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Hi there

Sounds good!! Onwards and upwards hopefully over the next 2 weeks.

Cathy xx

  • 3 weeks later...

Well we went back to see oncologist this week, beloved better but not strong enough for the fox looks as if its going to be gemcitabine and Abraxane at the end of month, we have also lost a stone in weight in two weeks turns out we are Diabetic go to our doctor Monday to get that sorted. Went to see the Consultant yesterday re The Gallblader bag, He took it off and what a dramatic change in beloved hes in no pain at all at the moment says hes golfing Sunday. Talking to the consultant re the bag and the billary sepsis, he turns rounds and says to us oh by the way theres a 30% fatality rate for what you have just gone through we both laughed no wonder I thought he was on deaths door . So that's the story so far, wonder what the next problem is going to be, will we start chemo at the end of the month, who knows.


Hi there,

Really hope your beloved got out on the golf course today.

My husband has been on Gemcitabine and Abraxane since January and has coped with each one slightly better. Our daughter is nearly finished her GCSE's, and back in January I was very worried he wouldn't be here for that, we are even thinking about a holiday now. So we think it's pretty good stuff!

Hopefully once they sort the diabetes he should start to put weight back on and you can both feel more positive.



Hi Nicki thanks for your experience, and yes he did go golfing yesterday he said it was good to get out for the day he did have a buggie and he dident come last. We have been to local doctors this morning re the diabetes, he took bloods and advised results in a couple of days and he said he thought we would be on some tablets *met* something or another(think Sandra as mentioned them) we would start on one a day first week then 2 second week and 3 a day from third week, let hope hes correct and we don't have to inject insulin. So food wise now looking for high fat and protein and low sugar, said before it will be a heart attack that gets us lol Nicki I hope your daughter does well with her exams I remember having to get the youngest a constent supply of ginger biscuits and lemon barley to keep her calm. Wacky


Hi Wacky.

Metformin will be the tablets. Hopefully they will mean he doesn't need to inject but, even if he does, fairly easy to do and not stingy.

Best of luck and good to hear about the golf.

Cathy xx


Hi Thanks for the link Didge. Ok been on metformin for three days only one a day at present but he says he feels like s..t and is cream crackered more than normal, also he keeps burping a lot, do you lovely people out there any ideaas? could it be his body getting use to the Metformin?



Does he have a lot of wind as well, or is it just burping?


Just burping no problems below bowels ok, feel for you re your dad and weight loss. were losing weight at a dramatic rate at the moment they say ours could be due to being diabetic now that's why on Metformin as he is eating.


That's good. Hope he can out weight on soon. My dad is still eating, in fact he eats more than I could manage. I always put weight on when I visit him. I know it makes men feel down when they are under weight. My dad won't let his girlfriend see him without a top on anymore. It is very sad.

We were told that burping and wind was due to gasses in his body. There is another word for it that Jeni told me, but can't remember it.


  • 2 weeks later...

Well here goes the essay. Went on Friday to see oncologist for bloods and hoping to start the chemo on Monday, pain back also. Tell you know not started chemo. We have it in the liver (we had found that out a month ago but never said anything as scan then was to see about lungs, lungs ok) Friday previous we had another scan. Results not back but oncologist looked at pictures and said liver showing something which she was sure was the C but not sure if infection and wanted to get that checked out as could not have chemo if infection all blood results not back but looking ok. Tumour pancrease as grown and CA19 now showing in his bloods 1650 So we go back this Friday. Tramadol is no more we are on Zomorph two 10mg capsules twice a day 12 hours a part and oramorph for break through and good old paracetamol This seems to be working if he takes when he feels pain coming on but this morning came down stairs to have a cig in pain said to him what you took answer nothing yet what can you do. Just started 3 a day metaformin 7.9 in morning 14.2 two hours after last meal at night so that's better that 23.6 when first tested. As for his leg strength last few days seem to have turned a corner says he feels a lot stronger and they aren't hurting so if that's to do with all infection from billary sepsis gone or diabetic tablets or new pain relief tablets not sure. Not put anymore weight on but not lost anymore so that's another bonus. Chemo to have if we start is Gemcitabine and Abraxane bit worried now though reinfection and what moderator as said re stent and infection on Bowies thread God I hope we don't get another infection again if we start Chemo will keep you posted. Hope everybody is enjoying the good weather and are feeling as well as they can x


Hi there I understand completely when you say he is pain but hasn't taken anything, Trevor did it when we were on holiday, he says "how can I know if its getting better if I take something to make it hurt less" so I say something along the lines of "so I have to put up with the moaning but you won't take anything!!" usually works. But joking aside its good he is feeling stronger, the Metformin can cause tummy pain, lets hope that getting his diabetes sorted helps him put weight back on, Trevor lost nearly a stone in 4 weeks but his was steroid induced diabetes, now his sugar readings are better he has put all his weight back on thank goodness. Lets hope the infection settles down and he get his treatment started take care sandrax


I hope you can start on your treatment soon, will be really interested in how it works as it is the same as James'. James hopefully gets his second week's treatment this week, but is still waiting for his CT report, taken 2 weeks ago last Monday. I know there are a lot of people with C, but it is really hard waiting. The private CT scan he had, approx £300 reported back that same day.

Thinking of you and everyone dies with this most terrible of diseases

Fiona X

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