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Hi Steve,

Excellent news! Well done, keep going!

Susanna x

  • 2 weeks later...

Started cycle 11 yesterday and all went well after a few delays. Still feeling fine, but await with a little trepidation days 5/6, though they are getting better. Tumour marker is now down again from 150 to 127, so still one happy teddy in Wales!

Take care all.




Really great news Steve, cycle 11, wow! Thanks for your support the other day take care sandrax


Great news Steve! Keep those markers coming downwards and keep outfoxing (!) the bugger!

Julia x


Well done Steve. You're sure showing it a bad time.

Leila x


Ha! You've got it on the run Steve ;)

Much love

Cathy xx


This is something I do not share lightly on a relatively open forum, but I feel I am amongst real friends who will understand what we are going though, so here goes! My dear Mam was admitted to hospital on Friday with suspected Gastroenteritis. Because of my chemo, I was strongly advised not to visit her over the weekend as they were unsure of exactly what was wrong and she was on an isolation ward. She did however have plenty of visitors, though did not manage to eat anything for 5 days or so. She unexpectedly took a turn for the worse yesterday and her heart gave up. She was 86 years old, a fantastic Mother and I feel blessed that she was my Mother. I know the anguish she felt since discovering my illness and she even offered me her Pancreas, sort of jokingly, but I know she would have given it if it was possible. I/we could not have felt more loved by anyone. We are all going to miss her so much.

The world is a sadder place today!



I'm so sorry Steve thinking of you and your family? Sue x


Oh Steve so sorry please accept my condolences thinking of you and your family you are right in saying the world is a sadder place Mam's are so special .

Emma x


So sorry for your loss Steve, she sounds like a super mum.

That generation have seen some tough times. Like your mum, my then 92 year old dad offered Ray what was left of his life, he's still going.

May your mum rest in peace.


Julia x



So sorry to hear you have lost your lovely Mam, sincere condolences to you and the rest of the family, I lost my mum 3 years ago, she was 96 and one day, she managed to stay for her birthday, she is still with us in spirit, as yours will be. You are lucky to have had her for so long, as were we, and thank you for sharing, take care sandrax


Dear Steve,

So sorry to hear about your Mum. We had a situation last year when Paul's Mum had a fall, resulting in a head injury that they didn't know if she would recover from. Paul was in hospital 200 miles away. She made a miraculous recovery, but not being able to be there for her in the way he would have liked to be was very hard for Paul.

I know your Mum will have also felt blessed to have you as a son, and I imagine your family brought her much joy. As Sandra says thank you for sharing,




Dear Steve,

I am so sorry to hear your news. I can well imagine your Mum offering you her pancreas bless her.

There will be a busy time now organising her funeral but thinking of you and sending love and strength for the days and weeks ahead.

Cathy xx


Hi Steve,

So sorry to hear about your Mum. I lost my mother just 6 months after Dave and I miss them both so much. My thoughts are with you and your family.



Dear Steve,

So sorry to hear you have lost your lovely Mum. My condolences to you and your family.

Thinking of you.

Susanna x


My Brothers have just informed me that all donations at the Funeral will be to PCUK, as they feel it is what Mam would have wanted. Good to see a real positive coming from the situation.



  • 3 weeks later...

Well, Mam's funeral is now done and dusted. It was great to see a massive turn out for someone who obviously had many friends....also raised a few bob for PCUK with the collection.

Today I met with my Oncologist for a review. She initially confirmed that the last tumour marker result (127) was in fact not the latest! Another had since been done without my knowledge and came back at 90! An unexpected piece of good news.

I had started acupuncture last week in an attempt to alleviate my Neuropathy, but when I informed my Oncologist that the tingling in my fingers and toes is now constant, it seemed to ring alarm bells. She pointed out that there is a risk of the problem becoming permanent and that we need to either stop Oxaliplatin immediately or to at least cut it to 50%. The outcome is that I have agreed to going down to 50% and will suspend the acupuncture until things stabilise. Hopefully things will continue well and stabilise enough for me to consider Nanoknife and / or Radio Frequency Ablation in the New Year....fingers crossed (again)!

The roller coaster rolls on!




Good to hear that things continue to improve Steve. My CA19-9 went down to 90 after my treatment last year. After going up to a high of 7486 this year it has now dropped to 2068, still some way to go but in the right direction.

The neuropathy at the ends of my fingers and toes was the only lingering effect from the Folfirinox last year. I had thought to notice some improvement based mainly on being able to fasten buttons without looking, and was a bit concerned about the effect of further Folfirinox. I had my fourth session on Monday at 80% and although there was a temporary worsening it now seems to have settled down. It really isn't any great problem at present.

I hope you are able to receive the further treatment next year. Again I am in a similar position and hopefully will qualify for the Cyberknife. Hopefully we can compare notes then.



Steve, I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I was in the Lakes that week (3 days in a wooden hut at a camp site - you can't beat it!) and missed the whole postings. Glad to hear that the funeral went well and that your tumour markers are continuing downwards.



Oh Steve, so sorry to hear about your mum. Although it made me smile what you wrote about her wanting to give up her pancreas for you. I hope you take your mums strength, and love, and fight this disease.

Leila xx


Hi Steve,

Hope you are well? My dad has just asked me to say he hopes you are ok and how is your treatment going?

Leila xx


Tell your Dad I'm doing fine thanks leila. I have dropped the Oxaliplatin as the Neuropy was getting worse and potentially making working from home difficult as I need to be able to type without too many errors. Looking at a business trip to Germany next month, so really looking forward to that (with Margaret of course). She is having instruction to do my flush while we are away. Great news on your Dad's weight... i'm working on mine which is stable, but difficult to get it to go up much.

Take care



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