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Chat to others at our new online Cuppa

PCUK Ellie

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Pancreatic Cancer UK runs a Family, Friends and Carers' Cuppa every month on Zoom. They're fantastic sessions - sometimes there's laughter, sometimes there are tears, but there's always a wealth of support and understanding. We want to provide the same kind of space for people who have a diagnosis themselves, so we're starting a separate Cuppa, and the first one is this Tuesday 23rd November at 11am.

  • An hour and a half long, on Zoom
  • Just for people with pancreatic cancer
  • Led by trained volunteers who have had a diagnosis themselves
  • You can join late, leave early, have your camera on or off, and share as much or as little as you'd like - this is a friendly and informal session so there's no 'agenda'

If you're based in the UK and would like to chat to other people living with pancreatic cancer, please join us. You can find out more, and book, on our website: www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/support-for-you/living-with-pancreatic-cancer-support-sessions/cuppa.

We also have other online support sessions you might be interested in. See what's coming up here: www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/onlinesupportsessions.

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