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Can anyone help me.. 

I had a endoscopy 6 weeks ago and was given the report was normal, diagnosis normal. 

Then 20 minutes ago I get a call saying I have to have a EUS.

Im out of my mind with worry 


Why have I got to have this?? 

I'd appreciate any help 

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Hi whykel - I'm sorry to hear you weren't given more information about why they would like to perform an EUS. I can understand it must feel worrying to be offered tests and not know the reason.


Have you been able to speak to a nurse on our Support Line? They're specialists in pancreatic cancer and will be happy to talk to you about what different tests are for. If you're worried I'd really encourage you to get in touch. You can call 0808 801 0707 for free, or get support by email.

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Hi whykel,


I think you need to contact your gastroenterologist and insist he explain what he found in the first scope that has led him to decide you need an EUS.


I had an EUS so they could better assess the size of my lesion and to do a biopsy. It was the EUS that finally allowed me to get my pancreatic cancer diagnosis.


It could be a whole other reason for you to kneed an EUS but the only person who know why is you gastroenterologist, so I'd suggest calling your gastroenterologist's secretary and saying you really need a telephone consult, that you what some clarity on why this diagnostic asessment has been ordered.


I just don't think there is any other way to get to the bottom of this.


All the best,



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Whykel I'm doing okay... trying to manage the uncertaintly, knowing that the end of the 12 weeks of Folfirinox could result in the need for radiation which could still result in the tumour being in operable... all very scary. So just managing as best I can.


But I'm asking lost of questions.


All the best,



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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry Lori I forgot to ask. 


You had a eus didn't you? 

Well I had mine on tuesday.. 

Can you please tell me if you had stomach discomfort and low back pain for a few days? 

I have a dragging sensation in lower abdomen. 

Thankyou x

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20 hours ago, whykel said:

Sorry Lori I forgot to ask. 


You had a eus didn't you? 

Well I had mine on tuesday.. 

Can you please tell me if you had stomach discomfort and low back pain for a few days? 

I have a dragging sensation in lower abdomen. 

Thankyou x

Sorry I haven't been on here in a while. I had a lot of complications with my EUS - I didn't immediately have any pain, but eventually developed a very servere gallbladder infection, which I'm still dealing with today, around two months later.

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