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Hi, Sorry to bore you all again with my problems, but I will. No one else listens ! I have been struggling with my first 3 months of chemo - Gemcitabine. My haemaglobin levels have been low throughout and the wonderful support nurses on here, Jeni, have been telling me I need a blood transfusion.

I did ask but my Dr's said not unless I go below 90. Well I went 87 the other week and got a transfusion (2 units). Oh boy do I feel good now. I went for chemo the other Monday and also this Monday and have been fine. I am due it next Monday and if I have that it will be the first time I have managed the course of 3.

It is not rocket science, is it ?


Hi RoyBoy, i've never needed a transfusion but gather the change is immediate. Must be a strange feeling to go from zero energy to feeling full of energy in such a short space of time. Good to hear the Gemcitabine is going well.



That is brilliant news. Pleased you feel so good. My dads levels were low quite often, and at one point they said he might need one. The change in him when his levels went up were amazing. Dad has never managed a full course and he was on Gemcitabine and Maestro trial. The cancer has still shrunk, so don't worry if you cannot complete a full course. Though I understand that you want to. Dad really wanted to complete one.

Hope you do it Roy.

Leila xx


Great to hear the transfusion helped you so much.

Keep on keeping on!

Julia x


Hi Royboy, Glad you are feeling well after you pint (of blood that is) and glad you were able to continue with your treatment, I have seen people come into treatment room looking very pale and interesting, and then after their infusion they go home with rosy cheeks feeling so much better. I hope you manage your 3 in a row this time, take care sandrax


Hi all,

Thanks for all your positive comments and support xx

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