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Dealing with loss at this time

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I have been reflecting on the triggers I feel during lockdown and wondered how other people are coping? I lost my beautiful daughter Gemma to pancreatic cancer 10 years ago at 27 years old.

I have found these strange times extraordinarily difficult – even though life is always difficult and different without her. The constant sadness of families affected by the virus and the endless hospital scenes have brought back some very traumatic memories of when Gemma was ill and I think it’s easy for those of us who have lost someone to pancreatic cancer to feel even more isolated and alone as the whole world struggles to come to terms with Covid-19.

Those feelings of loss and helplessness must be compounded if someone has been diagnosed or died during this time, with all the added complications of social distancing to deal with. I cannot imagine what it must be like not being able to be with your loved one whilst facing pancreatic cancer.

This forum really helped me, and although it has been almost 10 years since Gemma died and I haven’t posted for several years, I know it’s a really safe and welcoming place for people to share their experiences and memories. There don’t seem to be many posts since lockdown so I was wondering how people are managing and if they wanted to chat about their own experiences.

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  • 2 weeks later...
PCUK Nurse Dianne

Dear Deb68,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and welcoming others to do so. As you have shared Deb from your own perspective, this time of lock down and all things related to Covid pandemic may cause reflection and resurfacing of emotions and feelings that we did not expect.

We also understand it is not easy to share such raw emotion and 'bare your soul' to others and we appreciate your understanding for other families and your empathy toward them.

As you say, these are very strange times and we all find ourselves in different situations, inability to see family and friends and for many people this is a time of loss of identity and purpose.

Thank you again for sharing your thoughts Deb, and sharing with us Gemma's memory. I am sure your warmth and consideration will resonate with others who use this forum.

Take care of yourself too during this time.

With kind regards,


Pancreatic Cancer UK Specialist Nurse

Pancreatic Cancer UK

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