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Folfirinox.... Stroke ??


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This is my second post, my 66year old dad has been given 3 months, and we are about 7 weeks into the time, (he had pancreas removed 12 months ago, but cancer has showed up in liver and lung) decided he would take folfirenox with a mix of 2 other chemos I think... Can't think of names, it's to help with symptoms and possible more time, he took one dose, about 11 days ago, and was quiet unwell, we came away for a couple of days about 4 hour drive from home, on Saturday my dad lost movement in right arm, stoke like symptoms, and was admitted to the local hospital, being a long weekend we are only meeting with doctors today, symptoms have gotten no worse, all we now want is home, anyone have this experience ??

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Got no advice on your question. Hope someone can help you with it.

Just wanted to say, that just because he has been given 3 months, doesn't necessarily mean 3 month. Could be a lot longer. Hope it is.


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Folfirinox is a mixture of 4 drugs given fortnightly and is enough for anyone. I seem to remember the main component Fluouracil could cause narrowing of the arteries and chest pain. Whether this has played a role in your father's stroke is difficult to say. They are more common with diabetes for instance, and both cancer and chemotherapy disturb coagulation increasing the risk of thrombosis.

You'll need to discuss this with your oncologist but I suspect your father will be switched to a "gentler" agent.

My best wishes for his speedy recovery.


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