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I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer March 2022. After contracting Infectious Gastric problems in February and going to A&E twice. I was due to have the 

Wipple procedure in April in May I caught Covid so it was cancelled . A new evaluation proposed Chemotherapy to shrink the Tumour as some blood vessels,

were thought too close for surgery at the time. I am due to start Chemo this month . I am 61 and there is just my wife and I so it's very hard on her. 


I was found to have type 2 Diabetes in October of last year. I wasn't shown blood sugar testing , prescribed  a 500g metformin a day . I had a bile duct stent put in this year .And told to stop my metformin and my GP's to show me blood testing this it took five weeks to get the help I needed. I am so grateful for the professionalism I have got elsewhere. 


Rowland: There is no doubt that being diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer is overwhelming. However, it sounds as if the cancer is only in your pancreas and hasn’t spread.


Do you know what type of chemotherapy that you are to receive? 

Best wishes. 


Sandyvon: Thank you for your reply. As things stand we are remaining positive. The Chemo I will be taking next week is Folfirnox.


Best Wishes 




Rowland. Folfirinox, from my understanding, is the gold standard so that is good that is your chemo.


For your information, if necessary,  Modified Folfirinox (75% dose) has also been researched to be effective if there are concerns about the side effects of the standard dose.




Best wishes. 


Sandyvon: I hope life is going well for you. Thank you for your message and also the link to the academic paper, which I found very 

interesting thank you.


Best wishes,






I found today I will not be having the modified. Folfirinox but the standard dose.


Best wishes,




Rowland: The standard dose is a good place to start. 

Best wishes. 

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