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I am 53 yr old female with a history over past year of disturbed bowel some dizziness ..nausea and vomiting on sitting up from bed for around 2 months last Feb 17. Over year had endoscopy colonoscopy cystoscopy ct head scan...all normal including blood tests.

Recent bloods were 'satisfactory apart from glucose which is raised and to be redone next week. Over last month have itchy face dark yellow urine occasionally and on one occasion pain in mid back and in both rib cages. One occasion of discomfort at sternum. Petrified I asked for private ct scan with contrast. Just heard results show all is fine and no action needed.

However I have lost 4.5 kilos since 31 Jan to date (mother died 16 feb). I monitor stool form and colour and today have paler stool than normal.

I have made appt with my gp to ask more about ct report but can't see her for a month due to hols and her work pattern. I naively thought for short time that clear ct with contrast was v comforting but have since read that eus is the definitive test? Convincing docs is going to impossible and I cannot afford any more private treatment.

On recommendations from nurse here I am keeping diary but v v concerned that pc is already there just not found.

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PCUK Nurse Jeni

Hello Rjohns,

Thank you for your post.

I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing some concerns over your health at this time.

Please do feel free to touch base with us at the phone number in the email signature below.

Just for your reassurance, a CT scan is the most routine investigation to detect abnormalities within the body - they are an efficient and generally, reliable test.

An EUS would not be the investigation of choice in this scenario - these would only be requested should there be an abnormality seen, usually to take tissue biopsy.

Kind regards,


Jeni Jones

Pancreatic Cancer Specialist Nurse

Support Team

Pancreatic Cancer UK

email: nurse@pancreaticcancer.org.uk

support line: 0808 801 0707

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