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Hi all,

on November 29th my mum received stent (due to bile duct blockage - she turned yellow).

She arrived home already the next day, but she has problem with constant burping. She avoids eating as she burps constantly and it is very uncomfortable for her. She takes omeprazol but t does not seem to help.

Anyone has similar experience and suggestion how to alleviate it? My mum only received stent in bile duct, did anyone receive it also in duodenum? My mum's tumour is in the head and from what I read it is not uncommon for stent to be inserted in dudenum in this case. I wonder what can be done, for her not to suffer. I will speak to her doctor again, but the general impression when talking to her is that "this is the nature of disease". Surely something can be done to alleviate symptoms?


Nigel burped all the time...we never found a remedy.


Did Nigel found relief after throwing up? My mum does. She says that she only vomits brownish liquid. I will talk to her GP tomorrow about it (this started on Thursday).


Is your mum also taking creon? If not she needs some but speak to the nurses on here who will advise. Best wishes, Marmalade x



I just wanted to say that belching was happening to my mum just before diagnosis. She had stent put into duodenum which resolved this and can now eat most things albeit softer diet. I would also as doctor for a gut motility drug which is an anti sickness to help with stomach emptying.

Best wishes



My mum was diagnosed in June this year but her first symptom was burping , and that started in march, she has burped since March ever second of every minute of eveny day since March and nothing they give her stops or helps her burping! They don't know why or what causes it or how to stop it ! Xx


My husband Pete is also plagued by constantly burping. We have tried everything but it still continues. He is on Creon and Omeprazole and whatever we are trying that day to ease the burping. Some days he is at his wits end with it but cannot find an answer.

Elaine x

  • 7 months later...

I asked my nutritionist about this, and she suggested I try taking Coca Cola.

I have one glass in the morning, and it seems to help me!

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