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shoulder pain


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I am new to this site and this is my first post. I was diagnosed with locally advanced pancreatic cancer 3 months ago and was told it was inoperable and the type of tumour was not suitable for chemo. I was given the prognosis of 9 to 15 months. I am on morphine and cyclizine. I also take metformin and creon. I have been ok with the exception of extreme pain in my left shoulder. My gp prescribed paracetamol and referred me to physio who thinks it's muscular and gave me exercises to do. I can get a full range of movement now but the pain hasn't changed at all. I can't get much sleep with it and I'm unable to sit in a chair for long. I just wondered if anyone else has this problem?

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Hi linjo and welcome.

I don't have any personal experience of pc but do know that shoulder pain is not uncommon. There are others here will have knowledge about it and I'm sure you will get some answers and helpful information soon. Just didn't want your post unanswered over the weekend.

You could also try emailing or ringing one of the specialist nurses on this site on Monday (they work office hours). They have a wealth of knowledge and will be able to help I'm sure.



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Hi Linjo,

My husband used to get shoulder pain, think it was his left shoulder, he was told it was due to the tumour pressing on a nerve, as Julia says ring the nurses on this site on Monday, they are amazing,

all the best jayne

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Thank you both for your replies. You've been very helpful. I will get in touch with one of the nurses on Monday.

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Hi Linjo,

Welcome to the forum, the place no one wants to be but where you will get lots of help and support, my husband too had shoulder pain in his left shoulder, before he had his surgery, ring the nurses as the others have suggested, they are truly amazing with their help and support. take care sandrax

Edited by sandraW
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Thank you sandra for taking the time to write. I will try to get more information as to the cause of the pain.

best wishes to all of you.

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Hi, well done for posting here you'll get lots of support and help.

Let shoulder pain is pretty common with pancreatic cancer and right shoulder pain if you have a liver met, but as you say it's local only yenta shouldn't be happening.

Do you know them type of tumour? I'm amazed they say you can't have chemo, unless you have other factors like other health problems too. Is it an adenocarcinoma you have? That's the most common and there are a couple of options for chemo. These are not cures but they are fairly successful at slowing down the growth of the tumour.

I'd ring the nurses on here, have all your information so they can give you the best advice possible!


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Hi Rob, I don't know what type of cancer I have. I was told by my oncologist that it was inoperable as the tumour was right over a blood supply and the tumour had got into the blood supply of other organs and that chemo was unsuccessful with this type of tumour. I was given the prognosis of 9 to 15 months in april. I do suffer with osteo arthritis and my mobilty is poor. Although I don't know if that"s relevant. I've had the pain in my left shoulder since april but its worse now than when it started. My right shoulder is also quite painful now but nowhere near as bad as the left.. Sorry to whine on but I thought I'd better tell all so to speak!

Any help that anyone can offer would be very useful.



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Thankd for all the advice everyone. I contacted a nurse on thr site about my shoulder pain and she seems sure it is nothing to do with my cancer. She's pretty sure it's arthritis and as I'm having an xray on friday this should confirm it. So glad I got in touch with this forum. You lot are wonderful!

Thanks a lot


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Hi Lin, sorry not to have commented earlier, but the advice given to you seems rather surprising. Did the Nurses have any thoughts on the 'no chemo' comments from your specialist. The majority of inoperable diagnosies relate to blood vessel involvement (as is the case with me). I was however given immediate chemotherapy, followed by chemo-radiotherapy which reduced the tumour size along with improving my overall condition. My tumour remains inoperable and I am now on chemo again, but my prognosis of 6 months is now two and a half years ago! I would really push to have the advice confirmed, perhaps with a second opinion (which you are entitled to request).

Good luck !


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone. Just thought I'd update you on the results of all the tests on my shouler. It turned out to be polymyalgia rheumatica. Which is being treated with steroid pills, very successfully ! So great to be able to sleep at last. Thanks to all those who offered help.


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