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What to expect

Guest Barb (Canada)

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My Mom was diagnosed 7/3/2007 with Stage IV(a) PC in the body of the pancreas 6-8 months given. Biopsy scheduled for Monday coming. Results not for one week later and then hopefully scheduled chemo as part of a clinical trial. It is so worrying right now though as we have seen a significant decline in her health since diagnosis (only 3 weeks ago). She has gone from co-codomol twice per day to 5 ml of liquid morphine as needed effective today. Tremendous pain over the last two days. Is she even going to get enough time to take chemo ?

Mom was very positive on diagnosis but is now thinking she will not likely last 6 months and is very distraught. MacMillan nurses are being arranged to meet with her as soon as possible. As a caregiver how do you stop from being negative (i.e. expecting the worse) and just work through it? Or should we be expecting the worse?

I just wish we had some idea of how this is going to progress but I know that's not possible.

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Leslie Glegg

Hello Barb

So sorry to hear about your mother's diagnosis - how old is she?

When my sister was first diagnosed I found this website particularly helpful, especially the Patient Biography sections (she is "Anne, aged 49..." by the way). I managed to stay positive by learning as much as I could about pancreatic cancer so that I could help our parents understand what was happening.

It's hard to be strong & positive in your situation, I know, but you'll find the MacMillan nurses a tremendous support to you & your Mom.

Regards, Leslie

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I just got off the phone from my sister (5:30 a.m. Canada time), and she says my Mom has gone back to bed this afternoon (even with visitors there which is not like my Mom), and they have increased the morphine to 10 ml as the 5 ml wasn't relieving the pain.

I am a legal researcher so I have experience in research and I have researched PC tremendously through UK and US websites (i.e. this website and John Hopkins website). I found them all tremendously helpful and we are under the care of Prof. Neooptolemos which is comforting. However, my sister doubts my Mom can withstand the chemo.

I have decided to fly back to the UK tomorrow (March 29) as it is too hard to sit here and think that I may be missing short lived time with her.

Thanks for all your support.

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