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Timeline for PC symptoms

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I had a full men's wellness check last November in Thailand and discovered my CA 19-9 was 200+

On returning to the UK in February I told my doctor and was fast-tracked for a CT and MRI. 

A tumour was found but because of my age, I refused chemo and surgery

I did however agree to a 5-day intensive course in radiotherapy which I am recovering from to be reviewed on 20th December.

Providing the results are not devastating I plan to fly back to Thailand in early January.

My question is how long have I got once the symptoms start before I would be unfit to fly back to the UK.

At the moment I have no symptoms apart from tiredness from the radiotherapy treatment.

Any PC-UK member's timeline experiences would be very helpful.




I am sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but thought I'd reply. Like my brother at 74  he had no 'symptoms' only an itchy skin rash. His bloods were his only warnings. By 3 months through the  examination processes ie ct scan he remained fit and active. No one really can predict as circumstances can be so different from what I read and comparing it to my friend who had PC also. 

He became jaundiced just prior to his admission into hospital. He had the Whipple. He took 3 good months to recover from that operation..he did well and was back on his feet as himself. He did so well for 20 months having a near normal day., but sadly the C spread. 

I can only say adhere to your consultants recommendations but look forward every day and to do what you feel you can do. 

My female friend 70wanted no surgery or chemo. She coped well -following advice -  some days feeling so tired but had a year of being able to get up and on with her social life. It's so hard to predict time with any cancers I think. 

This site is so informative. 

  • 1 month later...

Hi bluepeter,


How are you after your radiotherapy?

My mum was offered 5 days of palliative radiotherapy recently and hoping she will be able to start it soon



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