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B12 deficiency


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Due to having the Whipple I have problems with absorption, therefore I take prescribed Vitamin D, iron tabs daily and a B12 injection 3 monthly. My GP informed me yesterday that they are unable to get hold of anymore injection (none in the country). Does anyone have this injection and having the same problem?


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Dear Sue,

That is very interesting. In the North-East my GP and surgeon refused to even test me for vitamin D, but now I have moved slightly further south I have been tested, my level was found to be low, and I have been prescribed high doses. No one has mentioned B12, so I will mention that when I see my surgeon next Tuesday.

What a great forum this is - and what a dreadful postcode lottery is operated by the NHS!

Best wishes,


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Thank you for your reply Sue and yes get yourself tested, along with taking prescribed vit meds my oncologist also told me to take a multivitamin. I've been having these injections for three years and yes we moved two years ago from South to North. I'm being told they cannot get hold of any and that it's the same all over the country. Would be interested to know if anyone knows what the situations like in their area.


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I have pernicious anamia according to my blood tests and had 5 vit b12 injections a month ago (live in the north east)My husband had a whipples nov 2013, I need a vit b12 every 3 months, im booked in for june for my next one and they never mentioned a shortage. (im convinced its stress and not pernicious anamia, sorry about the spelling !)

love jayne

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Hi Jayne thanks for posting. I was tested for pernicious anaemia but the tests were inconclusive however, my B12 was in single figures. Like you I had five injections over a short period, then one every three months. The plan is for me to start taking B12 tabs. Anyway I'm due to see my GP next week so will post the outcome. All correspondence so far as been via the receptionist at the surgery.


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hi sue,

I went to the docs to ask for councelling but changed my mind in the waiting room, I explained I had lost a stone and 4 pounds due to the stress of my husbands diagnosis (and I was eating much,) but she decided to do a full check up on my bloods. Came back my antibodies are attacking my stomach lining so ill never absorb vit b12 orally. The strange thing is ive come out in a rash since having the injections which the doc thinks is stress nothing to do with vit b12 injections !hope all goes well at the GP next week Sue. Will get hubby to take a vit supplement.

love jayne

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Saw my surgeon yesterday evening and he has arranged for me to be tested, will keep you updated. Thanks to Sue for raising this! Best wishes, SueF

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