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100 topics in this forum
Aretha Franklin has treatment for Pancreatic Cancer
by PressWatch- 0 replies
'Say a little Prayer' singer Aretha Franklin is reported in a number of media including LA Times to have received treatment for PC. There are no details of the illness nor treatment. We naturally hope she recovers soon, though the World-wide fame of the singer is bound to bring greater awareness of this terrible and deadly disease. And with awareness hopefully a continuing increase in the demand for overdue screening, earlier diagnosis and treatments. The article in the Los Angeles Times below contains a useful summary entitled 'Whats New in Pancreatic Cancer Research' from the American Cancer Society.…
No survival difference with or without thrombosis
by PressWatch- 0 replies
VTE (thrombosis) or blood clotting is associated with Cancer and particulaly Pancreatic Cancer. A recent study has concluded that -Patients with body of PC/stage 4 tunours had increased risk of blood clotting -There was no survival difference between patients with VTE and those without. Anticancer Res. 2010 Oct:30 (10):4261-4 PMD:21036750 Shahib W et al Presswatch
Radiation seems to improve survival rates
by PressWatch- 0 replies
The Results of a Study conducted amongst a large sample in USA seem to indicate potentially longer survival rates amongst patients receiving radiation after surgery. Surgery is still only available to around 10% or so of PC patients and so therefore more effort needs to be focused on this vital area. However, it is encouraging to learn that radiation treatment may extend survival significantly. Adjuvant Radiation improves Survival in Pancreatic Cancer (Nov 2010) Presswatch
Success in Early Detection
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch Good News: Those strange sounding compounds Monoclonal Antibodies are in the news again for all the right reasons. This time one known as PAM4 has been shown in a small scale trial to have the ability to detect Pancreatic Cancer at an early stage and therefore provide for early intervention. Lets all wish this activity greater success as the earlier the detection the earlier potential favourable outcome. Presswatch
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Major international trial finds chemotherapy drug 5-FU is as effective as current standard gemcitabine in helping prevent pancreatic cancer returning after surgery : -Cancer Research UK press release -Journal of American Medical Association
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From Presswatch A similar trial was opened in 2009 in USA to address Breast Cancer. This material seeks to control stem cell development thereby inhibiting tumor growth. 2 Dec 2009 ... Official Title: A Phase I Study of MK0752, a Notch Inhibitor, in Patients With Metastatic ... Eligibility. About Enrolling. About MK Numbers ... - Cached - Similar Presswatch
neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer in teenagers
by PressWatch- 3 replies
From Presswatch I have had a letter from a lady who would like to know if anyone knows of any UK teenagers who have/had the disease. Presswatch
Long Term Disease Control in Pancreatic Cancer
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch Here's some good news about the use of those strange things Monoclonal Antibodies which seem to be the focus of some attention. Its merely a lab based study though its encouraging that tigatuzumab (DR5) seems to making an impact on Pancreatic Cancer by helping to control re-growth of cells ( cancer stem cell control) The work seems to be based in John Hopkins (USA) though also involves Spannish contributions which is also encouraging. Presswatch.
Vaccine Shows promise against advanced cancers
by PressWatch- 0 replies
This is pretty preliminary stuff on small scale samples. Although this article reports preliminary findings on a small number of patients, the vaccine indicates some efficacy on patients where other chemo has apparently not been effective Presswatch
Cancer diagnosis: Patients' views of the process
by Support Team- 0 replies
Cancer Research UK held a discussion day with patients and carers to find out more about views on how a diagnosis of cancer is reached and conveyed, and how the experience might be improved for future patients. Follow the link below for a report on the findings of the discussions:
National Trials
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Presswatch is in touch with Paul Morris. Presswatch
Experimental Cancer Medicine Centres
by PressWatch- 2 replies
There are 19 Centres included in the following locations: -Edinburgh -Glasgow -Belfast -Newcastle -Leeds -Sheffield -Leicester -Birmingham -Cambridge -Manchester _Oxford -Cardiff -London -Sothampton The formation of these Centres is to be welcomed. Whether work is being conducted in the context of Pancreas Cancer is not clear as there is no specific information in the Newsletter. Presswatch
Innovative treatment goes into Phase II trial in US
by PressWatch- 1 reply
Infinity Pharmaceuticals (a smallish biotech company in Cambridge, Massachussetts) has a compound - IPI-926 - which, combined with gemcitabine, is going into Phase II clinical trials for pancreatic cancer. Apparently this material caused quite a stir when announced at a conference earlier this year. The material is claimed to inhibit regrowth of tumour cells after treatment with Gemcitabine. Presswatch
cancer tales by Nell Dunn
by volmod- 0 replies
Like many patients or carers you may have had specific issues in communicating with professionals - eg what questions to ask or in translating what has been said. If you would like some help specifically about communication in relation to Pancreatic Cancer, you may wish to contact the PCUK Support or Enquiry facility or phone 0203 177 1686 Moderators @ PCUK
12th World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Papers on Pancreatic include: -New data on Neuroendocrine Tumors (NET)-benefits demonstrated -New Phase 3 Studies-Afliberat -infusion of Capcitabine to patients already treated with Gemcitabine indicates longer survival. Presswatch
International Association of Pancreatology , Japan
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Output from this important International Association, which has links to PCUK is awaited. Subject Index is available online. Presswatch
Jab that will halt the most deadly forms of Cancer
by PressWatch- 1 reply
Daily Mail story about a new vaccine that may work on Pancreatic cancer Presswatch
Advanced Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Trial
by PressWatch- 0 replies
Merck KGaA Seeks Second Cancer Vaccine in BB Biotech Vaximm Joint Venture By Naomi Kresge - Jul 9, 2010 Vaximm Holding AG, a joint venture between Merck KGaA and a Swiss investment fund, will start testing an experimental cancer vaccine in patients next year. The 40-person study will give Darmstadt, Germany-based Merck a stake in a second anti-tumor vaccine in human trials. The researchers will recruit patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, with results expected in 12 months, said Klaus Breiner, chairman of the board of Vaximm and a partner in Zurich-based BB Biotech Ventures III, Merck’s collaborator in the joint venture. Like Roche Holding AG’s top-selli…
Daily Express story - Reolysin
by Juliana- 2 replies
Promising Avenues for New Treatments-Antibodies
by PressWatch- 0 replies
From Presswatch. This is a more upbeat article on the development of new treatments for Pancreatic Cancer (PC) in Scientific World. It is entitled 'Therapeutic Antibodies for the Treatment of PC'. Its a Review of the Clinical Trials todate involving Monoclonal Antibodies ( a promising lead for cancer treatments like PC using technology which seems finally to come of age ). The article describes the most promising avenues towards significant improvement in treatments.
Trial offer - 1070916A
by Juliana- 1 reply
Hi all, I had an appointment with my oncologist today, and expected to be talking about starting my Capecitabine course....instead, I was told I am eligeable for a new trial: It's a phase 1 trial, so there isn't much known on whether it works, side effects etc - so it is risky. The other sticky point is that I would have to move to Leeds for the duration of the trial, we have family there - so it may be a possibility, difficult but doable. Have a read of the above link, and tell me what you think - any advice would be most appreciated! Juliana
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My husband was diagnosed with a tumour in the head of the pancreas last June and had an unsuccessful Whipple attempt (the surgeon discovered he had Acute Pancreatitis and the operation was abandoned). On 2nd September 2009 we were told the tumour was inoperable and he was given 3 - 6 months to live without chemo and up to 12 months with it. He had experienced six separate bouts of C-Diff so when this prognosis was given he was particularly weak. He was too weak to have chemo at that time. With good nutrition and excellent care by our GP he gained strength. Our daughter heard about a trial at XX called PDT - Photodynamic Therapy - and he was accepted on the trial…
by clair2305- 1 reply
Dear All I don't think I can post articles/PDF files here (i'll give it a go), but I have an article from the JNCI (Journal of the National Cancer Institute) about Abraxane. Abraxane is being used in a large Phase 3 international trial right now (including Spain, USA). No, I cannot upload a PDF, so if anyone wants the article let me know and I can email it to you. You can private message me. It was given to my by a research doctor at the Cambridge Research Institute. Regards Clair
- 0 replies
I stumbled across this today, whilst looking for information on Abraxane... From the NICE website:- Does anyone know anything about this? Or Abraxane (as I'm still stumbling on that one) Thanks Clair
Daily Express story - Reolysin
by Juliana- 0 replies
- 4.8k views Anyone else hear about this one? Sounds interesting, although not sue whether it only works if you are having radiotherapy at the same time or not. Juliana