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  • 2 months later...

Hi Viv C

my partner was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in Late 2020. He was told that it was “ borderline resectable”.He had folfirinox chemotherapy which he found very hard, then was offered SABR in Oxford last September as part of a trial.

he tolerated the treatment VERY well, and apart from a little tiredness he had no side effects. Following the treatment he felt very well until he had a stent blockage and sepsis mid January which set him back a bit.

now however he is awaiting a further PET scan as they are querying whether isn’t has now shrunk enough due to the SABR to be able to be operated upon ?? 
we are not holding our breath though , as this would be very rare for this to an option. However we keep our fingers crossed that resection may be possible . However  the opinion as to whether further treatment will be seems to change with the weather which is very unsettling . But I would say that if the opportunity for SABR arises then to have the treatment.

I hope this helps 


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My mum had this treatment in December. She coped far better with the side effects of this compared to the 2 different chemos she’s had. She was very fatigued but well enough to get up and do things. 

We await the scan results but take each day as it comes. 2 chemos down and no change to her tumour so praying for a miracle that this will do something. A year since diagnosis and so far it hasn’t spread which we are so grateful for. Good luck to you

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, my husband was fortunate enough to be offered SABR,  again in Oxford. He tolerated the treatment really well, just very fatigued for a few weeks. Prior to this he has had 8 rounds of Folfirinox, after his diagnosis of a  3cm tumour on the head of the pancreas was made in April last year. Currently he is having a break from treatment as his tumour markers are reduced and his cancer is classed as stable. After the failed whipple procedure in May last year we all felt so low  but my husband had responded well to all the treatments he has had and at the moment is the most well he has been  for month's. We take things week by week as he does have little blips  but his meds and his family and proactive medical team mean he is able to enjoy his life now, and we will deal with the future when it gets here 

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