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brushing it under the carpet

daddys girl

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daddys girl

My dad was diagnosed with pc three weeks ago after 6mnths of him going to his gp something was wrong he went to a&e several times but was turned away now he's been given 6mnths to a year I'm finding this particularly hard as he's all I've left I'm only 32

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daddys girl

I never really specified he seems as though he doesn't care since my mum and brother died it's as if he doesn't have a reason to carry on my daughter knows about it and I'm very concerned how it will affect her too

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hello, welcome to the forum. So sorry to hear of your dad's diagnosis. Very common to make repeated visits to the GP before a diagnosis and symptoms often non specific.

Can you talk to him and tell him how you feel and how important he is to you and his grand-daughter?

Has any treatment been offered?


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Hello welcome to the forum so sorry to hear about your Dad, my husband too went to the GP for more than 6 months before his tumour was found by chance on an ultrasound on his gall bladder. How sad for you both that you have lost two loved ones already, perhaps when your dad gets over the shock of his diagnosis he will feel more positive and hopefully have treatment to prolong his life, as Julia says tell him how much he means to you, take care sandrax

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