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Hi, I have either tired or sore eyes. I am on Cycle 5 of chemo- Gemcitabine.

I wondered if anyone else had suffered this ?

It is not a major issue and it is usually worse in the late evening when I assume I must be tired and I go to bed.

I could be more tired than I realise or is it my chemo ?


Hi Roy i can't remember having sore eyes when I was on gemictabine but the chemo is accumulative and I did get very tired three quarters way through the six month course. Would be worth asking the nurses on Monday. Sue.x


Hi Roy, I had 4 months of GemCap last year, but no problems with my eyes. I was however more tired for the first 24 hours than with Folfirinox!

Hope you get it resolved.




Thanks for your replies. I will ask on Monday when I go for Day 8 chemo.


F.A.O. of Sue ( Sones),

How do you know I am at chemo on Monday ?


Lol I'm not psychic Roy It was the nurses on this site I was referring to.x


Roy, hi yes James gets sore eyes and some problems with focussing, on the day after chemo. He has Abraxane

And Gemcitabine and the day after is when he gets it and then by the next day it is usually improved. He has told the hospital and although they hadn't come across this before have recorded it and ask for James' feedback each time.

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow. Fiona X

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