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Hello Everyone

I am new to this forum and was diagnosed with a large cystic neoplasm with localised lymph node involvement two weeks ago. I am due to have a radical left pancreatectomy on the 6th of November, although I have not had my date confirmed yet. The surgery will be open due to the size of the tumour and they will also remove my spleen.

I went to the GP after experiencing dizziness and vertigo for over two weeks. I had been feeling unwell and losing weight for about a year but put it down to my stressful job and had been diagnosed with Duodenitis and a hiatus hernia 4 years ago, so I ignored the pain and indigestion I never imagined it would be anything sinister.

I am 52 years old and prior to this was reasonably fit, I am optimistic for a positive outcome. Great to find this forum and speak to others who understand.



Welcome to the forum Rose, the place where no one really wants to be, but where you will get lots of help and support.

My husband had a sub-total pancreatectomy in September 2013, removing the tail of his pancreas and his spleen, he was only in hospital for a week, and was out pottering in the garden, after 4 weeks. I hope you get a date for your surgery soon, and please keep us informed on your recovery take care sandrax


Thank you very much Sandra great to read of your husbands success, I will keep you posted xx


Hi Rose, I had a distal pancreatectomy on the 20th August for a cystic tumour which had grown- they had been monitoring me as we have a family history of pancreatic cancer. I was told they woul remove my spleen but managed to save it. I only needed 1 day in HDU. I was doing so well but developed an abscess behind my stomach. This slowed my recovery as I had to have a second drain and feeding tube passed. I was in hospital 25 days. But when I was admitted I was so scared but it really wasn't as bad as I expected even with the complication.

My biggest problem was exhaustion and poor appetite. It's 9 weeks today and I have my energy back and I have put on 9 pounds. Monday I was out all day with my grandchildren. I went back yesterday and they don't want to see me until February when I have my first MRI to check there is no relapse.

Try to stay positive and don't wear yourself out with worrying. Please let us know how things go for you

Big hugs and love Sue- I am 60 at Christmas by the way.


Hi Sue

Lovely to hear from you and of your success. I am not too frightened but guess I will be when I finally get in there. Was your operation open? I am told mine has to be open due to the size of the tumour and also they will be removing my spleen because of local lymph node involvement. Big hugs to you too I hope you have an amazing Christmas, that is my first goal to be at the table with all my family on Christmas day


Hello Rosemary.

Just wanted to welcome you to the forum. I had a Whipple on June 6th this year which went well, unfortunately I developed a nasty infection which resulted in them unclipping my wound. They decided it best to leave it open, and it is slowly healing, and I still need to have it dressed every day. I spent a total of seven weeks in hospital due to the infection and problems with eating. I now eat everything and anything (with the help of Creon) and back to driving, gardening and walking the dogs.

Apologies if my story has worried you, but I think my experience is not the norm, and although it took a bit longer to recover than most I'm now on the up.

Best wishes



Hello Pete

Crikey you have been through the mill, glad to hear you are on the mend. I am currently taking Creon and find it is helping me.

Your story has not worried me in fact it has inspired me, and reassured me that even if things don't go to plan they can fix it.

Lovely of you to share your experience with me, keep getting well

Kindest thoughts coming your way



Hi Rose, I was fortunate to have my op done by keyhole surgery but others on the ward who had open surgery were all surprised how small their scars were. We all compared scars lol.

The fact they had open surgery didn't seem to slow them down at all.

Keep us posted and look forward to that Christmas dinner plus your creon. !!

I had a meal out yesterday and forgot my creon. I have suffered today with cramps and the runs. It really does make a difference I shan't make that mistake again. !!!

Big hugs and love Sue xx


Hi Rose. My partner had a distal pancreatectomy and spleen removed and part of his stomach and one adrenal gland. His scar was quite long but healed really quickly and was he out within a week and out socialising a week later. I do hope it goes well next week - I am sure it will!


Hi Sue, Hi Didge

Thank you so much for your support. It is official I got the call today I go in on the 5th and my op is on the 6th. It is great to hear of everyone's recovery, it really does help. Once again thank you and much love to you all



Good luck with the Op Rose and of course a speedy recovery.




Hi Rose ,I am pleased you have the date for your op. I will be thinking about you and wishing you a speedy recovery!

As soon as you feel up to it let us know how you are

Hugs and love Sue xx


Hi Sue

I go in tomorrow will post as soon as I get chance, hugs and love to you too xxx


Hi Rose,

Good luck for the 6th, will be thinking of you, lets us know how you get on as soon as you are well enough, take care sandrax


Good luck with the operation Rose I wish you a speedy recovery. Thinking of you. Sue x


Good luck Rose. Look forward to hearing from you when you are able! x

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