Family, friends and carers
A forum for family, friends and carers' of pancreatic cancer patients.
654 topics in this forum
Update on my dad - gemcitabine chemo
by Mrshappy- 8 replies
Hi everyone We saw my dad's consultant yesterday who agreed definitely no more folfirinox. However she was happy for him to go ahead and try gemcitabine in a few weeks once he has recovered more from his last bout of neutropenic sepsis. I just hope he tolerates this much better and obviously it can control the cancer as long as possible. I did talk to the consultant about progression briefly and she was very vague which I do understand - it really is a 'how long is a piece of string' question. However while my dad is currently ok - no pain, eating ok and just a little tired - it's actually sometimes hard to believe how ill he is.... Would anyone mind sharing storie…
by Kerry- 11 replies
The last time I posted on here I was talking about my dads chemo and being accepted onto a trial. When starting this post I hesitated with the title and opted for ‘sadness’ as this is the overwhelming feeling I have deep inside right now. My dad’s chemo has stopped as he is too ill to continue (after two doses). He’s now in hospital with blood clots and fluid in his lungs, chest and urine infection along with the progression of his cancer. Whilst in hospital he tried to get out of bed and fell and banged his head and was being scanned for a bleed on his brain. We saw an oncologist on day one of seven days and she told me my dad is dying. The last few days have been …
Can not believe I’m here again
by Staystrong- 9 replies
Hello all. I hope everyone is doing aswell as possible. My wonderful mother passed away after a 5 yr battle with pc in feb this year. In complete shock today as my dad was diagnosed with this cruel disease. Just can not believe it. We haven’t all the details yet but it doesn’t look like he is a candidate for surgery like she was. He also is much older than she was at diagnosis ( 83 - 68) and has other health problems. I’m sitting here with him in the hospital while he sleeps and really am just numb
Put the brakes on!
by Ange- 5 replies
Hello to all you lovely, caring people. This is my first post and I'm still reeling from the shock of my brothers pc diagnosis 4 days ago. He has been told to go home and take steroids for 2 weeks as he is too weak for chemotherapy. No one has asked the dreaded 'how long' question, and we feel like this awful decease is the end. He's 59.
What happens now?
by Mrshappy- 7 replies
Hi all, I only posted on here once before just after my dad was diagnosed and you were all so helpful. We are much further on now and it isn't looking too hopeful sadly. My 68 yr old dad was diagnosed with stage 3 locally advanced pc in April. He has had 2 rounds of folfirinox and ended up in hospital both times with neutropenic sepsis, very poorly, even though the second time was a reduced dose. They have now basically said no more chemo. We have yet to see his consultant (he only came out of hospital a few days ago) but I am wondering what happens now.... He had a scan while in hospital which showed his tumour hadn't grown but hadn't shrunk either so the chemo looks l…
pnet husband having surgery soon
by Tessa48- 6 replies
Hi All, never thought I would find myself on this forum. My husband who is 48 was found to have a Neuroendocrine Tumor as an incidental finding on a ct scan for something else. It was all a bit of a shock, I am a trained nurse now working with kids not adults but before seeing the consultant my mind was in over drive. Upshot is it’s a small 2.3cm tumor which the consultant is fairly confident isn’t nasty but obviously can’t be 100 percent sure until it’s out. My husband is to have a laprascopic spleen preserving distal pamcrearectomy at the end of the month. I am just looking for some advice from the wonderful and knowledgable people on this forum. Thank you in advance. …
My Mum's PC Diagnosis
by HT959- 9 replies
On April 21 this year my mum was diagnosed with stage IV PC with mets to the liver and possibly her lungs. She originally went into the hospital for keyhole surgery for gallstones - to say her diagnosis was a shock is a complete understatement. My world came crashing down that day, as it did also for my mum, dad and my brother. My mum is only 50, I (her daughter) am only 24. I switch between being utterly distraught and furiously angry at how unfair this all is. My life since that day has been more difficult and painful than I could imagine. My mum started chemo a few weeks after diagnosis. It hit her hard, and she suffered hugely with sickness even though we were tol…
Mum Diagnosis
by Margie- 13 replies
My mum who has been an active 78 year old, has recently been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer, which they say has spread to the peritoneum. She had a CT scan last week with a guide biopsy, and we went to see the oncology consultant today, and he has told us that they can not give a full diagnosis at this time, because of several reasons. 1. Blood mark for Cancer is very low 2. The biopsy from the peritoneum did not give results of cancer 3. The biopsy from the precancerous didn't give results of cancer. My mum however has all the symptoms, being sick, bloating, tireness, they are now scheduling another Endoscopy to see if they can get conclusive results that wa…
- 1 reply
Hello all, I've posted on here once before but not for the past few weeks. Our journey over the last 3 months has been relatively up and down. Dad is about to have his 4th round of folfirinox tomorrow, but we are so concerned about his weight. He's always been an athletic and extremely healthy person, up until this diagnosis in March. He's 67 years old. He's coping with the folfirinox relatively well, managing to keep sickness at bay and eating. He by no means feels good though. This is mainly attributed to the weightloss he has experienced and the sheer exhaustion he has every day. He's gone from being over 11 stone down to 9 which is very upsetting to see. I h…
Accelerate Trial
by Kerry- 4 replies
My dad was diagnosed with PC stage 4 cancer about 5 weeks ago. It has spread to his liver, perinium and lining of his stomach. He’s had a liver biopsy and been waiting to see the oncologist. He had an appointment last week with an oncologist and has been told he may be accepted into the Accelerate trial. Has anyone any knowledge or experience of this? He’s desperate for treatment and is not ready to give up yet although he is losing lots of weight, barely eating and has very little energy. The chemo will be in a 3 week cycle and have one week off in four. I’m really hoping it will improve and prolong his quality of life but at the same time very worried he’s goin…
Today was a hard day
by FionaJ- 4 replies
We got the formal diagnosis of pancreatic cancer for my 83 year old Mum (after hearing something from an A&E doctor after she fell a couple of days ago). But her kidneys are not working well and her INR levels are too high to do the procedure to put in a stent to open her bile duct (she is yellow). A waiting game whilst they treat her over the weekend and review Monday. But the cancer is not operable as it’s round her blood vessels and reading between the lines she is not strong enough for chemo. How do I tell my boys (14 and 17)? What do I need to do to get the best care for her? Advice and support gratefully welcomed
Dad diagnosed with PC Cancer
by jenjen80- 4 replies
Hello all, I am new to this thread. My dad has recently been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer with mets to his liver. He had his first round of Folfirinox last week. He otherwise is an extremely fit and healthy 67 year old so this diagnosis has come as a complete shock, as I'm sure it has to anyone faced with this. Apart from that, We are an extremely positive family and determined to fight this with everything we have and look at all options available. I wondered if any of you could share your advice with regards to eating to try and gain weight again. My dad is athletic so has always been slim, but our concern right now is the added weightloss he has suffered due …
Attendance allowance
by sadiepup- 2 replies
I recently applied for attendance allowance following 6 months chemotherapy and then a Whipple operation but it has been turned down .Should I ask for a mandatory consideration
Family PC
by elgirl- 5 replies
Dear all, I have been a silent reader of this website for more than 6 months. I don't know why I have decided to write now my experience although my loved ones with this disease have already left us. Yes, I say loved oneS because three members of my immediate family passed away from PC. First my grandfather which I have never met, he died before I was even borne. This did not particularly affect me as I have never met him. However my life turned upside down in june 2016 when my uncle was diagnosed with stage 4 PC. My mothen insisted that my dad got checked himself "just in case". Although he had no apparent symptom, he reluctantly went to his doctor. In july 2016, my …
Diet help and advice
by Elle- 16 replies
Hi all I was tempted to write chapter and verse about my awful month long roller coaster journey supporting my dad through his journey to diagnosis, however, I would appreciate some pointers about diet. My dad is expected to be ‘sent home to die’ as he put it, on Friday. The hospital food has been awful and I’m hoping some proper nutritious food will help him feel a bit better. I think fatty/fried foods as well as red meat are not the best things, and I understand that chicken/fish/veg and some fruit would be better. Is there anything I should be aware of to avoid or include? I don’t want to give him anything that will make life more difficult for him. He has spoken to…
This seems to be all happening too fast
by Dereks Daughter- 7 replies
Hi, My father was diagnosed with PC three weeks ago and in that time I’ve found this forum extremely helpful. As is possibly the way, as a worried daughter I have spent a lot of time researching possible treatments and finding hope in some of the stories I’ve read online. However, following a biopsy last week, we’ve today had a meeting with the oncologist who has said the cancer is aggressive and she could see the deterioration in dad within two weeks. Despite anti sickness tablets, dad is still being sick frequently and has now been put on an IV drip for his medication (including anti-sickness and a steroid for inflammation). The oncologist thought the sickness…
Help please - what to ask the doctors
by Mrshappy- 4 replies
Hi all - it's my first post on here. My dad was diagnosed with PC 2 weeks ago aged 68. We have not had a huge amount of information so far other than they don't think it's spread beyond the pancreas and is still small but surgery doesn't look like an option right now due to the proximity to a blood vessel. We are meeting properly with his team for the first time tomorrow so I want to know what should I ask please - the last 2 weeks have just been horrendous and we are all getting our heads around the news 😣 thanks all.
Don’t know where to start 1 2 3
by Christine49- 62 replies
Hello everyone, I am glad to have found this forum. My mum was officially diagnosed with PC on Boxing Day after a few months of upper abdominal problems and pain at the side of her ribs for about 6 months. We’d been drip fed a little information following an ultrasound and CT scan by her GP and following one trip to A&E so we already knew what was coming but after some severe vomiting and not eating for about 3 days she was rushed into hospital and they finally told us. We know there’s some lymph node involvement and a spot in her liver. Unfortunately we’re already familiar with the condition as my mother-in-law passed away from PC only 4 years ago. I …
Question re time in end stage
by Staystrong- 19 replies
Hi. This is my first post on this forum. As I type I know I should be asking this question to my mums team. My mum was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer almost 5 years ago, since then she had surgery, chemo, recurrence and numerous chemo interventions until autumn 2017 when chemo was no longer an option. She is at home, pain is significant but mostly well managed and meds are reviewed often. She is able to do very little due to sob / fluid on her lungs. Something we've never asked team specifically is regarding predicted time as from time of diagnosis that is not something she wanted to 'have hanging over her'. At this stage I feel I need to know an estimate, I want to s…
I am Struggling with Information
by Jools- 3 replies
Hi. This is my first post. Last October my Mum was diagnosed with a growth/tumor on her pancreas. She had lots of tests and scans but, whilst awaiting results etc. caught Sepsis and all treatment was obviously directed at that. After getting "better and stronger" she had a biopsy. I could not get her to say if the results showed cancer of the pancreas or not. She is now having yet more tests and now she tells me that the Whipple Procedure has been mentioned. Well, since pancreatic cancer was suspected back in October, I am struggling to understand why is is not receiving any treatment. My Mum will never give me a straight answer i.e. whether or not she has actual…
Biopsy results
by janmac- 4 replies
Hi this is my first and I'm sure not last post. My mum has been diagnosed inoperable PC today we went for biopsy to get more information re size etc . Can anyone give me advice how I can sit with her and hear the results and time scale ? I'm trying to be strong but I'm dreading this part x
by Jfenney- 1 reply
I have just joined having recently been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer , at the spritly age of 55 I like many thought wow that’s a shock as it came from a blood clot on my leg. I was in the army for 23 years, never smoked or drink to excess and fairly fit playing sport on the weekends. My wife was shocked but i still had a very pragmatic view whatever the case we will deal with it and having our first consultation the consultant did not mince his words and gave it to us warts and all , I still remember that figure 30% chance of making 5 years. However I said it will best 5 years I will tell you, this being said the mass in the pancreas was 7cm in diameter and a Ra…
New Diagnosis Limbo 1 2
by LanasMum- 35 replies
Hi all. Have been reading posts and learning a lot on behalf of my Dad who is newly diagnosed - have now come up with some questions, and I guess just a need to write it all down, so I thought I'd introduce myself and Dad's situation to this lovely supportive group. On holiday in October (long haul), he developed what we now know is a DVT - was uncomfortable for the 6 weeks he was away. GP did a test for DVT early Nov - negative and treated him for a chest infection. Dad went back in December as still breathless, calf hot and swollen - ultrasound confirmed DVT in groin and small ones in lungs and something was seen in the lymph nodes so we were told he would get anothe…
Help over Christmas
by 9ham- 4 replies
I feel like I shouldn't be posting here as I have not been of great support to my Step-Mum. She was diagnosed in June this year, whilst I was receiving psychiatric care for an unrelated illness. My Step-Mum was of great support when I needed to live with her and my Dad two years ago, because of my illness. Now, I am returning to spend Christmas with them, but have only had phone and face-time contact since her diagnosis (I live 200 miles away and have to work here). She had a stent fitted in her bile duct a few weeks ago and will be restarting palliative chemo between Christmas and New Year. She does not know her prognosis (although my Dad and I know that her life is now …
Firstly I want to thank every one on the forum for all the help and advice I have gained reading all your posts, I have cried and smiled along with you all unfortunately there have been more tears than smiles. So if we too can help anyone else here is our story. It started in December 2012 with Trevor being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, feeling very tired and having pains in his abdomen, which we thought originally were from the Metformin, he had suffered from diverticulitis on and off for the previous 18 months, but this was different. After visiting the GP some 5 or 6 times he was sent for an ultrasound on his gall bladder at our local health centre, on the 2nd May …