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J_T wrote :

> Great to hear treatment is imminent, very best of luck Mike x

Thanks JT - can't say I'm really looking forward to it but in a way will be glad to get it underway and assess the impact!

Best wishes


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Hi All

Finally confirmed that the results of all the scans, tests and screening, are within the required parameters so all systems go to start on the Clinical Trial on Wednesday. During the CT scan a blood clot on my lung was revealed so I am now having to inject myself with Tinzaparin blood thinner each day. No problem and luckily I am not at all squeamish and it is far more convenient doing it myseelf than having to wait for a nurse to do so.

Many thanks to the dedicated health professionals who are looking after me so magnificently I cannot really find the right words to express how grateful I am to have such a fantastic team.

Love and Peace


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Good luck with it Mike. I think you're really lucky to be able to go onto a trial. I hope the MEK inhibitor makes a positive difference when added to the gem!

Onwards and upwards!



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Hi All

At hospital for first day of the trial. I've been given both the chemo and the trial tablets (though these may just be smarties). Not sure how long it takes for any nasties to come out of the woodwork but feeling fine. Diligent team doing observations regularly and I've just polished off a few ginger nuts and cups of tea.

Here till early evening today so they can monitor me and back tomorrow for more bloods ECG and observations.

Nothing but praise for my nameless specialist team here. I count my blessings every day and thanks to the District Nurse now even have a chemist who'll deliver my medicines for me. As a bonus there is WiFi on this ward so I have email and internet while lying here. Such is my renewed optimism that I've just renewed my season ticket for Chester FC. At worst it's a legacy for the club but hopefully I may see them win their 4th successive promotion since reforming in 2010!!

Love and Peace


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Good luck with everything Mike, will be following your progress with interest and keeping fingers crossed for you.

Erm....Chester....won't it be lonely stood on your own? :-)


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Mike, great news and best of luck with the next few days and your football team. :)

Edited by Cathy
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Hi All

Very drole Linda and really made me laugh! Fact is we have attendances in the top half dozen or so in Non-League football. Still a part-time set up but as an ex-league club that is entirely owned by its fans run very professionally.Can't wait for the season to start and just hope I get value for my money from my season ticket.

Early night after a long day and back at hospital at 9.00 tomorrow morning for tests.

Love and Peace (I think on here I'll even have to extend this to fans of our deadly rivals Wrexham!)


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cestrian wrote :

> Hi All


> Very drole Linda and really made me laugh! Fact is we have attendances in

> the top half dozen or so in Non-League football. Still a part-time set up

> but as an ex-league club that is entirely owned by its fans run very

> professionally.Can't wait for the season to start and just hope I get value

> for my money from my season ticket.


> Early night after a long day and back at hospital at 9.00 tomorrow morning

> for tests.


> Love and Peace (I think on here I'll even have to extend this to fans of

> our deadly rivals Wrexham!)


> Mine

Now you really will laugh Mike.....we support Blackpool FC.....tee hee. Can't add to that really...can I ? Good Luck Mike

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  • 1 month later...

Hi All

Recently completed first cycle of clinical trial and very encouraged to hear my tumour has stabilised. Whilst I'd rather hoped that it may have shrunk my excellent consultant tells me that only 10% of those treated would see that happen. Also it's only because I'm on the trial that I've had another scan at such an early stage.

I'm not really into the science and my team say the best indicator is how I feel and look and mercifully I've been feeling much better, getting out more and being more active as well as eating better. No side effects from Henderson's or the Mek inhibitor trial drug I'm taking alongside it (though as it's a blind trial I could be on the placebo).

Counting my blessings every day and thank God for the love and support from family and friends who are truly amazing. Since diagnosis in late May my son and his fiancee have travelled up from London virtually every weekend but I've finally persuaded him to have the odd weekend off as it seems that I'm not about to snuff it just yet. Alas he doesn't share my and my darling daughter's sense of humour and found this a tad upsetting though he is having a weekend at home this week!

I do feel guilty when I read some of the experiences of others suffering this could scourge and just pray they will receive better care and feel better as treatment takes effect.

Love and Peace


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Lol Mike!

Stabilising is very positive indeed and the fact that you are also feeling well is a very good sign.

Also, bear in mind that just because there wasn't a shrinkage this time, doesn't mean that that might not happen in future.

Keep on keeping on

Cathy xx

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Hi Mike, I'd also like to blame predictive text for my mistakes here, but it is in reality a problem somewhere between by brain and fingers.

I went through four cycles of GemCap and was initially disappointed to be told the tumour had not shrunk, but on reflection I felt much better and the tumour had stabilised which everyone assured me was a really good result.... Something I now appreciate after the many discussions here on the subject. I have since had chemo radiotherapy which has shrunk the thing, though the CT scan was only 7 weeks after completing my treatment. It remains inoperable and I have another scan sometime in October where it may have shrunk further..... we shall see. I too have a Daughter who lives over an hour away and wants to be at every Hospital visit, though as you say if things are OK at the moment there is not really a need. They do worry about us don't they, but it is obviously a measure of how much we are loved.

It has indeed been a truly awful few weeks for some of our friends on this forum....... This thing is relentless

Take care


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Slewis7313 wrote :

> Hi Mike, I'd also like to blame predictive text for my mistakes here, but

> it is in reality a problem somewhere between by brain and fingers.

> I went through four cycles of GemCap and was initially disappointed to be

> told the tumour had not shrunk, but on reflection I felt much better and

> the tumour had stabilised which everyone assured me was a really good

> result.... Something I now appreciate after the many discussions here on

> the subject. I have since had chemo radiotherapy which has shrunk the

> thing, though the CT scan was only 7 weeks after completing my treatment.

> It remains inoperable and I have another scan sometime in October where it

> may have shrunk further..... we shall see. I too have a Daughter who lives

> over an hour away and wants to be at every Hospital visit, though as you

> say if things are OK at the moment there is not really a need. They do

> worry about us don't they, but it is obviously a measure of how much we are

> loved.


> It has indeed been a truly awful few weeks for some of our friends on this

> forum....... This thing is relentless


> Take care


> Steve

Hi Steve

Don't think even I could have come up with "Hendersons!"

It sounds as though you and I have many blessings to count but I always have some reservations about sounding too self satisfied when, as you rightly say, many on here are obviously in a far less fortunate position.

I've recently come across the website of Wilko Johnson, a musician who played with Dr Feelgood in the dim and distant and who is now suffering from our dread disease. Because of the bad things he has heard about the effects of chemo he has elected to have no treatment but is still managing to fulfill public engagements. I was initially saddened that he had been put off by the negative reports but now think we all have to make our own decisions and do what we think is best for us personally. Long may he continue to thrive and indeed long may you and I continue to benefit from the treatment we are receiving.

To those contributors and their family members who are suffering far more unpleasantly my prayers go out.

Love and Peace


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  • 5 months later...

Hi Mike

Haven't heard from you for a wee while. Hope you're doing ok and just busy with life and Chester FC...? :)

Love and peace (as you always say) ;)

Cathy xxxx

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