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Collapsed Veins

Guest Barb (Canada)

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My Mom was admitted for her biopsy yesterday prior to be scheduled for Chemo. She has Stage 4(a) PC, location is the body of the pancreas with varicose invasion (which I assume means its in the blood stream).

Yesterday they spent 30 minutes trying to take blood samples from 5 different sites but couldn't. I am told by the medics in my family that its because her veins are collapsing as a result of poor circulation.

Has anyone else experienced this problem and if so, can you advise how it was dealt with.

Many thanks.

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  • 1 month later...

The same thing happened to me with my veins. It was a painful nightmare when it was time for blood tests. One nurse in particular kept coming and trying to get into a vein, even woke me up at 2am to try as she said she was determined to find a vein. The only way i got her to stop was to tell her i would make a complaint................I finally broke down the next day and they put a hickman line in my chest and it worked beautifully. I did not know of any side effects . Why do medical people not tell you these things.

Best wishes Julie

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