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100 topics in this forum
Robotic-assisted pancreatic resection being investigated
by Support Team- 0 replies
Researchers are looking into the use of robotic assisted surgery for pancreatic resections. For more information Anna
Abraxane shows potential in Phase I/II trial
by Support Team- 0 replies
The published results of a Phase I/II trial of Abraxane(paclitaxel albumin-bound particles for injectable suspension) in combination with gemcitabine in advanced pancreatic cancer patients has shown that this treatment shows potential for improving outcomes. This treatment is being investigated further in an an ongoing, international, randomized phase III trial of Abraxane + gemcitabine vs. gemcitabine for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. The study is recruiting a large sample (842 people) across 152 sites, but unfortunately is not running in the UK. For more information…
New vaccine trial begins in the US
by Support Team- 0 replies
A new phase II trial for pancreatic cancer looking at sequential treatment with two cancer vaccines: Aduro's CRS-207 and GVAX Pancreas Cancer Vaccine (GVAX Pancreas)has begun recruting in the US. For more information see Anna
Physical activity may help reduce risk of pancreatic cancer
by Support Team- 0 replies
The results of research study in the Netherlands show that physical exercise may lead to a modest decrease in pancreatic cancer risk. For more information see Anna
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- 6.2k views This was in the news today - some encouraging research!
Promising Primary Screening of PC-Taiwan Work
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Secretome-Based Identification of ULBP2 as a Novel Serum Marker for Pancreatic Cancer Detection. Chang YT, Wu CC, Shyr YM, Chen TC, Hwang TL, Yeh TS, Chang KP, Liu HP, Liu YL, Tsai MH, Chang YS, Yu JS. SourceGraduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Chang Gung University, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan. Abstract BACKGROUND: To discover novel markers for improving the efficacy of pancreatic cancer (PC) diagnosis, the secretome of two PC cell lines (BxPC-3 and MIA PaCa-2) was profiled. UL16 binding protein 2 (ULBP2), one of the proteins identified in the PC cell secretome, was selected for evaluation as a biomarker for PC detection because its mRNA level was also found to be signi…
Exciting Potential for Early Diagnosis-German work
by PressWatch- 0 replies
This is hopefully Exciting! In vivo diagnosis of murine pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia and early-stage pancreatic cancer by molecular imaging Eser S, Messer M, Eser P, von Werder A, Seidler B, Bajbouj M, Vogelmann R, Meining A, von Burstin J, Algül H, Pagel P, Schnieke AE, Esposito I, Schmid RM, Schneider G, Saur D. SourceII. Medizinische Klinik, Technische Universität München, 81675 Munich, Germany. Abstract Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is a fatal disease with poor patient outcome often resulting from late diagnosis in advanced stages. To date methods to diagnose early-stage PDAC are limited and in vivo detection of pancreatic intraepithelial …
Results of early stage trial into monoclonal antibody
by Support Team- 0 replies
Pancreatic Cancer UK welcomes the results of randomized phase II trial comparing gemcitabine with gemcitabine plus AGS-1C4D4 in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer, which is being presented at ASCO. The trial suggests that the combination of the human monoclonal antibody AGS-1C4D4 with gemcitabine may give a moderate improvement in survival in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer. These are early stage trial results but we would welcome further research into the AGS-1C4D4 compound to investigate whether it could have a place in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. It is vital that more research is undertaken into treatments that improve pancreatic cancer patie…
French research suggests benefit from chemo combination
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
A French research study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has shown a survival benefit from a combination chemotherapy regimen consisting of oxaliplatin, irinotecan, fluorouracil, and leucovorin (FOLFIRINOX) for patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. Although this combination does cause more side effects. For more information see,0,2372897.story or
First patients to receive new cancer drug
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
A Phase I trial to test the safety of a novel drug for cancer, known as AZD5363, has started recruiting at The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London and the Christie Hospital NHS Trust in Manchester. The purpose of this Phase I study is to investigate the safety and tolerability of a new drug AZD5363 in patients with advanced cancer, including pancreatic cancer. AZD5363 is a novel drug which blocks an enzyme, Protein Kinanse B (PKB) that is involved in cancer development and in tumours becoming resistant to some key anti-cancer drugs. The study will also look at how the body handles the drug and identify a dose schedule. The study is suitable for patients with ad…
New research into screening for people at high risk of pc
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
The new results of a study looking into a potential screening method for families affected by pancreatic cancer in the US has been reported in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. The Study carried out at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York offered screening to 309 relatives of people with familial pancreatic cancer using MRI scans of the pancreas. If the MRI showed anything suspicious-looking, they could have further testing with endoscopic ultrasound.Overall, MRI scans caught potential problems in 18 study participants and six later had surgery to remove these lesions. A number of research groups in different countries are looking into sc…
New Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Trial launched in UK
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch Its Good News:The Telovac Trial, testing a new Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine, has been running in the UK in 53 locations for the past 2-3 years. It is great to report that the Trial was featured on the BBC website. This a Phase III trial utilising 1000 participants. It is to be hoped that the vaccine which utilises a more novel approach will make a difference for sufferers of the disease. For more information on the Trial and to find out the locations taking part in the trial visit the Pancreatic Cancer Uk website at
Alcohol link to Cancer
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch New research shows that drinking more than a pint of beer or a glass of wine a day can substantially increase the risk of some cancers (eg digestive tract, liver, breast). In the UK alone alcohol is being blamed for 13,000 cancer cases each year, men appear more effected than women. A large Europe-wide study, published by the British Medical Journal, found that one-in-10 of all cancers in men and one-in-33 of all cancers in women are caused by past or current alcohol intake. Doctor Kat Arney from Cancer Research UK on Breakfast News For those seeking more information an Abstract from the Study on…
Potential protein to treat effects of alcohol on pancreas
by PCUK Nurse Jeni- 0 replies
Alex Ford, Chief Executive of Pancreatic Cancer UK, comments on research into a protein that could be used to treat the effects of alcohol on the pancreas: "New research into the protective benefits of the protein, calmodulin, on the pancreas when used to fight the toxic effects of alcohol, is potentially promising for pancreatic cancer patients. Currently, there is very little understanding of what causes pancreatic cancer and patients' treatment options are extremely limited - so any advances in our understanding of how to prevent and treat the disease are welcomed" To find out more about this research,…
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Seen in the Sunday Express on 10th April 2011 is an article by Martin Halle, describing a new laser treatment called Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT). It is a concentrated treatment that precisely targets the tumour and has no side effects unlike chemotherapy and radiotherapy and has so much potential because it does not involve surgery. It works by injecting patients with dye which is carried to the tumour through blood. Cancer cells are destroyed when the dye is exposed to a red laser light. It is performed by placing hollow needles into the pancreas through the abdomen. The red laser light is directed through the hollow needles inserted into the pancreas to the marked can…
Reproducible Blood Marker
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch This is evidence to support the case for a substance known as VEGF as representing a significant and reproducible marker for the sadly adverse indication in resected (ie surgically removed ) Pancreatic Cancer. It is a literature review and statistical analysis of existing data conducted by a team including Prof John Neoptholemous ( Liverpool) who is generously providing valuable information and support to the PCUK funded 'Study for Survival' ( ) Smith RA, Tang J, Tudur-Smith C, Neoptolemos JP, Ghaneh P. Related Articles Meta-analysis of immunohistochemical prognostic mar…
New hope for Pancreas Cancer Research
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch This is a very encouraging story. Lets hope this new Initiative is capable of increasing significantly the numbers of survivors of the disease over 5 years to a level greater than 3%. On Monday a new Centre dedicated to Pancreas Research was launched at Cambridge University, the 'Centre for Pancreas Research'. The Centre at the Cambridge Research Institute is headed by Professor David Tuveson a leading International research scientist who has been attracted to Cambridge by the difficult challenge of addressing the disappointing lack of progress in tackling Pancreas Cancer over the past 40 years. The Centre brings together the skills and science o…
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Hi everyone Hugh Grant will be on This Morning next Tuesday ( 15th ) talking about pancreatic cancer, he does charity work for the cause, sorry to post it on this part, but only the moderator can access the 'events' part Lynne Xx
US Research and Education Act
by PressWatch- 0 replies
This is an article taken from the LA Times which highlights the case of a woman who died before she got diagnosed! Importantly there is reference to the impending US Pancreatic Cancer Reserach and Education Act which is about to enter Congress.,0,4789969.column Presswatch
Explanation for higher levels of Blood Clots?
by PressWatch- 0 replies
This a piece of newly reported French work which suggests an explaation for VTE in PC patients---due to circulating Tissue Factor (TFa) Delluc A, Rousseau A, Delluc C, Le Moigne E, Le Gal G, Mottier D, Van Dreden P, Lacut K. Related Articles Venous thromboembolism in patients with pancreatic cancer: implications of circulating tissue factor. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2011 Mar 2;. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 21372691 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher Presswatch
New Vaccine shows promise in US
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Here's an encouraging piece of news. A new Vaccine developed in US by Biosantes is showing some improvement in a small scale trial on the apparently most common type of PC (PDAC). Amongst the sample of resectable patients life span was increased by 25%. There was also promise amongst other patient groups. The report out yesterday (3rd March) indicates there may be more info on the John Hopkins site though this has not been checked. Presswatch
Early Diagnosis-work at Hammersmith Hospital-UK
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch. Plans to switch funding to GP Consortiums may create the opportunity for improved 'early' diagnosis of all Upper GI Cancers. It is hoped that this may improve survival rates for Pancreatic Cancer which has elusive and usually late symptoms which make diagnosis problematic 9. Early diagnosis of cancer ......mentioned that new government legislation states that there will be a 30% shift of finance from the acute sector to the primary care sector via new GP consortiums. This shift will create opportunities to improve the early diagnosis of UGI cancer, which will improve…
Major funding in USA for Pancreatic Cancer
by PressWatch- 0 replies
This is good news for Cancer Research and Pancreatic Cancer. This is major personal donation from the UAE President to Texas University for $100m for personalised Cancer Care If it is correct then $50 million will go to fund pancreatic cancer research including equipment, clinical trialsand three chairs. Presswatch
New Pancreatic Cancer Screening Test in USA
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Pancreatic Cancer: Henry Ford Hospital Launches Study to Develop Screening Test DETROIT, Jan. 13, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- A clinical research study to develop a rapid and inexpensive blood screening test for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has been launched by Henry Ford Health System and the Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute. Henry Ford will recruit 300 patients to participate in this study and will hold a special blood draw event for the study 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 22 at Henry Ford Medical Center – Columbus Center, 39450 W. 12 Mile Rd., in Novi. USA. "Currently there is no available blood test for pancreatic cancer that is either sensitiv…
Is Asprin Really a Magic Bullet for Cancer
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Professor Karol Sikora formally of WHO Cancer Programme has written this useful article on the value of Asprin in Cancer control. He comments on the Oxford University study published this week showing that an asprin a day will reduce the chances of a number of cancers (though Pancreatic is not mentioned) by up to 60% in some cases. He goes on to say that 'the use of less toxic, more potent anti-inflamatory agents....could have an enormous impact on cancer incidence' magic-bullet-for-cancer.html Presswatch