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still fighting


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Hello Everyone   I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in June 2019    got through the op     chemo (which was nearly ended when covid struck)  I just wanted to get in contact with others out there who I can obtain useful information/guidance/general chat(s) - I live on my own and have I think coped quite well but recently have found it overwhelming   in fact I have quite literally had an emotional and physical breakdown.     It  would be great to hear from others about their experiences   how they are coping and most of all to be reassured that the things that have happened and are happening not only with my body  but my mental state isnt me making it up or exaggerating.      All the team who have dealt with me have of course been brilliant but it would be good to hear from some actual persons living with it to compare notes etc.... 

anyway hoping I get some replies        Lynne

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Hi Lynne I’m afraid l can’t contribute anything as l haven’t yet had my scan. I have had endoscopy which came back normal. I have diverticulitis and initially put my symptoms down to a flare but that’s ruled out.  I have had lots of burping stomach and back pain weight loss and sticky stools the fatigue goes without saying. I’m 70 years old.  It must have been tough coping on your own and l really admire you. I hope you get some answers on this forum, I’m still feeling myself around it. 

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Hi lynne, 

I am still without a diagnosis because of insurance issues. I have to wait probably until june 10 to go and find out whats going on, meanwhile my health is deteriorating everyday, fast. I have lost more than 30 pounds in the last 60 days, and i have all the things going on as kingsnorth. I cannot talk about post-diagnostic state of mind but nevertheless in my head i have been navigating the worst scenarios. In all that darkness im also trying to focus on things i can do , while hoping for the best. I also feel extremely alone ... My wife recently had a depression diagnosis and shes just starting to do medication a therapy so i have tried not to put so much stress on herself .. she doesnt know how really bad i feel phisically. So yes, im not technically alone as you are, but i can say it is not easy to feel alone.

Last week i started going through old photos and started printign some of them ... like a little project .. it has helped clear my mind ... and i also took some painkillers (iboprufen) so i could go on short walks ... get some sun in my face ... im forcing myself "not" to think about my body 24/7 even when im tired or i go to the toillet that even with the creon my stool still not normal. Just trying to keep busy has made a positive change as little as it may be. If i get a message from someone in social media (friendo or family) i try to talk or chat a bit longer than i used to do in the past ... Also i interact more with the content they post ... Yesterday i rang a friend whom i havent spoken in 2 years just for the sake of it and we had an amazing conversation ... it made me feel "ok" for a while and ill take it ... 

I have read some posts here and this is a place filled with support . .you have done a great job coming here ... perhaps you can make a list of little things you like and have not done yet and embark yourself in little projects filled with positivity ... thats what im trying to do while i wait ...

I wish the best to you ... its really admirable how you have cope with this on your own .. as Kingsnorth said and i hope other members in your situation can give you better advice than me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/12/2021 at 4:37 PM, Lynne said:

Hello Everyone   I was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer in June 2019    got through the op     chemo (which was nearly ended when covid struck)  I just wanted to get in contact with others out there who I can obtain useful information/guidance/general chat(s) - I live on my own and have I think coped quite well but recently have found it overwhelming   in fact I have quite literally had an emotional and physical breakdown.     It  would be great to hear from others about their experiences   how they are coping and most of all to be reassured that the things that have happened and are happening not only with my body  but my mental state isnt me making it up or exaggerating.      All the team who have dealt with me have of course been brilliant but it would be good to hear from some actual persons living with it to compare notes etc.... 

anyway hoping I get some replies        Lynne

I wish you lots of get better hugs

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Hello lynne

How are you doing? 

I hope things are going well for you  x

I'm currently waiting for a ct scan Im out of my mind with worry and stress. I suffer with extreme anxiety I wondered if you have any advice for me 

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