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How long after completion of FOLFIRINOX were you able to get back to work?


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Hello, all. First post. I was diagnosed with ampullary cancer last year, had the Whipple procedure in June and began chemotherapy in August. Because the cells in my (removed) lymph nodes were of pancreatic rather than biliary type, I've been treated pretty much as if I had pancreatic cancer. After six months of what I'm guessing many of you are very familiar with, this week I'll be having my 12th and final cycle of the FOLFIRINOX regimen. After the customary 10-14 days of feeling yuck, then I'm hoping to gently rebuild my strength and eventually get back to normal. I know these things are different for everyone, but I've been warned that the fatigue can take 3-6 months to wear off completely. Someone told me that the oxaliplatin alone can stay in your system for 3 months. I'd love to hear from anyone who's been through FOLFIRINOX - how long did the fatigue stick around for? When were you able to resume a normal, working life? Thank you.

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