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Help please to ease wretching ?


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Following recent diagnosis of this illness arrangements have been made for all forms of support and treatment, but until then my dad is suffering bad 'wretching' when attempting to eat or drink.

While waiting for the help we would be most grateful for any advice and tips to enable us to help ease these symptoms. He tries to eat and drink but unable to keep anything down which is also causing throat soreness.

We've taken note of the great advice on this site but just asking for anymore ideas and suggestions.

Best wishes to you all.

Kev and Alison

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Dear Kev and Alison

So sorry to hear about your Dad's diagnosis and the difficulties with eating. That must be awful for him to endure and for you to watch. I am sorry, I do not have any experience of this but I am sure there are others who do and will offer their advice. I would suggest you email the support team directly or give them a ring - they will give you their expert input. Sorry I cannot help more but hoping that things improve soon.

With love



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PCUK Nurse Dianne

Hi Kev and Alison,

I am sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis and all that it involves. It is such a devastating time for you, so hopefully you will find comfort from your 'forum family' over the time ahead. I will just email you with some questions in the hope that we may be able to help you sort out something for your father.

Kind regards,


Support Team

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