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Four months post whipple

jan m

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My mother had a whipple in november for pc. She is now half way

through her chemo regime. She suffers from terrible wind in the

evenings which can be extremely painful for her. We are not sure

if this is a complication of the operation or whether it is to do with

the creon that she takes. Does anyone else suffer with this and have

they found any answers to it.

Thanks Jan

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  • 2 weeks later...


My dad had a 'semi-whipple' as in when they opened him up they could only do half of the op! he also took creon and had bad wind

Im holding back from making any connection tho as he always had bad wind :wink: what it did seem to do was increase his burping type wind too!

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Thanks Melanie for your reply.

My mum got to see the dietitian last week and apparently she

has not been taking enough of the Creon. She has been told to

increase the number of tablets she takes after her evening meal.

Since she has done this she has been a lot better. We were not

really given a lot of guidance from the beginning as to how much

to take. Now the dietitian is involved we may get more help and

hopefully she will stop losing weight as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I could have passed wind for England and won a gold medal.!!!!!! It is a very painful thing to have trapped wind.....My doctor prescribed Buscopan 10mg, and they really helped. I think we have to get used to this wind problem, because almost 3 years on I still have really bad wind ( and loud too)., but not the pain which goes with it. I found that tomato juice really helped the wind, and also gave me nourishment....another product was peppermint tea. This really helped also.

Best wishes Julie

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well, this is strange, as before my whipples i had awful wind, farting and burping all day long, but now 6 weeks post op and nothing. perhaps i haveit to look forward to.

julie, quick question, as i asume you had chemo post op. how soon were you able to return to work. i am hopeing to retun to work in 6 weeks time, but start chemo in 2 weeks, and am getting conflicting views my first oncologist said i would e off work for another 6 months, but my mcmillan nurse says i should be fine to work whilst having chemo.

kindest regards


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