post but I think we all get it. It is hard not to be sensitive around everything. W&M has the greatest respect for all but I think the list was too long to put everyone else on it! I was also grateful for your posts to me (and still am!). It is amazing people come back on here to help and I think it is because you appreciated the ones before you doing the same. xxx

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