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I've just been told by the consultants secretary that I've been put on the 2 week urgent for endoscopy. 

So I presume they know it's cancer. 

Or why would I be on that? 

Please anyone can you help 

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I am sorry to hear of your fears. It must be so frightening for you. I know that at one stage for me at 60 I had reflux, pain to oesophagus, constant heart burn on the hour and very tender to any touch just below and between my rib cage. It wasn't cancer. It was a suspected ulcer. 

Soon after, my bro 74 had no symptoms at all. He was having a simple normal monitoring of his blood for his Warfarin meds he had to take for blood clots - when his blood tests came back 'suspicious' He went for CT scan etc then had a colonoscopy camera. Still even at that stage there was no mention of a diagnosis of a pancreatic cancer until a was biopsy was taken. 

I'd really try and hold it together right now.  They sound as if they are giving your symptoms a good and thorough examination. Not all lumps seen or found are ' cancerous'.

I had a lump in my neck 5 years ago. They did all testing but advised until they operated and had this lump removed and further examined they would they be able to give me prognosis better. My lump was a mere lump and benign. I did at the time give myself a positive thought on it all. I convinced myself it was going to be okay. I was lucky. But please try and keep calm until all examination is complete. I know what your going through. 

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Thankyou so much for your message I appreciate it. 

I had a letter this morning saying I've got dilated pancreatic duct and bile duct was of minimal prominence 

And a soft tissue nodule at the apulla. 

Also I've got to have a endoscopy to look at the ampulla in the second part of duodenum. 

So I'm completely petrified it does not seem good does it. 

Thankyou again ill talk with you again 

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