Advanced pancreatic cancer
A forum for advanced pancreatic cancer issues.
398 topics in this forum
Chemo or no?
by willislulu- 4 replies
Hi all. I had an unsuccessful whipples last December and have since tried chemo. Having been very poorly and admitted afterwards I am now wondering if I should try more chemo. I am a very positive person but want quality of life. I am only 45 with a loving husband and amazing teenagers and am saddened to be leaving them so soon. My family will not understand if I do not take further treatment but I want my time to be happy and as well as possible. Your thoughts??
- 1 reply
Hi My husband, when diagnosed, was working for a company with a private healthcare scheme and we were asked whether we wanted the company to enquire about going down that route. At the time, my husband was very happy with the care he was receiving from the NHS. We were referred to our local specialist cancer centre, linked to a university hospital and the first course of treatment offered was a clinical trial - he viewed this as being in the best place, being offered the best treatment, so declined the offer of looking elsewhere. He is gone now and every single day I question every single decision we made along the way, including this one. I remember the CNS assigned…
by auri30- 5 replies
my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in november, he was due to have surgery in january and when he was told the operation hadn't taken place, our world fell apart! my dad was devestated but he was surprisingly well! A week passed and he saw his oncologist and he was told chemo wasn't really going to help as my dad was so well it would only offered him a few extra months if that! he was told 6-12 months! my dad was gutted all the family was! my dad had put on a stone in weight and fekt quite well, but 2 weeks after he was told that he was terminally ill he became so sick !! He has a colostomy bag and he was badly constipated! He was sick every 3 minutes of dry ret…
hate not knowing
by bargolf2005- 4 replies
Hi there its my 1st time putting a post on here ,my brother was diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer on the 25th feb 13 ,it has spread to his liver ,he had a biopsy & gets his results this thurs .he already in a lot of pain and is on morphine ,im guessin he is close to the end but that could just be me putting on the worse possible outcome (sorry for waffling ) i would just like to thank everyone who has put a post up or replyed to a post ,it has really helped me thru this last week or so xxxx
Update on dad
by Blue-Eyes- 5 replies
Hi guys thought I would update you on my dad it's been a while since I posted on here, my dad had a failed Whipples as his tumour was wrapped around the artery. He's been on GEMCAP for three months had a scan last week and the good news is there has been shrinkage. He has had no side effects from his chemo except some tiredness which is tolerable. He is having three more weeks of chemo then will have radiotherapy combined with capecitiabine for 4-5 weeks every day. Still hoping praying and wishing for the miracle of a Whipples. Best wishes heidi xx
by mkdons- 5 replies
My husband was diagnosed 2 weeks ago it is so hard trying to fight to get help, he has worked all his adult life and paid into the system yet it seems that is not enough. I wish we had invested in Private Health Care rather than a pension, It shouldnt be a battle to get treatment it should be a right. Where and who do you go to for a second opinion, its frightning.
Anyone had similar ??
by benji- 3 replies
My husband John was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas and spots on the liver in November. We were told that is was not operable, but treatable. He had a stent put in his liver on Nov 24th, which was unsuccessful. He then had a nerve block a week later. On Dec 16th, he had a bile duct procedure, which was not a 100% success, due to that they could not get it down all the way. The doctors tried 3 times, they then took him back in on Dec 24 and tried again without total success. He was admitted to hospital on Dec 27th, due to the terrific pain in was in with the stent. He was in hospital until last Wed, Jan 9th, where he as transferred to a Sue Ryder hospice for pain man…
The Struggle is over
by Aussiemom- 10 replies
Hello folk , I haven't posted on here for awhile. Things were going so downhill with my Husband Alan. The MacMillan nurse was coming in weekly. We had a quiet Christmas , then on Jan. 3rd. Alan was admitted to the local Hospice. They were wonderful ,compassionate , caring nurses who looked after him , I am so grateful to them. Then Yesterday 13th Jan , he peacefully slipped away. I am so relieved, his fight is over and it has been a long one? It would have been four years this April . I truly believe the surgeon who did his Whipples surgery extended his life for the years he had I will always be grateful to him. I am going to try to be strong now and know tha…
Sorry been a while.
by Jool2504- 3 replies
Hi Everyone, Just not been able to visit the forum for a few weeks now. Its been a week of firsts for me, Billys birthday was on Saturday and it was a month since we lost him on Sunday. We all thought he would make Christmas, I tried to be positive with him and say he would make next Christmas as well, alas he didn't make either. I've moved back to Birmingham, the evening after the funeral and went back for the first time on Saturday to find a For Sale sign outside the bungalow, I knew it had been valuated but not actually put on the market, I was devastated. There unfortunately has been some problems with his son, which I hope now are sorted. I miss being th…
- 20 replies
oh how i know what heartache so many of you are going through, so, sorry for encroaching on other posts. today i had a fone call from my eldest sons wife[ not heard from them for 14 years] well, my second son, a twin, hung himself last night, left notes etc, so well planned, we had been estrangesd because of his temper, behaviour, etc, he was 50, how can someone plan this and go through with it? so many people would do anything to live! i dont know how i feel, whats wrong with me? i havent cried over wendy, and now this, again no tears, im sad he died alone, and so unhappy. now what, i cant really think straight, my daughter, his twin, who lives in cornwall, was hyster…
by Sueba- 5 replies
Hi all I've not been on the forum lately as my 3 children have been off for the Christmas holidays nd my mind has been occupied with being mums taxi,Christmas etc My husband has just had his 5 th chemo (flouracil sorry prob spelt wrong) and his reaction to the chemo has improved the last 2,in that not as sickly,a bit more energy,is this a good sign? He is still getting tired during the day the first week following chemo but nothing like the first couple of cycles! So what now?one more cycle and then a scan!i am already picturing us going to see the oncologist,a repeat of last time,saying inoperable I'm sorry a couple of months to live ( not at 42 years old I want to sh…
creon / 2nd attempt chemo?
by hope1977- 15 replies
Hi I have not posted anything before but my dad was diagnosed in Sep with inoperable pc. He started chemo (GEM) a few weeks ago but it made him so sleepy and he felt so sick he really found it even harder to eat or drink anything. he was losing approx 2k a week and when we turned up for his 3rd cycle they felt he had lost to much weight and appeared not be reacting well to treatment. since they have upped the steriods to 8mg per day his appetite seems to have returned slightly but i cant see how he is eating enough to actally put on weight. We did eventually get the GP to give dad creon but he took it when he was hardly eating anything and feeling sick anyway. after rea…
My darling mum
by luce873- 12 replies
Hi all, I've been reading everyone's posts and although every one makes me sob, it's so comforting that others are going through similar experiences to our family. My wonderfully brave and beautiful mum was diagnosed with advanced PC on the 17th August. Since 'Black Friday', mum has stoically battled on, putting a brave face on everything but unfortunately getting weaker and weaker by the day. She has a stent fitted to get rid of the jaundice and was (eventually) seen by the oncologist. The decision was make to try chemo, just a low dose of gemcitabine as she was too weak for anything more potent to see if this would make her more comfortable and give her a bit long…
Where now ?
by Dorset44- 24 replies
Hello Friends , Where to start ? My Husband is one of the lucky ones ? Ha had a Whipples op three years ago. Was doing so well , sailed through chemo and Radiation . Went into remission . Sadly for only about 8 months. Chemo started again . This time it didn't work. The scan showed that the cancer was still returning. The Oncologist said nothing more can be done for him . My reply to that was ' What do we do just give up ', how long are we talking, he said ' Good Question ' End of the year ' ! It was like being hit with a hammer. He is now back with his GP , who I don't think show any compassion at all . He has given him pain killers that don't work! Some days are…
My amazing Dad lost his fight
by Lulu- 8 replies
After fighting a hard battle since diagnosis in August my darling Dad lost his fight with pancreatic cancer this week and he died in the early hours of Wednesday morning. We are all completely devastated. It had been a rocky couple of weeks as I have posted on my other threads here but in his last two days he started to vomit and bring up what appeared to be blood - it looked like coffee grounds. He also suddenly started to retain fluid - not only in his feet as he had been doing since starting chemo. It had crept up his legs into his groin and stomach area, the night before he died we called an out of hours doc who after liaising with the chemo unit over the phone inser…
My world just fell apart ( My Mam) Died 3rd Dec 1 2
by francis- 42 replies
My wonderful 68 year old mother had a scan on the 2nd April 2012 which showed up liver mets. She the was sent for a CT scan on the 5th April 2012 which then showed Pancreatic cancer in the tail of her pancreas 2-3cms. Because of the bank holiday her results wasn't sent to the specialist pancreatic cancer unit ([Name removed -moderator] hospital) until 10th April 20012. We missed the MDT Meeting that day so now have to wait until 17th April. She has gone from feeling ok and only feeling a bit nauseous to only able to eat a small amount each day and having to take 2 tramadol per night which is not quite cutting it. The GP recommended that she take paracetamol as well as t…
Lost my Father-in-law yesterday, 24th June 2012
by davidbird- 6 replies
I've not posted on here very much, but looked often. Shed more than a few tears with you all along the way. Maybe sharing this story will help someone. My father-in-law was a very fit and healthy 82 year old, a fisherman all his life out of Mallaig on the west coast of Scotland. He was at the herring for much of his life, then when that collapsed went shark-fishing, and latterly for prawns (scampi). When he retired from the sea, he was making and mending nets and was legendary, fishermen from all up the West Coast would come for one of his nets. Even his designs, copied faithfully, were missing some vital spark and never matched the catching ability of the nets he m…
Dad still holding on.
by Lulu- 6 replies
Decided to start another thread - Dad seemed to 'come back' after the worst few days ever last week - we even had a 'blessing' for him at home as my sister and I were so sure the end was near. We're not particularly religious but we both 'needed' something like that and Dad was amenble - and it actually gave comfort to all of us, I can't explain why but it did. Anyway somehow he's still here with us and we started his second round of chemo (gemcitabine) last Thursday again - and he is Ok at the moment. He received a blood transfusion last week and that has given him a bit of colour back thank goodness. He's still barely eating and I asked the doc at chemo about giving …
First post
by Wife- 3 replies
My husband was diagnosed in September and it feels like a life ago. He is inoperable and only receiving palliative care. I am desperate and trembling. Manage to sleep only little bits and wake up to the nightmare. Have lived together for more than 35 years and cannot imagine life without him; he is my north, my rock, everything. People keep on saying they can imagine how I feel. How can they? My children are broken. Why is this happening? He has a beautiful mind and so much to give. Neither of us is 60 yet. Why must our inmense happiness end so soon? And the world goes on. How unfair!
The longest days but there gone so fast
by Jool2504- 23 replies
Hi, Thought I'd put a new post topic on as other was a bit big. Myself & my friend spent the night at Bills bedside, he slept peacefully. He's been slightly more awake today but seems very agitated. He also keeps getting the burps which wake up then he struggles again. He seems better slightly than yesterday has some strength back. Mine seems to be waning. Got 6 hours in last night whilst Karen stayed with him then I stayed with him & she slept. This is not nice, thought he would drift off but he's agitated constantly when he's not asleep. Wished I'd said more to him on Saturday but was so busy with visitors as he would want me to be & then he …
Another 'newbie' 1 2
by Lulu- 35 replies
Just wanted to say thank you to all of the 'regular' posters on this site. I am sure I am not alone to have gained so much comfort and understanding through just reading your posts over the last few months but not quite brave enough then to post myself. I'm certain there are so many of us just reading your words of comfort to each other that we feel as though we already 'know' you all. So finally I'm able to hopefully join your community if I may. Dad was finally diagnosed in August this year after a long frustrating wait as I know a lot of you have experienced. In May he visited the GP with severe back pain and weight loss. He was given painkillers. Eventually a month…
Living day by day 1 2
by susikus- 35 replies
I thought it was about time I started a new thread, as I am definitely not 'new to this' any more! Yesterday was two months after learning Pete's diagnosis. It was a diagnosis that we knew was possible and were dreading. My daughter had looked it all up even before we knew what it was for certain. Those two months have been the best of times and the worst of times. I was reflecting on that this weekend when we had an awful day on Saturday and a brilliant day on Sunday. And yet, nothing really changed. The awful day was because Pete has realised he will never be the man he was, never again be able to do what he wants to do (and what he wants to do most is to walk the do…
24/7 its non stop since diagnosis 1 2
by Jool2504- 33 replies
Morning, Thought it would be easier if I also started a new post. Sorry been away from the forum for a while had a very stressful few days again. Its 24/7 since Bill was diagnosed and seems to be getting worse. His 4th & 5th toes on his right foot are now black and the first three are constantly cold and changing colour as they days go on, he has a blockage in this groin but the blood seems to be getting everywhere except his toes. He also now has cellulosis (think thats what its called) his legs and feet are terribly swollen, he was admitted to hospital on Monday with it, they have increased his pain meds so he can cope with keeping his feet up, so now there…
My poor mum pushed from pillar to post 1 2
by empsol- 25 replies
We thought my mum had a blockage in her liver the surgeon removed a gallstone did a biopsy and sent mum home,back in hospital the week later not well but still no biopsy results everything fine your bloods fine go home, no contact for 2 weeks mums got jaundise how strange still no biopsy results chase the hospital over 2 weeks various specialists to be told "oh your mum missed her appointment to see the specialist for the results" reply "she was in hospital"oh well come next week In the meantime my mum received a letter on Sat 8th Sept from another hospital to see a specialist in the outpatients clinic on Monday 10th Sept @1400 Call from my sister 999'd mum too ill to …
Suggestions - which hopefully can help - when diagnosed
by Striving4dad- 3 replies
Hi, I have not posted on here before but have read it many times since my dad was diagnosed with this horrendous disease last year. My father was unable to have surgery and is having Gemcap - 3 weeks on and 1 week break. I just wanted to say what a fantastic help and support many people on here are that are going through an extremely tough time themselves. I just wanted to mention a few things below - which may help people whose loved ones have been recently diagnosed - if one suggestion helps then great. I know when my dad was diagnosed - I was grateful for any suggestions... As the appetite is small and because of weight loss- think whatever they do eat or drinks n…